Tempered Immortal

Chapter 274

The scholar-like man’s face turned cold. He reached out his hand and patted his storage bag. With a flash of light, sixteen purple Spirit Tools in the shape of beads flew out of his storage bag.

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After the beads spun in the sky, they immediately turned into streaks of purple light and faced the Jade Snow Bracelet.

The sound of the collision was loud. The Spirit Tools of both sides intertwined in the sky and fell into a stalemate. It would probably take a long time to distinguish their differences.

Yue’er sighed. She didn’t expect that her opponent would have a set of Spirit Tools like the [Young Master], and there were so many of them.

However, Yue’er didn’t show any fear. She was about to use another magical ability with her hand, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Seeing that the talisman still didn’t activate after so much spiritual power was injected into it,  Zhao couldn’t help but look happy and worried at the same time.

The joy was that it was so difficult to activate, so once it was activated successfully, the power would probably be stronger than expected. What worried him was that if it took too long, she might display some other worrying Magic Spells.

With a flicker of hesitation in his eyes, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After the talisman absorbed the blood essence, it finally began to change, turning into a face-sized fireball.

The nearby spiritual energy began to gather towards it and was sucked into the fireball.

“This is…”

A trace of astonishment could be seen in Yue’er eyes. This was not an ordinary five-element talisman. It was a rare Seal Talisman.

The Seal Talisman, like the Beast Talisman and Array Talisman, is a special talisman. However, what’s sealed inside isn’t a magic spell, but a real object.

These things aren’t like Spirit Tools or Magic Artifacts that completely follow their owner’s whims, but need the aid of a talisman to simulate their magical abilities.

But usually, the power of such items is enormous!

The flames gradually subsided, and Yue’er soon saw clearly what was sealed inside.

It was a Buddha statue with a solemn appearance and a primitive shape. Obviously, it was not an ordinary object.

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A large amount of Buddhist light latched out from above.

Yue’er was finally shocked. Ordinary cultivators might not be afraid of this kind of Buddha-light-magical ability, but as a ghost, it was undoubtedly her nemesis.

Of course, the best choice at this time was to escape far away. But after hesitating for a while, Yue’er did not do so. Lin Xuan’s core condensing was at the most critical moment, so she must not disturb him.

Yue’er stretched out her hands and drew a strange hand-seal in the void, uttering an obscure incantation spell.

The mist rose from her body again. But this time, it was pink.

The pink mist gathered together and turned into a tall female ghost.

Although it was a ghost, it had a delicate appearance, and there was a trace of immortal-aura all over its body.

“Immortal Descent Art!”

Zhao Shouguang almost popped out his eyes. He never thought that the ghost in front of him could use a lost magic spell.

The so-called Immortal Descent Art, as its name suggests, is to use one’s spiritual power as a guide to invite Immortals from the upper realm. It’s said when cultivated to the extreme, one would be possessed by a real Immortal. Of course, that was just a legend. You must reach the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, the last realm before Immortal Ascension to have this kind of magical ability.

With Yue’er’s current cultivation base, she could at most invite a shadow of an immortal.

Since she had learned a ghost cultivation method, the powerful woman’s shadow in the sky was also a ghost Immortal!

After being startled, the Death Scholar’s reaction was extremely quick. He infused all his spirit power into the Buddha statue, and in an instant, the Buddha light became even brighter and covered an area of several dozen feet in radius.

Yue’er didn’t show weakness. She infused several magic spells into the shadow. The ghost immortal looked back and gave a faint smile, her body also gleamed brightly, resisting the Buddhist light.

Zhao Shouguang’s face darkened. He didn’t expect that even after having used his trump card, the other party can take it.

For the moment. It had become a competition of spirit power.



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Lin Xuan was also at his most critical moment.

He took two Heavenly Dust Pills in a row. When the pills were completely dispersed and digested, he found that the spiritual energy in his body began to change.

With the use of the internal vision skill, he can see a trace of cyan spiritual energy in his elixir field being assembled, decomposed, reassembled, and then decomposed.

After repeating this process countless times, a very small part of the spiritual energy’s colour gradually changed, turning from the original cyan to a little golden colour.

And it began to thicken, turning from a gaseous state to a liquid state.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed. Although this was the first time he tried to break through to the Core Formation Stage, he had already collected information about it before. It seemed that there was great hope for success this time!

However, Lin Xuan didn’t feel complacent. Instead, he became more cautious. As the saying goes, a single careless move could lead to a loss in the whole game. At this moment, as long as there was a little mistake, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

Lin Xuan carefully manipulated the golden spiritual energy. No, it should be the spiritual liquid, and let the other spiritual energy around it could continue to nourish it.

After a long time, its colour became thicker and thicker, turning from light golden to a pure golden.

Then it slowly suspended and began to converge together and condense. Soon, a thumb-sized Golden Core took shape in the void of his dantian.

But it seemed that it was still very fragile and could disperse at any time.

Lin Xuan raised his hands and placed them on his left and right thighs. His index finger and thumb were interlocked. With a bang, a golden bead appeared in his dantian.

Pure Yang Core Fire!

Now that the Golden Core had taken shape, it could be said that Lin Xuan had officially stepped into the Core Formation Stage.

However, it was still very unstable. If he was not careful enough, he might fall back to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

As he concentrated his spiritual sense, the remaining spiritual power in his dantian surged crazily towards the preliminary formed golden pill and wrapped it up. Outside the dantian, there was the pure golden light core fire, nourishing and condensing.

Only by going through this process could he really be considered successful in condensing the Golden Core.

Sitting quietly in the stone chamber, as Lin Xuan worked hard to refine his Golden Core, his body was also enshrouded by rich spiritual energy.

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A trace of spiritual power radiated from the surface of his body. After entering the Core Formation Stage from Foundation Establishment, there would be a qualitative change in the process of operating the spiritual power in his body, and the excess would be discharged from his body.

These were all normal phenomena, but at this moment, something unexpected happened. A bag from around Lin Xuan’s waist fell to the ground. The bag opened and a white beast egg the size of a ball rolled out from inside it.

After the egg landed on the ground, the spiritual power emitted from the surface of Lin Xuan’s body swarmed into the egg as if it had found an outlet

An unknown amount of time had passed.

Lin Xuan, who had been sitting like a stone statue, suddenly opened his eyes. He took a deep breath, and then reached out his hand and looked at his palm.

Then, his face was filled with ecstasy.

He achieved the Golden Core!

The scenes of his past cultivation journey appeared in his mind, just stepping into the immortal realm, the helplessness and anger of being looked down upon, and the hard work and dedication at the Heart Refining Path

The caution and ecstasy after obtaining the blue star sea, as well as the numerous battles that followed, wandering around the edge of life and death

After countless trials and tribulations, he finally achieved today’s high-spirited self.

Now he had finally stepped into the ranks of high-level cultivators.

Although cultivation was divided into eight stages, in this world, the strongest were the old monsters at the Nascent Soul Stage. After entering the next stage of Separation and Reunion, they would ascend to another world.

However, it was difficult to reach the immortal realm. In the entire You State, there were only a few cultivators at the Nascent Soul Initial Stage, and the Core Formation Stage was already very powerful.

Moreover, every time a cultivator stepped into a new realm, his lifespan would double. He was only in his forties. Compared with Shou Yuan, who was at least four hundred years old in the Core Formation Stage, his age was only one-tenth his

In other words, he had great hope to go further through the Nascent Soul Stage.

Lin Xuan didn’t feel excited for a long time. Soon he calmed down and swept his eyes around the cave subconsciously. Then landed his gaze on the white egg.

Lin Xuan was shocked. He was a little surprised that the egg would come out of the spirit beast bag. He had never heard of such a thing before.

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However, after scanning with his spiritual sense, the surprise was replaced by joy.

There was a life reaction in the egg, and it was very strong as if it would break out of its shell soon.

It was conceivable how happy Lin Xuan was. He had tried every means to hatch the egg since he obtained it in the cave of the Sky Fiend Lord but to no avail. Although it was still with him, to be honest, he had planned to give up. He didn’t expect that it would give a reaction now.

Did it have anything to do with the Golden Core?

At that time, Lin Xuan restrained his spiritual sense and tried his best to refine the Golden Core. He didn’t see the scene of the egg absorbing spiritual energy, but his guess was not far from the truth.

He checked again with his spiritual sense and confirmed that it was not far from the time when the egg was hatched.

Lin Xuan happily put it into the storage bag.

Then he waved his sleeve, opened the door and walked out of the closed stone chamber.

Surrounded by cyan energy, Lin Xuan flew into the sky.


Seeing no trace of the girl’s shadow, Lin Xuan was surprised and frowned slightly. Then he released his spiritual sense and soon gained something.

There was a very strong spiritual energy fluctuation in the barren hills dozens of miles away.

One of them was the girl Yue’er he was familiar with, as for the other, it was a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection stage!

Yue’er was fighting with the other party and was at a disadvantage. With Lin Xuan’s powerful spiritual sense, although he couldn’t see things clearly from a distance of dozens of miles, he could still tell the general situation.

After coming to this conclusion, Lin Xuan sighed. Yue’er must be afraid of affecting him, so she did not lead the enemy into the array, but chose to block him at such a distant place.

With a flash of his body, Lin Xuan turned into a streak of light and quickly flew to the place where the spiritual energy fluctuated.

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