Tempered Immortal

Chapter 43

After doing all of this Lin Xuan sank into meditation to restore his spiritual power. To cultivators, sitting meditation of over six hours was very common.

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During this time, a few waves of cultivators came. These people were all up to no good and coveted Lin Xuan’s treasures.

However, the technique sealed into the invisibility seal was a high-level technique that even Foundation Building experts had trouble sensing. It was not possible for them to detect it.

They all had puzzled looks on their faces. They clearly saw the youth enter the valley, so how did he suddenly disappear? The had already searched the vicinity for a long time, some unwilling ones even used tracking type techniques, but in the end, they still found nothing.

Since it had come to this, they could only unwillingly leave.

Six hours later, a white smoke suddenly drifted out. The smoke began to drift apart, then slowly gathered together again, and then once again dissipated. Finally, a figure was revealed.

Lin Xuan had a look of indifferent, showing neither joy and anger. Standing up and looking around, he saw that there were no cultivators in the area. Although he had successfully avoided those malicious people, he still had to use a high-grade invisibility seal.

But overall, this trip to the Soaring Cloud sect has been very fruitful. Not only did he acquire the Spiritual Control technique, he had also gotten the Soaring Cloud technique.

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It must be known that even though there are many cultivation techniques for the Spirit Gathering stage, there were still trashy ones and precious ones. He was only an ordinary disciples of the Floating Cloud valley. That that was why even though he had many pills and worked so hard, he was still not able to break through to the fifth layer.

But the Soaring Cloud technique was a rare treasure. After practising it, his cultivation speed would certainly improve a lot.

In addition, he had also bought two pieces of spirit stones and one hundred and eight seals. Although these were all low-level seals, but there was a large number of them. As long as he covered the heavens and earth with them, even Foundation Building experts would be hard pressed to defend against it.

While he did spend a lot of medicinal pills, but to Lin Xuan, it was nothing. After gaining the ability to purify, as long as he spent a few days working hard, he could recover the amount he had spent.

In short, his losses compared to his gains were negligible. After tidying the items inside his storage bracelet, Lin Xuan ate some rations and continued on his way.

This time, there wasn’t anyone following him. Lin Xuan also didn’t delay and went directly back to the Floating Cloud Valley.

Some time in the evening, Lin Xuan stopped in a small forest. There were not dwellings within this area of a few tens of kilometres. It looks like he would have to sleep out in the wilderness tonight.

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After catching a wild rabbit, just as it was about half roasted, Lin Xuan’s expression changed. With a wave of his sleeve, he generated a breath of cold air that extinguished the flames. Then he used dirt to cover the traces of his fire and roasting, making sure to make it look like no one had been here.

After that, Lin Xuan stepped on the ground and using the Imperial Wind technique, effortlessly floated more than a dozen metres up and came to the top of a great towering tree and was naturally concealed by the leaves. Then he stayed motionless and retracted his spiritual power. He even slowed down his pulse and heartbeat. It was as if he had become a part of the branch.

This was the wood style Concealment technique.

Just as he finished doing all this, a mass of yellow lights descended into the forest. As the rays of light dispersed, two people walked out.

Lin Xuan’s expression did not change but he was secretly shocked. He had spent four years in the Floating Cloud Valley, and although he was a low-level disciple, but he always kept his eyes and ears open.

This yellow light was not from using spirit tools to tread on the clouds but was from a rarely seen flying seal. This was the same kind of high-grade seal as the invisibility seal. The person that possessed this seal was definitely not an ordinary cultivator.

“Father, let’s rest here for the night.”


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Lin Xuan was surprised. This voice sounded very familiar. After some thought, he naturally remembered. It was the voice of that clan disciple that wanted to fight with him over the mid-rank cultivation technique. It seemed that he came from a cultivator clan with the last name of Yan or something.

“Could they be coming to kill me?” Lin Xuan was shocked but then immediately calmed down and started analysing the situation. No, he used the invisibility seal. He had clearly gotten rid of his pursuers. Moreover, if they wanted to kill him, there was no need to wait till now to act.

They also did not know he was heading back to the Floating Cloud Valley so it was impossible that they chose this exact road to chase him. The most likely scenario was that this was just a coincidence and that both sides just happened to meet here.

After figuring out the situation, Lin Xuan simultaneously cursed the heavens for giving him such bad luck and carefully restricted his breathing. He stayed motionless for fear of being discovered.

“Hurry up and leave!” Lin Xuan prayed for the blessings of all the deities. It would be best if those two had some urgent matters to take care of and was only stopping to rest and eat before hurrying on.

But the opposite happened. The two wanted to spend the night here. They started a fire and started to cook their provisions.

“Father, do you think we will be found out for our ambush of the disciples of the Wang family?”

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Yan Ming sounded somewhat perturbed. Beside him sat an old man of about fifty years, whose face, after hearing this, clouded. “Hmph. If not for you being such a useless animal, and failing to acquire a mid-rank cultivation technique, would an old fellow like me have to resort to such a bad plan and take such a big risk?”

“Father, you can’t blame me for that.” Yan Ming did not fully agree. “Who would have known that a rogue cultivator would have hundreds of medicinal pills? He even had a rare mid-grade pill.”

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Father, how would I dare to lie to you? There were many rogue cultivators who saw what happened at the time.”

The old man fell into silence. This was really strange.

As the patriarch of the Yan family, Yan Tian Heng can be considered knowledgeable. But with respect to this incident, he was completely baffled.

“Forget it. There is no need to think too much about this since we already killed those juniors of the Wang family and acquired a mid-rank cultivation technique along with all their treasures.” Yan Tian Heng’s face showed some colour. “It’s their fault that those old things are at a critical point of their seclusion. Since they can’t be in two places at once, they could only send a few juniors to attend this kind of event. As to being found out, you don’t have to worry, father has already destroyed all evidence of their corpses.”

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