Tempered Immortal

Chapter 48

This brat was so troublesome to deal with not because of him having high cultivation but was because he had too many treasures, especially seals. Although most of them were low-grade seals, they were still causing him a great headache.

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The spirit tool and the beast soul were evenly matched, but his opponent has run out of seals. His victory is in the bag.

Thinking of killing this brat, not only would he acquire the mid-grade pill, that spirit tool would also be his. Yan Tian Heng could almost not restrain himself from laughing wildly. He expression truly looked quite savage.

Lin Xuan had a very unsightly expression and was silent for a quite a while. Suddenly, he extended his hand, circulated his spiritual power, and shot out a few pieces of hail towards his opponent.

“This kind of garbage technique, are you embarrassed using it?”

Yan Tian Heng coldly laughed and did not make any moves. The hail technique was only an entry level technique. Not to mention a fourth layer cultivator, even if a Foundation Building cultivator used this kind of basic technique, it would still not be able to break through his spiritual shield.

Of course, Yan Tian Heng was also not the kind of person who would idly take a beating. He extended his hand and once again a firebird appeared causing a heatwave to bellow out.

The two techniques crisscrossed. The hail technique landed on the spiritual shield, and like a clay ox entering the sea disappeared without a trace without causing any damages.

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But the mid-rank firebird technique was different. If it was Lin Xuan’s personal spiritual shield, then it would definitely be broken. But before the duel began, he had used seals to lay down two additional layers of defenses. The outermost layer, the Water Spirit shield rocked, its light dimmed greatly, but it was not broken through.

They were both mid-rank techniques, but defensive techniques were generally slightly stronger than attacking techniques.

Lin Xuan looked even more panic-stricken as if his strategies were all in disarray. He circulated his spiritual power and once more threw out the hail technique.

“Death throes!”

Yan Tian Heng laughed proudly. His fear were seals, but to compete in spiritual power, this brat was simply looking to die. Then to satisfy his wish, he will keep using mid-rank techniques and attacked Lin Xuan’s shield again.

Just like this, after three exchanges, the Water Spirit shield broke and the Adamantine technique was on the verge of collapse. Even those the spirit tool and the demon tiger soul were evenly matched, but their personal strengths were not. Lin Xuan was already suppressed to a degree where he was panting, it could be said that he was already in dire straits.

The next hit can take this brat’s life!

Lin Xuan’s face was still panic-stricken but he was not at all like that in his heart. He did not know too many techniques but his attacking techniques were definitely not limited to just the hail technique. The reason he kept using this kind of technique with no power was to create misconception and cause the other to look down on him. This would allow him to take action easier afterwards.

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The was the best opportunity!

From this other’s arrogant expression, they had already decided that Lin Xuan only knew that one hail technique.

Lin Xuan did not change his expression. The battle had already lasted a long time. Although he had been using seals for most of the battle, but he also did not have much spiritual power left, so he summoned all of it together.

Large amounts of water type cold air were produced in the air but Yan Tian Heng was not suspicious at all. But in the next instant, his eyes became wide, because it was not hail that appeared in front of Lin Xuan but instead they were coldly twinkling and densely packed sharp needles.

Ice Needles technique!

Yan Tian Heng blurted out in surprise, unable to keep down his fear anymore. The only reason was that even though the Ice Needles technique was also a mid-rank technique, but its power was definitely not lower than that of high-rank techniques. The only problem as that it was very hard to cultivate, even he, an expert at the great perfection of the Spirit Gathering stage could not use it. Yet this youth at the low level of the fourth layer……

He originally thought that Lin Xuan was simply wealthy and had many seals. But now it looks like he had made an error in his judgment. This brat’s power was very shocking. He was only pretending to be weak and intentionally lowering his foe’s vigilance.

After thinking of this, Yan Tian Heng’s face became white as paper. It looks like he had fallen for a meticulously planned trap. The current situation had turned critical.

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The tables have turned. Now it was Lin Xuan that showed a confident smile and waved his hand, sending out these over a hundred ice needles. Yan Tian Heng clenched his teeth and tried to thicken his spiritual shield with all his might. But sadly, it was already too late.

His barely had any spiritual power left and with his strength, blocking a few mid-rank techniques was not an issue, but the Ice Needles technique was able to match high-rank techniques in power.

If he was alert and guarding against attacks, he would definitely not try to block. The smart decision would be to dodge, but it was already too late.

Over the added defense of Yan Tian Heng’s spiritual shield, it let out a bright light. But the ice needles were more powerful. Popping sounds rang out. The shield was barely enough to defend against two-thirds of the ice needles, but the rest of these thirty some needles punctured Yan Tian Heng all over his body. Yan Tian Heng’s eyes stayed open with a look of willingness on his face. Then he stiffly fell over.

“Father!” A fearful and sorrowful cry reached his ears. Lin Xuan turned around. It was that Yan Ming fearfully looking towards him.

“Don’t…… Don’t kill me!”

Lin Xuan did not say anything and expressionlessly threw out a hail technique, sending this good for nothing son to the netherworld.

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It wasn’t that Lin Xuan was cruel and merciless, but if you don’t pull weeds up by the roots and were benevolent to your enemies, once the spring wind comes and the weed sprouts again, then it was simply being ruthless to yourself. What’s more, he had also seen Lin Xuan’s real appearance. How could he continue to let this kind of person live on this earth?

To be honest, Lin Xuan was not one to kill wantonly. But when it came time to take action, he was not the type to be soft-hearted.

After taking care of the Yan father and son, Lin Xuan would, of course, collect his spoils of war. There was no need to be polite or modest here. He first waved his hand retrieving his golden rope.

After Yan Tian Heng’s death, the soul of the demon tiger lost its support and returned to the seal. This was also the only kind of seal that could be reused over and over again until all of its energy has run out.

Lin Xuan bent down and retrieved the beast seal.

Compared to other ordinary seals, the beast seals were slightly larger and emitted faint spiritual power fluctuations. The Armoured Fierce Flame tiger was painted upon it. It seemed very vivid and lifelike, especially its eyes, where were giving off an impression of liveliness and alertness.

This was the kind of seal only a demonic path cultivator could craft. Lin Xuan held it in his hand, and after carefully examined it for quite a while, finally stored it away in his storage bracelet in his bosom.

Back then, when he reached into his bosom for more seals yet pulled out nothing was also to deceive Yan Tian Heng and to let Yan Tian Heng underestimate him. In reality, he never used up all of his seals. But this battle had, in fact, used up almost a hundred of them. The seals he had acquired this time were all used up. But this beast seal could be said to be able to compensate for the losses from this battle.

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