Tempered Immortal

Chapter 42

The finely dressed youth widened his eyes and looked at Lin Xuan with shock. But who could blame him? In the eyes of clan disciples, rogue cultivators are really poor. But this guy in front of him actually took out one hundred and sixty Purified Essence pills without any changes in expression, definitely changed the way he looked at him.

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Could this guy be pretending to be a rogue cultivator, but instead a disciple from another cultivator clan or even a sect?

This idea swam around in Yan Ming’s mind. He carefully looked Lin Xuan up and down. No, sect disciples all had specific uniforms, and clan disciples would not wear such shabby clothes. This guy was wearing the standard clothing of a rogue cultivator.

Maybe this guy just found this small fortune by plain dumb luck.

Thinking that this was the case, Yan Ming became haughty once more: “This young master will offer one hundred and seventy Purified Essence pills.”

“One hundred and eighty!”

“One hundred and ninety!”

“Two hundred!” Lin Xuan clenched his teeth. He was determined to win the Spiritual Control technique and had prepared for such a long time. How could he go back empty handed?


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Yan Ming’s forehead broke out in a cold sweat. He had never even dreamed that this unassuming guy in front of him could have such an abundant supply of medicinal pills. Although the Yan family was a mid-level cultivator clan with hundreds of years of history, but they did not have much wealth. Taking out two hundred Purified Essence pills already had their clan struggling to make ends meet, they even had to sell off many of their treasures.

But before leaving, his Lord Father had decreed that no matter what, he must purchase a mid-level cultivation technique. There was only one reason. His Lord Father, the patriarch, was about to break through the bottleneck and enter the Foundation Building stage but did not have any suitable cultivation techniques.

The sound of bidding attracted all the surrounding cultivators and the sound of discussion continued nonstop.

“Oh my god! Two hundred Purified Essence pills.”

“Where is this rogue cultivator guy from to be so rich that he would dare to compete with a cultivator clan?”

“What riches, he’s just stupidly bold. Just wait and see, even if he gets that cultivation technique, he will still be annihilated.”

“Hmmm, it might not be like that. Since he’s not afraid of the Yan family, he might have a very powerful teacher behind him.”


What was just spoken was also what Yan Ming was thinking. After all, the others actions were too strange to be how a rogue cultivator. Seeing more and more people joining the crowd, an ominous look flashed quickly on Lin Xuan’s face. If this continues, things will get much worse, he must act a little faster.

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He must take swift and decisive action!

He pull out another jade bottle from his bosom and placed it on the stand. “This thing here and those two hundred low-grade Purified Essence pills, are you willing to sell it for this?”

What is that?

All the rogue cultivators all had this same question in their minds. The Soaring Cloud sect disciple responsible for the stall had barely recovered from the shock. He would never have thought that an ordinary mid-level cultivation technique would fetch such a good price.

But seeing Lin Xuan’s solemn expression, he also knew it was not an ordinary item.

The stall owner swallowed a mouthful of saliva and opened the bottle. Suddenly, a refreshing scent drifted out of the bottle. there was only a single small pale blue pill lying inside.

Mid-grade Purified Essence pill!

Although they had never seen it before, most of the rogue cultivators have seen it’s description is medicine books. It’s colour and refreshing scent all matched.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed!

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Others were also shocked speechless. Even the haughty looking Yan Ming had his mouth hanging open with a foolish look on his face.

They would never have dreamed that some rogue cultivator would be able to take out a mid grade pill.

It must be known that in the world of cultivation, pill concoction is a job that required a very high skill level. Even a low-grade pill, the success rate was only fifty or sixty percent. Mid-grade pills would not even reach a rate of one in five. It also required an experienced teacher. Even a sect like the Floating Cloud Valley did not have the strength to be able to produce a mid grade pill. Only a few sects with tens of thousands of years of ancestry would have a few mid-grade pills to give to their elite disciples when it was time for their breakthroughs.

Although theoretically, for the same kind of medicinal pill, one mid grade pill was only worth ten low-grade pills, but the reality was far from it. Realistically, no one would do something so stupid. After all, the effectiveness of the two grades were not at the same level, especially when trying to break through, its effectiveness would be much greater.

Seeing that mid-grade pill, everyone’s eyes filled with greed and looking at Lin Xuan, they also got more and more confused. After all, how could a rogue cultivator be able to take out a mid grade pull, could he be pretending to be weak to lure in prey?

“How about it, are you willing to sell?”


That Soaring Cloud disciple tightly clutched the mid grade pill to his bosom, fearing that Lin Xuan would go back on his word. Yan Ming began to speak but then hesitated, his mouth moved several times, but eventually, he chose to be silent. With the wealth of his clan, they could barely spare two hundred low-grade pills, he did not even dare to think of mid-grade pills. Besides, he was filled with doubt and was afraid to think of Lin Xuan as a rogue cultivator anymore.

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After making this transaction, Lin Xuan put the jade slip away in his bosom. Not daring to delay, he pushed through the crowd and left the plaza straightaway.

Lin Xuan did not even go back to the cottage. His treasures were all stored away in his storage ring anyway, so he directly used to teleportation array to leave the Soaring Cloud sect. Then using the Imperial Wind technique, he went down from Sky Pillar peak.

Along the road, Lin Xuan carefully extended his spiritual sense and sure enough, found that there were a few waves of people continuously following him. But Lin Xuan was not surprised and did not worry. This was exactly what he expected. His purchase of the mid-rank cultivation technique made so much noise, it would be strange if no one had malicious intent.

Want to kill and pillage his treasures?

Lin Xuan showed a slight and mocking smile. He circled the area a few times and then came to a small valley near Sky Pillar peak. The road here was rugged, and there were many jagged rocks strewn about, like a naturally formed maze.

He stopped and retrieved a red seal from his storage bracelet. Holding it in his had, a wistful looked flashed in his eyes. But after hesitating, he still put it on his body, sat down cross-legged, and started chanting incantations.

Under the effect of his spiritual power, the seal released a bright light and broke down into a white mist that wrapped around Lin Xuan’s body. After a short while, the mist dissipated, but Lin Xuan had also vanished from that spot.

This was an invisibility seal. As the name suggests, it had the effect of invisibility. This was a rare high-level seal and was exactly why Lin Xuan was so wistful just now.

After sticking this seal on the body, for the next six hours, it would allow for one to vanish completely and at the same time, hide spiritual power fluctuations. Even a Foundation Building expect would not be able to detect it. But of course, it had some shortcomings. One could not move during those six hours or the invisibility effect would be lost.

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