Systematic Director’s Tender Love 道路总裁轻点爱- Bai Qiu Lian 白秋练「Chapter 19」

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Xu Wen Xuan nods toward the secretary and turns his head to smile with Zhao Dong Han. Once again he asks:

“I’m Xu Wen Xuan, I’m Mu Yi Chen’s friend. Before I heard that you want to see him?”


Don’t know whether it is her illusion or not, but Zhao Dong Han feels that the smile of the man in front of her is somewhat suspicious.

“I can help you to meet him, but there’s a condition. As long as you tell me, how can his suit in your hand. I will bring you to meet him.”

The secretary is silent and nods. She also wants to know about it.

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me!”

Zhao Dong Han always hates people blackmailing him. Especially a man’s blackmail.

Hearing this, Xu Wen Xuan’s eyes expresses his admiration.

Because of his style and appearance, there is a few woman would reject him. This lady is really unique.

“Little woman, don’t you be so stubborn! If I don’t help you, how can you easily meet the director of Mu company.”

“I of course will have way to meet him. If I really couldn’t meet him, I could just sit here and wait slowly. He wouldn’t keep on staying inside and not leave right? If you want to know about the suit, you could directly ask your friend!”

If Mu Yi Chen will tell him directly, why should he ask her? She wouldn’t say anything, so Xu Wen Xuan becomes even more curious.

“A girl like, you are rare. Okay. I will help you once. Who asks me to be a generous man! Follow me!”

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“Sorry to trouble you.”

In this world, unexpectedly there is person that will compliment himself to be generous. It’s too much.

But, no matter how, she finally could meet that man.

Zhao Dong Han follows him and goes inside the director’s office room.

The secretary looks at Xu Wen Xuan and starts to stop them: “Mr Xu, Director Mu ordered….”

Xu Wen Xuan waves his hand:

“It’s okay, if there’s a problem I will take responsibility of it….”

Mu Yi Chen’s office room is really big. It’s decorated by the famous designer. It has a blue lamp chandelier and also being decorated with caramel-colored carpet. It is so grand. When she enters, she feels that she is taken back to the ancient king’s palace.

Mu Yi Chen is sitting down on the black chair with his back facing the door. He folds his legs and sits straight.

It’s the first time Zhao Dong Han sees his working style. She couldn’t help but to admit this man is charming and enchanting.

It’s just a pity. Behind the mask of graceful and elegant man, there is a cold and cruel side. It’s too wasteful for that handsome face of his.

Zhao Dong Han sighed silently.

“A Chen, I’m here.”

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Xu Wen Xuan greets him.

“Recently you are so free. At this time, you could come to my company.”

Mu Yi Chen doesn’t raise his head and just talked.

“Today I come here because I received uncle’s invitation. It’s written to invite me to attend you engagement party next month. Last time it was an oolong. This time it must be uncle’s own initiative?”

“The old man’s action is really quick….”

He finishes reading one material, then he raises his head. He suddenly notices a silent Zhao Dong Han, is standing behind Xu Wen Xuan.

“…….. How can you get in?”

Does he need to change his employees? Don’t they understand his order?

“Before I heard that she really wants to meet you so I just take her inside.”

Looking at the change of Mu Yi Chen’s face, Xu Wen Xuan feels this is really interested.

“You are a busy-body!”

“You know me. Every time I meet a beautiful woman, I will feel hard to not help. How did you know each other? This innocent and cute woman. If you are not interested, why don’t you introduce her to me?”

“You like her?”

Mu Yi Chen glances at him coldly and his voice sounds dangerous. The temperature feels cold and Xu Wen Xuan feels something is wrong. He doesn’t want to make trouble so he just be quiet.

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What’s the situation now? It’s just a joke. Usually he will also do it, why should A Chen be angry?

“That…. you guys can chat, no need to mind me.”

“You are thinking too much. Here no one will mind about you.”

Mu Yi Chen snorts coldly and looks at Zhao Dong Han:

“What is the purpose of Ms Zhao’s coming?”

Zhao Dong Han bits her lips and says bravely:

“I come to return your clothes.”

Mu Yi Chen stands up and walks toward her. He takes the suit and just directly throws it to the trash bin.

“I’ve received the clothes, you can go now.”

“Mr Mu, I have something to talk to you.”

“I remember that last time you clearly said to me that the time we meet again, we will regard each other as stranger. I have no interest to chat with stranger, I also don’t want to waste anymore of my time!”

Hearing that deep voice made Zhao Dong Han feels like she is being stabbed.

In the past whenever she met him, he will always be arrogant and cold, but he never be like now. He dislikes her and wants to kick her out.

Zhao Dong Han feels wronged, she couldn’t’ understand this feeling.

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But she understands that she shouldn’t give up because she is her sister’s last hope.

Mu Yi Chen says it then goes back to his office table. Suddenly he stands rigid because someone clutches his arm.

“Even we are stranger, but we can get to know each other again. Right? Please give me five minutes. I will go when I’m done.”

Zhao Dong Han soften her voice and shakes his arm. She looks pitifully toward him.

It’s not a waste for her to have ever watched that melodrama. For getting what she wants, she doesn’t mind to be a miserable girl.

Wait until this matter is solve, she wouldn’t mind him anymore.

It’s a rare chance to hear to be this soft, Mu Yi Chen’s heart turns soft.

She is trying to trick him again? She thinks that acting like this will be useful?

He almost agrees, but he tries to press it.

Okay, it’s really hard to resist her.

He doesn’t want to be an idiot.

He looks at Xu Wen Xuan.

Ah, Mu Yi Chen unexpectedly let a woman holds him. This woman, if someone else, he will definitely shakes her hand away immediately.

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