「Chapter 2」

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The matters of sending girls to his room is not really a new thing, but every time he will just send them away.

This time unexpectedly someone is daring enough to send him a man!

Is it because they see that sending woman is just a waste, that they start to doubt his sexual orientation. So they try to send the other types?

Mu Yi Chen takes his phone out and dials a number.

“Leng Kun, hurry up come here! I’m…”

Leng Kun is his bodyguard and driver, he also his assistant, he is his right person.

A Jie’s heart is full of regret, it is because he is so greedy that he provokes someone he shouldn’t.

“Who send you here?”

Being in the business world for so long, he has quite lot of enemies. But only few of them will dare enough to do anything like this toward him.

“It’s a beautiful woman, I don’t know her. Ahyooo! Please forgive me, I really don’t know her identity. But she is really a beautiful woman, based on her appearance and personality, she could be a superstar. I think her name is Ms Zhao.

Mu Yi Chen frowns slightly, he just wants to know who wants to hurt him. This man is still praising her, it’s simply wasting his time!

“Where is he?”

“She is calling someone. She will be back soon.”

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“What color of clothes is she wearing?”

“Em…. should be a cream color coat.”


After the sound of the two bones being misplaced, a scream of pain was heard.

A Jie feels the pain. He is being hurt because he is the “helper”. Don’t know whether “the schemer” will be found or not. Whether she could keep her life.

It’s a pity to see that beautiful woman will lose her life.

This moment, Zhao Dong Han is still on the phone. She doesn’t know anything about what has happened inside.

The call is from her sister Zhao Xia Nuan, she is asking when Zhao Dong Han will come home. She is preparing midnight snacks for her.

Zhang Dong Han raises her wrist to see the time, she tells Zhao Xia Nuan to sleep early, she still has work to do. She will eat outside.

Since childhood, the one that really loves her, is only her older sister.

After chatting for a few minutes, Zhang Dong Han hangs up the phone. She places the phone inside her pocket and goes inside. She thinks that male prostitute should be done by now!

She turns her body and gets inside the room. She pushed the door.

When she is on the door, her left wrist is suddenly being held. He grips her wrist tightly. She is being dragged inside the room.

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Zhang Dong Han is surprised, she raises her head and sees Mo Yi Chen’s eyes.

Bad luck, he unexpectedly wakes up!

Is it because, she didn’t drug him with high doses?

That man’s black eyes gazes at her, it is so terrifying and cold.

She glances at A Jie, who is know on the ground, she immediately realizes that her plan is completely failed.

“Is it her?”

Mu Yi Chen asked A Jie.

A Jie raises his head and looks at Zhang Dong Han, he nods.

Zhang Dong Han tries to free her wrist and runs toward the door. Mu Yi Chen just follows her and pulls her. She retreats and being cornered to the wall.

She feels the pain and she raises her legs to kick Mu Yi Chen.

No matter how she wants to run away, now that she is in his grip, she couldn’t ran away.

Mu Yi Chen squinted his lips and easily escaped her attack. He hooked one of his leg to hers. When he sees that she is going to punch him, he just grabs it and presses it to her chest.

Zhang Dong Han tries really hard to attack him, she is surprised by his defense.

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She finally understands, no wonder this man doesn’t bring any bodyguards beside him. He could response quickly and have a great defense power. He could defend himself!

This time, a man with a black suit rushes inside the room. Behind him is several other people.

“Mister, are you okay?”

Noticing that Leng Kun is here, Mu Yi Chen nods. He looks at the male prostitute and said to Leng Kun: “Go out all of you!”


Being his assistant for a long time, Leng Kun understands what he means by “all of you”. He looks at how he presses that girl on the wall. He just drags that male prostitute out.

As he walks out, he couldn’t help but to wonder in his heart. It is heard that because of his mother, the young master has been extremely excluded from woman since his childhood. Since he be his assistant, it is the first time for him to see this young man, who previously always refuses woman, pressed a girl on the wall.

After the door is closed, inside the room is only two of them: Mu Yi Chen and Zhao Dong Han.

Mu Yi Chen looks at the woman in front of him. Very good, now if she dares to do it for getting his attention, now congratulation, now she is successfully reached her goal to get his attention.

Indeed she makes him feel “interested”, moreover, he will also never let her go.

He rarely sees woman face to face, yet this is the first time for him to see it seriously and detailed.

Zhang Dong An has a petite body. Today she is wearing a cream color coat. Inside she wears a pink shirt. Her hair is tied.

She is beautiful and her skin is really delicate. Her eyelashes are long and her eyes are so bright and shinning. But now her eyes are big and showing her panic expression.

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Under the pretty and tall nose, her lips are slightly open and gasping for air.

Well, it’s really no exaggeration that male cowherd said that she is a real beauty. This girl is really beautiful.

They are really in close proximity. A strong male scent lingers in her nose. This man is really terrifying, he is like a male lion who is going for hunting for his prey. He really has that feel that could made people that close to him to feel inexplicably afraid.

“It’s probably I went to the room. Mister, we don’t know each other. Could you let me go?”

It’s clear that they both have different strange. She could only barely lift her chin, squint, and pretend to say softly and innocent. She is thinking of ways to escape this situation.

Is she pretend to be silly with him?

Does she think that by showing this innocent face in front of him and put few words, she could deceive him and run away?

It’s too naive.

Looking at this seemingly innocent girl in front of him, he lowers his body and approach her. There is screaming flash of scary brilliance that she could feel radiate from this man. His nose touched her cheeks and he says: “Name!”

“Will you let me go if I say it out?”

Zhang Dong An silently controls her breath, she wants to let herself to be natural in speaking. She could feel the pressure from Mu Yi Chen.

“You want to talk about conditions with me?”

Mu Yi Chen snorts.

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