「Chapter 6」

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Then what should she do? Does she need to come and fight with him? It’s very clear that she couldn’t win over him.

Can she sue him? If think about it, it was her who drugged him, it is herself who looks for trouble!

How about to have a retribution? Em, she should make retribution, after all she is in disadvantage position.

But this time her mistake had made her lost big, he also much cooler and scarier than what she imagines. Maybe she could take revenge after a long consideration.

The thing happened last night had created a great attack for her. It is her first time to have an intimate relationship with a man.

Although she usually doesn’t care about anything or anyone other than her sister, but she still considers this matter to be important.

It doesn’t mean that she didn’t have any boyfriend before. Yet even during her three years relationship with her first boyfriend Ou Yang Tian, they only held hands and kissed. They never went until that steps.

During their date, he would hug her tightly and said: “I will let you go for now, wait until we are married, then I will sort you out”

Knowing that he is on control also understand it is his way to respect and be considerate of her. She remembered that time she blushed and turned her head to give him a simple kiss on his cheek.

Remembering Ou Yang Tian, Zhang Dong Han felt so sad.

Ou Yang Tian is her first love. It started with a hot passion love and it ended with an unimaginable pain. It was changed rapidly to the extent, he didn’t have give her any reasons then just disappeared.

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She treasured her innocent for several years. At first she imagined to give it to the one that she loves and loves her. In her imagination it will be sweet and completely different from previous night with that Mu Yi Chen. He was rough.

She suddenly remembers. She has been here for a long time, why there is no one who call her out? It should be Mu Yi Chen’s man didn’t let anyone to come in.

Zhao Dong Han stands up and picks her clothes one by one. She notices her shirt and underwear are torn. Even with Mu Yi Chen’s jacket draped on her shoulder, she also has no way to come out in this stae.

Se looks at her phone. Her phone is on the ground and broken, she couldn’t use it anymore.


She curses Mu Yi Chen inside her heart, then goes to the telephone on the table. She calms herself down and gives Zhao Xia Nuan a call.

“Sis, last night I worked till late. I slept at the office. You certainly call me yesterday right, my phone is broken. I will buy another one. Em, don’t worry, I’m okay.”

She hung up, then dialed her best friend’s phone.

After twenty minutes, Jiang Wei rushed over.

Jiang Wei is Zhao Dong Han’s college mate. She is her best friend. Her temper is calm and peaceful.

When Jiang Wei opens the door for her and notices that she only wears a jacket and tore shirt, and sat down on the carpet. Jiang Wei sees her to be so miserable.

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When Zhao Dong Han head a footsteps, Zhao Dong Han raises her head. Jiang Wei notices her lips are swollen, her eyes still have a hint of tears. Between her neck and arms there are a lot of love bites.

Although Zhao Dong Han didn’t say anything on the phone, and just asked to buy some clothes for her. But looking at this scene, she could make a guess.

“Do you need me to help you to report to the police.” Jiang Wei asked.

Zhao Dong Han shook her head.

Jiang Wei locks the door and passes the paper bag to her: “Then change your clothes first.”

Zhao Dong Han nods and be thankful that in every mishap, Jiang Wei always be there with her and never looks surprised. If she calls her other best friend, Lu Jia Qi, she will be shocked and yells around and couldn’t be quiet.

Zhao Dong Han takes it and goes to the restroom.

She tidies up her hair and covered herself with a thick make up. She changes her clothes and goes out.

Jiang Wei sighs, then asks: “What happened?”

“I slept with him.”

Zhao Dong Han lowers her head, her mood is low.

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“Didn’t you say that you will look for a male prostitute to sleep with him? How could it be you?”

“It’s all started smoothly but at last it was a mistake.” The culprit was being tricked back by the victim, possibly if this went out, then it will be a humor for everyone.

“So since the beginning I told you, you couldn’t play around with this type of man. It will be failed, but you are not listening to me.”

“I didn’t think that it will be like this.”

She didn’t consider what if her plan fail. She also didn’t expect that he will take revenge this way.

“You a, always worries about other people, you never consider yourselves. These years you always take a blame, take responsibility; Someone doesn’t like to do business, you take initiative to work at the company. Someone doesn’t want to marry Mu Yi Chen, you look for a way to cancel it. At last you slept with that man. If in the future, she is afraid of the hurt of giving birth, would you help her to give birth to a baby? Doing these lot, is it worthy?”

Hearing these, Zhao Dong Han raises her head. She looks at the ceiling. She said:

“Xiao Wei, don’t say it anymore. You know it. She is precious to me. If that time I didn’t meet her, then there will no the current me. As long she can be happy, I don’t care what should I do. I even don’t care about others.”

“Stupid girl.”

“Let’s go, I need to go back to the company to handle some matters.”

She is tired yet but she still needs to go to work.

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In the office.

“Assistant Zhao, your face doesn’t look well today. Are you okay?”

The human resources manager, Zhu Qie, passes a hot tea for her. He worries about her.

“I’m okay.”

Zhao Dong Han forces a smile.

“These files about the new employees. I put it here. Please go through it when you have free time. If you are feeling unwell, then just go home to rest! Your health should be your first priority.”

“I will.”

They finished their chat and got to work.

This moment Mu Yi Chen was sitting down inside his office in Mu company’s top floor. He is not really concentrating with his work.

Leng Kun took a file inside his office room, he said to Mu Yi Chen said: “Mister, this please sign this one first.”

“Em, just put it down first.

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