「Chapter 5」

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Hi, guys.

I read some chapters in this book in advance before translation, and I found that this book will be quite long and both male and female lead tends to be stubborn because it is their first time to fall in love. Mu Yi Chen could be seen as a forceful man, yet in the same time he loves Zhao Dong Han and will try so hard to let her stay beside him without giving up his dignity. I don’t know whether you guys could bear the first half of the book, but as I read further of the second half, the story turns so sweet.

This chapter is a beginning of their relationship, it could be seen as forced, yet it at the same time, we could blame of inexperienced nature of the male-lead. I will leave the interpretation for you……


88 Tang


The out of control Mu Yi Chen, is extremely dangerous, but at the same time it emits out a deadly attraction. She has never experienced this, she can’t stand his passion. Her body starts to turn hot, her heart was beating fast.

Two people are unfamiliar with each other, but at the same time, they are in contact so close and do what lovers do.

This moment, the feeling of fear, uneasiness and uncomfortableness flocked her heart.

At first, Mu Yi Chen really just wanted to punish her.

But her lips and tongue are really sweet. When he kisses it, it is so enchanting. He can’t let her go. Mu Yi Chen’s body is burning. He feels like an oasis in the dessert. As long as he hugs her in his arm, the hotness will disappear immediately. The cool and comfortable feeling made him wants to hold this girl tighter. There is one remaining thought, that is being together with her.

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He holds her wrists on his hand and uses his other hand to take off her hair band.

Her long hair is black and splayed open. She is so enchanting. He smiles, he hates that he couldn’t just suck her in and let her belong to him forever.

Her eyes are bright and her eyelashes blinks without stop. She is looking at him.

Her expression is really enchanting, his heart couldn’t endure it.

He continues to deepen the kiss and doesn’t let her go. Zhao Dong Han bites his lips.

She already can taste a hint of blood, but he still keeps on kissing her.

In while they heard a cute funny English song.

“It’s my phone.”

She struggled to be free, and grumbled something.

Mu Yin Chen frowns takes and he takes out a phone from her coat and immediately throws it away.

The phone falls down to the place near the table, it falls to the ground and stops ringing.

He kisses her lips again until he is satisfied and let her go.

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When she is free, she immediately yells: “Let me go, you bastard!”

Mu Yi Chen straightened her body and let her go.

Zhao Dong An just about to be relieved, but she notices he slowly takes off his suit and throws it on the side. He takes off his necktie and belt.

She sits up from the sofa and ran quickly toward the door. When she just took two steps, she is stopped and fell into the sofa.

“You want to run away?”

That man says it coldly. His voice is hoarse.

Her coat is taken off and threw to the ground.

He extends his hand and starts to unbutton her shirt. When he unbuttons two of them, he starts to be impatient. He just tears it open.

The cool fingertip slid down from her neck. Under the control of the drug, he couldn’t control the pressure of his finger until it leaves a trace of light red mark. She uses both her hands and legs to drive him away. She is sweating but she still can’t escape his claws.

She is panic, she really wants to fight it all out. But she has no energy and just can let him be.

The tears slid down her eyes, her teeth bite her lips. She doesn’t want to make any sound. Her fair is sticked close to her forehead and clung to her pink cheeks.

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Her appearance not only seemed to provoke his sympathy, but it inspired this man to bully her.

“It hurts!”

In the moment her body was suddenly felt as it was being pierced, the pain stroke her and she screamed.

That scream let him stop for a while.

How can he, his rational has been swallowed up buy the strong feelings. So when his clear-mindedness only lasts for a few seconds and once again he is dragged into the abyss of desire.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind — he wants her, he will not let her go.

Even there is an earthquake or tsunami, he also will not let her go.

His wide palm lifted her soft cheek and he kissed her forehead lightly. Then takes her to his embrace, then he doesn’t want to let her go………..

All night, Zhao Dong Han is being tossed and turned by him for several times. At last he lost his energy too.

So many times, she thought they will be done soon and she could rest. But in sleepiness when she wants to sleep, once again he takes her like the drug inside him is so strong.

This stubborn woman frequently named to be “Little Tormenter”, she doesn’t expect this moment is worst than her.

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Then she asked him: “It’s enough okay? It’s been so many times!”

He just snorts and holds her close.

Inside her heart, she keeps on scolding him: “Bastard! Inhuman! Rogue!”

How could she have a really bad luck! If she knows this, she will not drug, it is clearly idiotic way!

After several moments finally Mu Yi Chen feels satisfied and hugs her to sleep. Zhao Dong Han looks at the ceiling without any energy left and finally she curls in his embrace and sleep.

The time she is awake, the sky is bright. She looks around confusedly and notices it isn’t her room. After several seconds, she just remembered what did happened last night.

She turns her head and notices the man that tormented her last night is gone. It is only her inside the room.

She sat up and feel the pain.

On her body is a white shirt, it seems that she wears his clothes.

Hypocrite! Who wants to wear your shirt!

She throws the shirt away, then takes her own shirt to cover her body. When she lowers her head to see her body, she finds a lot of love bites.

Zhao Dong Han sits on the sofa for a long time, and her tears fall down.

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