Tempered Immortal

Chapter 9

As Lin Xuan happily collected his treasure, he though

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realized that that vicious senior sister apprentice really was

pretty rich. He found six low-grade spirit stones from the storage

bracelet, two spirit tools , a few talismans, and a jade bottle.

After opening the bottle, a fragrance drifted out, and inside the bottle

laid two white purifying essence pills.

These talismans, refer to spirit seals, which contain specifi

c spells, and when broken can instantly release them, without expending

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any spirit power, however making them is very difficult as it costs a large

amount of spirit power and it is not always successful, making these

seals pretty valuable.

Lin Xuan took count, and found the had a total of seven seals with various elements.

Of course, the most valuable thing he got were the spirit tools, as they were valuable to even foundation building experts, spirit tools were truly treasures, and this Zhou Yan even had two of them, one of which was the one she used to kill her master, it appeared to be a jade cord that was about one foot in length, but with the ability to grow freely with the use of spirit power, with the ability to bind the enemy.

In addition, there was also the flying sword, which was a weapon spirit tool, holding the sword appreciatively, Lin Xuan felt unable to put it down as high-grade spirit tools were truly powerful.

Unfortunately for him, cultivation was too low, and he would need to cultivate to the fourth layer of spirit gathering to control spirit tools, Lin Xuan finally put away all the stuff he gained back into the storage bracelet. He feels satisfied, since the rewards he gained was no less than the risk he took.

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As he was about to leave he remembered Zhang Yu, who being a foundation building expert, must have even more treasure. As he was turning away, he suddenly froze as his gaze fell onto Zhou Yan’s left hand, even in death, her hand was tightly clenched on the small ebony blox.

Zhou Yan, for this treasure, even went as far as to kill her master…just was kind of treasure did it contain?

Pondering for a moment, Lin Xuan walks over and pulls away the small box from her dead hand, rather than opening it immediately, he placed it on the ground and took seven steps away from the box. Grabbing a nearby branch, he carefully opens the lid, Swish, several small arrows shoot out from within the box, moving impossibly fast, if he had opened in his hands, even if his cultivation was high, it would have been hard to escape.

The small arrows after hitting a nearby tree, and within moments the tree began to quickly wither, Lin Xuan looks on upon all this without batting an eyelid, and maintains his usual expression, he expected such a valuable treasure to have some sort of defense.

Even though the lid was now open, still he did not approach the box, but rather he waited for ten minutes, and only after determining that there was no more danger did he carefully pick up the box. As he looked inside the box, Lin Xuan’s face quickly becomes one of shock… inside the box was a fist-sized shell.

Holding the shell in his hand, Lin Xuan hesitated a little, then carefully began to open the shell, as the true treasure should be within.

This was no ordinary shell, as there were no pearls within, and blue light began to spill out from within, those points of light floated up and began to rotate slowly, making them look like the stars in the sky.

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Lin Xuan’s face wrinkled in a frown, as he could not figure out what they were…so he decided to put it away and study it later, but as he tried to close the shell, the little stars began to spin faster and faster, then as they began to him, he began to feel that they were dangerous and tried to run away, but before he could even get two steps away they lights all converged on his body.

Pain! From head to toe, Lin Xuan felt like every inch of his skin was tearing apart, and fell to the ground, his consciousness gradually fading away and then passing out, as the light fades away the canyon slowly goes back to normal, and nothing out of the ordinary is left other than the passed out boy.


Early the next morning, as the sun projected its warmth onto the earth, a low groan was heard as Lin Xuan slowly opened his eyes, looking up into the sky, Lin Xuan remembers that when he became unconscious it was obviously noon… did he sleep all day and night?

Sitting up, he found that the unbearable pain had completely disappeared, but even after sleeping for so long he felt tired.

As he carefully begins to examine his physical condition, he finds that his arms and feet are numb, but nothing else was strange, making the day before seem like a dream…

Lin Xuan sits quietly for a while, then without a word goes over to Zhou Yan’s corpse, and with feelings of disgust he tosses her into the previous pit, then he goes over to where Zhang Yu’s

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corpse was left behind, he gathers up his equipments  and his storage belt, and quickly prepares to leave without going over the contents of the belt.

He quickly drags the body over to the pit.

“No matter what you grievances in life, you died as a light, so i hope you don’t mind this grave.” After the quick prayer, Lin Xuan begins to fill in the pit and begins to carefully removes all traces, after a while he looks it over.

“Good, after this i doubt anyone could find out that two cultivators are buried here.”

After all this is done, Lin Xuan no longer delays, and quickly returns to Cloud Valley, and despite everything that has just happened, outwardly he looks the same as always, even on the road back as he was insulted or greeted by other disciples there was no change in his demeanor.

In this way, Lin Xuan returned to his residence, then quickly began to go around shutting all the doors and windows, and he soons begin to count his treasures after taking out Zhan Yu’s storage belt.


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