Tempered Immortal

Chapter 10

Since he was a foundation building expert, Zhang Yu’s

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was sure to have even more treasure…. Lin Xuan found quite a

bit of treasure within that storage belt, the first thing he found was

20 low-grade spirit stones, which to him was a huge amount.

Then he found 10 more spirit seal, and surprisingly there were two

mid-grade seals, and then there were also the pills, as well as once

top-grade spirit stone, which made the always calm Lin Xuan’s eyes

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to fill with surprise because even to a foundation building expert

top-grade spirit stones were rare.

After obtaining the treasures of Zhou Yan and Zhang Yu, Lin Xuan’s wealth can be said to rival that of any foundation building expert in the valley. In the storage belt, he also found a defensive treasure, which appeared as a small vest, it was woven out of an unknown material but its defense was incomparable, seeing this defensive treasure, Lin Xuan immediately put it on.

After doing all this, Lin Xuan sits cross-legged, and begins to inspect his physical condition, because in comparison to the contents of the belt and bracelet, the real treasure was the ebony box containing the shell, Lin Xuan however did not know what its effect was, but to make Zhou Yan kill her own master, the value became obvious.

The memories from yesterday were still fresh, so he clearly remembered that the blue lights had gone inside his body, after which the shell had withered away, those blue lights were the key to cracking the mystery.

Lin Xuan after looking over his veins and heart, finds no problem, so he decided to handle this like a puzzle, and begins to plan. Firstly, he decides to determine whether the blue lights were harmful or beneficial, so after deciding his course of action Lin Xuan begins to slowly examine his body.

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As he does this he finds that there are no obvious changes in his body, so he sends his consciousness into his dantian and his meridians to examine the passageways, however, it was in his dantian that he the change………

After looking into his dantian, he finally finds those blue lights again revolving slowly like stars in the center of his dantian, looking the same as they did when they first came out of the shell.

It is somewhat unexpected, but not unreasonable, so Lin Xuan’s surprise quickly fades away and he begins to closely examine the blue lights, and even after examining them for a long time he finds no changes.

Unable to crack the mystery of the lights, Lin Xuan hesitates a it, then decides to try gathering a tiny bit of spirit power into his dantian, and carefully controls it to touch one of the blue lights.

Of Course before doing so, he has made various plans, to prepare for anything that may go wrong, but there was no effect and the thin thread of spirit power went right through the blue light.

How can that be?

Things didn’t go how he planned, but Lin Xuan is not a rash person, and he comes to the conclusion that the use of these blue lights is not something he can figure out right away, and will need time to understand.

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Most young people would be impetuous, but Lin Xuan in comparison to the others of his age, appears to be very mature, and somewhat experienced.

After failing in his first attempt, Lin Xuan decided to try again later, and after resting for a bit, went to eat food, his first meal since his ordeal the day before.

After his short breach, he once again started to once again research those blue lights, trying everything he can think of to try and get a reaction out of those lights, however the secrets to those lights are not easily found and even after working from morning until it was dark out, he still has made no progress.

Lying in bed, Lin Xuan carefully goes over all the things he tried and after a while he decides that it will take even more time than expected to figure out the secret behind those lights.

Over the next few days, Lin Xuan resumed his normal life, cultivating every day, as he did not want to draw attention, but is secretly always studying the blue lights.

Other than checking his meridian and dantian, Lin Xuan was also carefully take notes of his body condition, in case that there are any changes over time due to the lights, but he was disappointed as there was no change as usual, and even his cultivation speed was still as slow as ever., Lin Xuan eventually started to think  that the lights were much like himself and had no ability.

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However Lin Xuan did not truly give up, as these blue lights are definitely a rare treasure, he just lacks the understanding to use them, so continues his slow research.

Eventually rumors started to float around Cloud Valley that Zhang Yu and  Zhou Yan were missing, and since Zhou Yan was one of the top three spirit gathering disciples her disappearance gathered a lot of attention, as for Zhang Yu, who was a mid-stage foundation building expert could not be called one of the pillars of the school, but he was still one of the important elders, and for him to disappear with no reason at all, was a worrying matter to the school.

Under the orders of leader Yun He many foundation building and spirit gathering disciples were sent out to try to figure out what happened to those two.

However after seeing the response of the school, Lin Xuan was not worried, and for several days he acted as if none of this concerned him, but he was quietly paying close attention o the matter, as it was obvious from the leader’s response that he cared about the life and death of Zhang Yu and Zhou Yan, and mentioned nothing of the shell. That Zhou Yan had dared to kill her teacher to obtain that treasure, proved to him that they had not been sent by the school to retrieve the treasure, and they had gone out in secret to obtain it.

After confirming his suspicions, Lin Xuan relaxed greatly, because as long as Cloud Valley cannot trace the whereabouts of the Shell Treasure, he had nothing to worry about. As for the corpses, Lin Xuan did not believe that anyone could discover them, and even if someone were to discover them, no one would ever suspect a disciple with no spirit root could kill them.

He was safe.

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