Tempered Immortal

Chapter 273


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With a gentle shout from Yue’er, the insect cloud formed from the ghost fog immediately swept towards the enemy.


A trace of surprise flashed across Zhao Shouguang’s face, and then he sneered. He patted the storage bag and took out a blue gourd.


The gourd was only the size of a fist. It looked ordinary on the surface, but the Death Scholar held it in his hand with an expression of love.


A magic spell was mobilised, and numerous strange dark green flames surged out from inside it.


Yue’er’s face remained unmoved. Her magic spell that turned the mist into insects was comprehended from the Profound Demon Scripture. Although it couldn’t be said to be incomparably powerful, how could an ordinary flame be able to match it?


She pointed at the green flames, and the buzzing sound of the cloud of insects resounded loudly.




When the two collided, the momentum of the insect cloud slowed down, and then they began to burn. Yue’er’s expression changed, and Zhao’s face was full of ridicule. This gourd was not an ordinary treasure. It took him a lot of effort to obtain it when he participated in a trade fair in a secret city, and it cost him nearly ten thousand Spirit Stones.


At such a high price, he could even buy a low-grade Magic Artifact. It could be seen how extraordinary the gourd was.


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It was said that it was made by the hands of a Weapon Refining Master.


And this master had always only refined Magic Artifacts. Things like Spirit Tools, he didn’t bother with them at all. In his whole life. Only three of them were refined. The Green Gourd was one of them.


The Green Ghost Fire that was sealed within it was made from the flames obtained from hundreds of thousands of feet deep in the ground and supplemented with several treasures of heaven and earth. Although its power was not comparable to that of the Golden Core Fire of the Core Formation Stage, it was still astonishing.


Back then, when he was only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, he had used this flame to kill many cultivators whose cultivation base was more profound than his.


The girl in front of him had a ghost body, so treasures of the fire attribute should have a restraining effect towards her.


A cruel smile appeared on Zhao Shouguang’s face. He took a deep breath, and massive amounts of spiritual energy poured into the gourd crazily. All of a sudden, the density of the green ghost fire was several times stronger than before. In the blink of an eye, all the insects were swept away by it. Then the flames mopped towards Yue’er.


Crack! Crack! Crack!. The crackling sound reached Yue’er ears, and the ghost fog that covered her body was unable to resist the spiritual fire. It was originally dark as ink. But now it was turned red by the light of the fire.


In less than thirty seconds. The evil mist was burnt out, and Zhao Shouguang’s face was full of excitement. Then he looked at the place where the abnormal phenomenon occurred just now and was about to move forward.


Before he could move, he suddenly patted the storage bag as if he felt something. A talisman flew out and turned into a yellow light barrier which wrapped him inside it.


Almost at the same time, a sharp whistling sound came through the air, and a black sharp light pierced the protective film.


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Zhao Shouguang felt a sweet iron taste in his throat and was sent flying tens of feet away.


“Supreme Spirit Tool!”


His face was full of malice, there was also a trace of shock. He looked fiercely at the girl who appeared in mid-air and said, “how did you escape? Shouldn’t you be burned to ashes by the Green Ghost Fire? “


Yue’er snorted. She didn’t answer the man’s question. In the earlier situation, if it was an ordinary cultivator at Foundation Establishment Late-Stage, even if they didn’t die, their skin would be peeled off. However, what she had learned comes from the Profound Demon Scripture, and it could be said that she hails from the same sect as the Extreme Demon Venerable.


Moreover, unlike [Young Master], who had only learned a few Secret Arts and Magic Spells that were suitable for him, she had studied them step by step and followed this scripture thoroughly.


And with the improvement of her cultivation base, she realized the extraordinariness of this scripture even more.


The Secret Arts recorded in it were not only extremely powerful but also extremely ingenious. For example, the escape skill she had just performed was called the Silent Ghost Shadow, and she used it to escape from the sea of ​​flames without being noticed.


Yue’er restrained her aura and had planned to give him a fatal blow when he was careless. But she didn’t expect to be blocked by him with his cleverness.


Seeing that Zhao Shouguang had recognized the origin of the dagger in her hand, Yue’er’s face became more gloomy. She looked at the yellow light barrier of the other party, with a flash of regret in her eyes.


“Earth-Tier Magic Spell?”


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A blow from a Spirit Tool at the supreme grade was by no means a trivial one. An ordinary Human-Tier Talisman could easily tear apart the defensive light barrier of two or three high-level Magic Spells. There was only one possibility that the opponent would be able to block it. The other party had used a spiritual Talisman at the Earth Tier!


The two looked at each other and both had scruples in their hearts. The other’s magical powers and treasures were too unexpected!


Of course, Yue’er wouldn’t make the first move. She just wanted to stall for time. She would buy time for [Young Master] to refine the Golden Core. Once he finished his cultivation in seclusion, the enemy in front of him would not be a threat.


So Yue’er was not in a hurry at all. She was just on her guard.


Zhao Shouguang was not an idiot either. A mere female ghost was already so difficult to deal with, the master’s power could be inferred from this. It was needless to say that the other party had succeeded in condensing the Golden Core, and even if he failed, he might not be able to deal with him.


Every minute he delays, the more dangerous for him it gets.


Now there were two choices. One was to leave, and the other was to continue fighting.


After hesitating for a while, the scholar-like man chose the latter. Human beings were greedy. The greater the risk, the greater the profit. The other party had such a great ghost as a maidservant, his extreme wealth can be imagined.


To put it bluntly, Zhao Shouguang was an independent robber among the cultivators. Killing and robbing treasures had made him taste countless benefits. How could he miss the good opportunity placed in front of him?!


But he had to finish the battle as soon as possible.

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With a flip of his hand, he took out a talisman and looked at it carefully. Zhao Shouguang’s face faintly showed reluctance.


This talisman was bought at a high price by him. It had an unimaginable restraining effect on the ghost fog. Originally, he had other uses for it, but now it had to be used here in advance.


However, he was also a hero of his generation. His hesitation was quickly replaced by determination. As long the female ghost is eliminated, it would be easy for him to deal with a cultivator who was at the critical moment of core forming. The cultivator’s wealth was undoubtedly more than enough to buy this talisman, which was a good deal.


After making up his mind, the Death Scholar waved his hand and threw the talisman out. Then he waved his hands in succession and sent out magic spells one after another


After being absorbed by the talisman, he released immense spiritual power into it, but there was still no sign of activation.


Yue’er’s face turned cold. This talisman was so complicated to activate, so she knew it was definitely not an ordinary talisman without needing to ask


Of course, Yue’er wouldn’t wait foolishly for the opponent to attack. She stretched out her slender hand and gently tapped it. The Jade Snow Bracelet immediately emitted a dazzling light.


Within a ball of spiritual light, Yue’er divided into two, four, and eight…


In an instant, sixteen identical Yue’ers’ appeared in the sky.


She roared and rushed towards her opponent.

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