Systematic Director’s Tender Love 道路总裁轻点爱- Bai Qiu Lian 白秋练「Chapter 7」

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Leng Kun notices that today Mister seems to be different from his usual self.

Throughout the morning, he is clearly not really focused. When he instructed to do something, Leng Kun notices there is trace of harmony in his cold eyes.

It’s so strange, there should be something happened last night that could make Mister happy.

Is it because of that lady? After Mister asked us to leave, he stayed with that lady inside the room, and came outside when it’s morning.

Moreover the main point is, when he came out, his clothes were not proper as it used to be, his hair also was also a mess.

The important point also his coat is gone.

Leng Kun is two years older than Mu Yi Chen, he is quite experienced in romance.

A single man and a single woman being together that long, it wouldn’t be hard for him to guess what had happened.

If Mister could do this earlier, Old Master wouldn’t be so worry.

When Leng Kun is still thinking, a man opens the door. That man has a pair of narrow eyes and his thin lips are forming a smile.

“Mr Xu, you are here.”

Looking at Mister’s best friend is here, Leng Kun greets him hurriedly.

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Xu Wen Xuan replies then immediately goes to the office’s table. He yawned.

“How could you come to the company these early, couldn’t you learn how to enjoy life!”

Mu Yi Chen doesn’t raise his head and just said: “Sit down for a while, I still have some works to do.”

Xu Wen Xuan doesn’t mind about him anymore, he goes to the fridge and takes a can of coca-cola. Then he sits down on the sofa.

Knowing that they want to chat about something, Leng Kun turns his body and goes outside.

After ten minutes, Mu Yi Chen finally closes the folder on his hand.

“Say it, what do you want?”

He knows probably something has happened, if not this Xu Wen Xuan wouldn’t look for a time like this to look for him.

“A Chen, this is today’s newspaper. Read it.”

Xu Wen Xuan passes the newspaper, his eyes clearly shows that he is waiting for a good response.

Mu Yi Chen sweeps a glance at the headline.

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“Boring! You come here for this? Is it worthy?”

“Please! This news wrote about the sole heir of Mu company will have a marriage based on business relationship! You are the male lead, shouldn’t you come out and explain about this? Your engagement is a big thing, even I, who is your best brother, don’t know about this. Isn’t it too bad!”

Xu Wen Xuan opened his eyes big and seemed to be dissatisfied about it.

“But it’s just a gossip, don’t you know my personality well?”

Mu Yi Chen drinks his coffee gracefully and says in calmly.

“So it’s just a rumor! I already tell them, you are a workaholic, how could you suddenly have a girlfriend and will have a marriage!

But the media had never made a rumor about you, so the first time I read it I believe it. If it’s Guan Yu, or Chen San, they keep on changing their girlfriends, and media keeps on reporting they will have wedding soon, then I will definitely will not believe it.”

Xu Wen Xuan is disappointed that there will be no exciting news that he will get. He said: “However it is written that the news is from your father. Maybe it’s really a decision from Uncle Mu. I think you better call him and ask.”

Upon hearing this, Mu Yi Chen folded his hand:”Even it’s the old man’s intention, it’s his self-assertion. It is absolutely impossible that I will agree!”

“Actually I don’t really blame Uncle Mu for worrying. You keep on hanging out with us everyday, but you never bring any girl home. If I don’t know, I will probably think that you have a sexual orientation problem!”

“Do you want to die? Why should I mess with a woman that I don’t like!”

Chief Mu glares at his friend, his eyes are serious.

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“Look at me and A Yu, A Shan. We have changed girlfriends. You even haven’t had any girlfriend. It’s really a waste for your handsome face. I also have a pity toward those girls that pursue you. Ay, the beauty of woman, how could a virgin like you understand!”

Mu Yi Chen pointed at his door:

“You little kid! Why are you keep on saying nonsense thing today? Don’t you have businesses to attend today? Look at the time now, why don’t you go to work?”

“Okay, I will go back now.”

After Wen Xuan leaves, Mu Yi Chen picks up the newspaper on the table and looks at the headlines: “Mu and Zhao’s marriage”.

Mu Yi Chen is a full-time workaholic. He is a strict one with his subordinates, but he also be a role model for them and be meticulous in his work. He has a habit of getting up early and be the first person to go to company every day. His today’s achievement is because of his hard work.

This morning, he woke up as usual. The time he moved, he noticed the naked sleeping beauty in his embrace. He suddenly remembered what had happened last night.

After being together the whole night, it was clear that she was really tired.

When he woke up, she was still curled up in his embrace and slept. Her sleeping face let him to unable to be enchanted by it.

He lightly moved her to the side and prepared to stand up and wear his clothes. Because they didn’t have any blanket. When suddenly Zhao Dong Han lost the warm embrace, she frowned and trembled.

Although there was a heater inside the room, but the coldness of morning still could pass through the window.

Her white skin was full of his mark, it was his “masterpiece”. He frowned and said: “This woman is a troublemaker!”

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He took his coat and covered her.

He opened the door and looked that Leng Kun had stood there and waited for him.

He didn’t care about Leng Ku’s eyes expression, he just said: “Tell them, that before the person inside came out. They are not allowed to disturb her.” Then he rushed to the company.

He doesn’t know what is the feeling of having other women, but for Zhao Dong Han, indeed she is a beautiful and really tastes good. It is a match for his taste.

In the past, no matter how his best friends praised women, he never really cared about it. But since encountering her, he could understand it.

The phone rings inside the room, he answers it: “Hello.”

“Son, there is a good news I want to share to you…”

“Not interested.”

Mu Bai Chao understands his son very well, he automatically ignores his indifferent attitude and continued to talk: “Have you read the news? Papa has arranged a good marriage deal for you. The other party is the daughter of Zhao company.”

“No need! Don’t talk again with the reporters next time.”

No matter what his father talk, he will not agree to it.

He has already made a decision. If one day he wants to get married, it should be because he wants to be together with that woman, not because of business.

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