Systematic Director’s Tender Love 道路总裁轻点爱- Bai Qiu Lian 白秋练「Chapter 18」

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If he can, Mu Yi Chen really wants his former self to be persistent so he can forget this woman. He knows deeply that if he cares too deep he will be muddle-headed, like his father. He wouldn’t allow himself to be like him.

It’s just a pity, that it is too late.

Since Zhao Dong Han has her own person that she cares, then it will be her weak point. Don’t blame him to use it.

He wants to see until what steps she could sacrifice for Zhao Xia Nuan.

As long he could make Zhao Dong Han stays beside him, he could do anything.

Mu Yi Chen lowers his head and laughs bitterly. He doesn’t expect that there will be a day that he will be a schemer for wanting a woman that doesn’t love him.

He doesn’t know that woman is standing in front of the door of Mu company.

Zhao Dong Han has been standing there for ten minutes. She is confused whether she should get inside or not.

In front of her is a luxury lobby. There is a lot of people with suits walk around and keep on going in and out.

Afterwards, there are two blue-uniform security guard start to notice her with strange expressions. She just takes courage to step inside.

She hears from the receptionist that Mu Yi Chen’s office is in the top floor. She presses the elevator button and very quickly she arrives at the top floor. When she comes out, there is a secretary in front of her.

“Hello, I want to meet Mu Yi Chen.”

“Sorry, do you have any appointment?”

The secretary smiles politely and asks, after all she works as the secretary from a top company.

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Zhao Dong Han shakes her head.

“Please tell me your name and contact number, I will pass it to our director. If he has time, I will arrange time. Until that time, please wait for my call.”

“Couldn’t you call him now? I have some important thing to talk to him, I’m Zhao Dong Han.”

“Sorry, I’m not able to. Our company’s rule, for meeting director, there should be an appointment made first.”

No matter Zhao Dong Han says, the secretary is unwilling to help.

She can wait, but her sister can’t wait.

“Okay, then I will go first.”

It seems to meet this man, she needs an excuse.

Leng Kun comes out from the office room and just in time he notices Zhao Dong Han is leaving.

“Then Miss, what is she doing here?”

Leng Kun asks the secretary.

“She says she wants to meet Director Mu, but she has no appointment. She is also unwilling to tell me the reason of her coming. I just try to ask her to leave. This small matter we should not report to director.”

“I see, it’s better to ask.”

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The little secretary knows that Leng Kun is always careful and responsible in his work. He never likes to mind of little matters. Except if it’s related to Director Mu’s private matter.

“Hey, Brother Leng. Do you know?”

The little secretary couldn’t control her gossiping habit, and asked.

Director Mu is a God male model of the company. She had been working on two years. She never saw that the director with his girlfriend….

“If you could have your passion for work like your passion for gossip, you will definitely have a bright future!”

He says it then takes the phone.

“Mister, Ms Zhao Dong Han comes to see you. Because there is no appointment so she just left. We still have time to chase after her. Do you want me to chase her?”

“No need. If she comes again, just tell her I don’t want to see her!”


“Also, I remember I never tell you to check for Zhao Dong Han’s zodiac and hobby, who ask you to have so much guts to care too much? Your holiday this month will be cut three days. Don’t repeat this anymore!”


He put down the phone. Leng Kun passes Mu Yi Chen’s order to the receptions. He feels strange: Is he not interested in Zhao Dong Han? But if he doesn’t care, then why should he check on her? This month there will be only five days holiday, now he will only have two days of holiday.

Zhao Dong Han comes out of the laundry, she brings a white suit.

After leaving the company, she suddenly remembers the message. She could use this reason to meet Mu Yi Chen.

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Zhao Dong Han goes to the bar and takes the suit. Then she looks for a laundry store to wash it first.

This time, Zhao Dong Han takes the elevator again then meets the secretary again.

“Hello, I still want to meet Mu Yi Chen.

Although her boss ordered before that he doesn’t want to meet this lady, but she simply couldn’t directly pass it on. It’s impolite, she keeps her on being polite. She smiles:

“I’m sorry. Director Mu is busy right now. I’m afraid you couldn’t meet him.”


Zhao Dong Han’s big eyes blink for several times. Before the secretary clearly said that she would arrange the time of the meeting. Now it is full.

Is because of her appearance, is her appearance like a fraudster?

Probably it is because Mu Yi Chen doesn’t want to meet him. Luckily, now she is prepared.

Zhao Dong Han picks up the suit on her hand and shakes it in front of the secretary:

“This suit is Mu Yi Chen’s. I come over to send it to him!”

The secretary just realizes that thing.

Mu Yi Chen’s suits are designed my special designer. It is from a finest material.

Because of this, the secretary could recognize it is Director Mu’s suit. It seems that he wore this suit two days ago.

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So this lady is a laundry store’s boss!

The secretary feels that she gets a revelation. In her mind, she is thinking of melodramatic drama.

It’s probably when Director came to the laundry store, the lady likes him and tries to have interaction with him so she takes initiative to come and sends the suit for him.

Leng Kun also knows her because of this.

Em, it’s make sense.

The lady is pursuing Director. It’s a pity that Director is really harsh to his employees so she couldn’t help this lady.

“Director Mu now is really busy. You could leave the suit here. I can pass it to him.”

“No, I need to personally give it to him!”

Zhao Dong Han raises her head and persists.

This moment she doesn’t know that she is regarded as the female lead of the melodrama. She is thinking now of how she could meet Mu Yi Chen. She just finally gets the excuse of meeting for passing the suit, how could she just let the secretary passes it to Mu Yi Chen?

“I’m sorry, we couldn’t let you.”

They keep on chattering. Suddenly there is a voice: “Hey, girl, you want to meet Mu Yi Chen?”

Zhao Dong Han turns her head and looks at the man.

Zhao Dong Han doesn’t know him, but the secretary knows him. She hurriedly stands up and greets him: “Mr Xu, you are here.”

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