Tempered Immortal

Chapter 49

Lin Xuan then, once again, walked over to Yan Tian Heng’s corpse and happily started to search for more spoils. This guy was very vicious and sinister, but he was still the patriarch of a clan, so presumably the wealth he was carrying would not disappoint Lin Xuan.

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Lin Xuan found a storage bracelet on his body. Inserting his spiritual sense, he took out everything that was in there.

Low-grade spirit stones nine pieces, Purified Essence pills one bottle, some jade slips. Without even checking, one could probably guess that this was the mid-rank cultivation technique that was stolen from Wang family disciples. Other than these, there was also a small furnace.

Not a bad haul!

Nine pieces of spirit stones could already cover the costs of the seals he had spent in battle. Since that cultivation technique in the jade slip was reserved by the Wang family, it must be better than the one he had purchased. Although he did not have a shortage of Purified Essence pills, but these still saved him the time spent on purification. And as to that furnace, as soon as it was taken out of the storage bracelet, it had released a shocking spiritual power. It also had exotic designed up on it and was definitely not an ordinary item.

Although he had lost over one hundred seals, with the addition of that beast seal, the spoils were much greater than the losses.

“Oh? What is this?”

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Lin Xuan suddenly found, in the most remote corner of the storage bracelet, a tiny unremarkable box. He had almost overlooked it.

He used his spiritual sense to take it out. The box was carved out of sandalwood and had the appearance of being an antique. Upon opening the box, he saw a sprig of medicinal herb lying upon the brocade.

This medicinal herb should have been picked a long time ago, yet it was still very fresh and was emitting a faint fragrance. Although Lin Xuan did not know what it was he knew it must be precious.

After closing the box, he put it and the other treasures he had acquired into his storage bracelet. Then he moved the corpses of the father and son together. Using a quicksand seal, he changed the ground beneath them into a pit of quicksand, which swallowed the corpses without leaving a trace. After a while, the quicksand changed back into firm earth again.

This way he would not be leaving a trace of evidence. No one would think that the father and son of the Yan family would be buried here.

After doing all of this, Lin Xuan did not tarry. Although there were no dwellings in the area, but it was still not appropriate to stay here. So he used the Imperial Wind technique and hurried on through the night.

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Lin Xuan covered a distance of over one hundred kilometres, and only stopped late in the night. After randomly finding a cave to rest in, he once again hurried on at the crack of dawn. Until finally, he quietly returned to the Floating Cloud Valley.

After arriving, he headed straight for Danxia Mountain and the waste pill storage area.


It was currently noon, and Zhao Ming and the rest of the children were relaxing and sunning themselves. Seeing Lin Xuan they hurriedly bowed and saluted him.

“Alright, in this past while, has anything happened?”

“Please be at ease immortal, everything has been well.”

Zhao Ming respectfully answered. As to Lin Xuan disappearing for half a month, he did not ask about at all. Opening your mouth too much will cause worried; sticking your head out will bring calamities. He was not qualified to ask about the lord immortal’s movements and whereabouts.

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Lin Xuan was very satisfied with the cleverness of the children. Nodding his head, he said: “Okay, you guys carry on.” He then immediately headed into his house.

The restrictions outside of his house were intact. It looks like in the time he was away, no one had come close to the house. Thanks to the fact that the waste pill storage was out of the way, generally on one would come disturb it. Lin Xuan was very pleased with himself in regards to choosing to stay here. This was killing two birds with one stone, he had access to ample amounts of medicinal pills and also had a calm and quiet place to cultivate.

Although this trip was somewhat troublesome, you could even say it was very dangerous, but there were also ample rewards. Other than the spirit stones and treasures, he now had three extra cultivation techniques, the Spiritual Control technique problem was solved, and now he even had the Soaring Cloud technique to help with his current cultivation.

Although it was a low-rank cultivation technique, but even Foundation Building experts held it in high esteem. When used to cultivate in the Spirit Gathering stage, not only will it increase cultivation speed, it will also build a firmer foundation.

The path of cultivation was almost endless. Although the Spirit Gathering stage was the lowest stage, but one cannot overlook this stage. This was the stage where the foundation was laid. If the foundation is unstable, then it will hinder future progress. If the foundation is firm, then the benefits will gradually manifest.

Lin Xuan did not immediately start cultivating but instead decided to rest and recover for a day. The battle with the father and son of the Yan family, although he did not suffer any injuries, was still very difficult. Even with the help of the spirit tool, Yan Tian Heng was still an expert of the great perfection of the Spirit Gathering stage.

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It wasn’t only a contest of strength. It was also a battle of wits, of strategies of attacking the mind, of pretending to be weak, and of laying clever traps. Then with the addition of hurrying along during the night and only resting for two hours, his body had already been exhausted. To cultivate in this condition would definitely not yield good results. Therefore, Lin Xuan decided to recover first. Haste makes waste. Besides, it was only a few days and does not make a big difference.

After taking a bath, Lin Xuan fell into a deep sleep. He slept from noon to the morning of the second day. After rising, he felt invigorated and refreshed, and his spiritual power had fully recovered. It was time to start cultivating.

This trip allowed Lin Xuan to deeply understand the importance of spiritual power. For example, the battle he had, honestly speaking, other than the beast seal, Yan Tian Heng did not take out any other treasures. Yet he still used his cultivation to fight against the over one hundred seals that Lin Xuan had. If Lin Xuan did not lay a trap for him, winning this definitely would have been much more difficult.

And spirit tools indeed had incomparable power. He could barely use his fourth layer cultivation to control the mid-grade golden rope. If he had enough spiritual power and could control that high-grade flying sword, then he would be able to speedily and easily remove Yan Tian Heng’s head.

It doesn’t matter how many treasures one had, if one did not have enough spiritual power, then they were all useless or, at least, they could not display their full power. So the priority now is to increase his cultivation. As to the Spiritual Control technique, he can take it slow and start learning it once he enters the fifth or sixth layer of Spirit Gathering.

Summarizing his experiences was Lin Xuan’s strong point. He had learned a lot from this trip such as the tyranny of the sect and cultivator clans or how the rogue cultivators can only be angry and didn’t dare to speak out. It also helped him understand that there was no reasoning in the cultivation world. In this kind of might makes right world, fists were the reason, the principle, and the justification. If you don’t want to be bullied, then you have to strive to increase your strength.

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