Chapter 1: We Are Even!

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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

Night fell on the city, and streets were lightened when Qiao Mu's eyes were hurt by the tightly held hands which belonged to the couples standing in front of her.

"Lu Ziming, who is she?" asked Qiao Mu, pointing at the scantily clad woman whose face was heavily powdered near to the man. Her eyes were full of sadness.

"She is my new girlfriend." Lu Ziming laughed and then he turned to that woman's face and kissed passionately even with the sound 'Mwah'.

With deep disdain, the made-up woman looked at Qiao Mu who wore the school uniform, showing off her victory complacently.

"Why did you do this?" Qiao Mu, who was in a broil of anger, suddenly calmed down after she saw the expressions on their faces.

"Do you think that it was the so-called true love put us together? Now, look at yourself and tell men that what else do you have except for your beauty? It's a shame to keep a relationship with a poor girl like you! And you even didn't allow me to kiss you, on the lips! Am I a eunuch? Am I looking like a man who needs a Paratu love?"

Qiao Mu heard what he said, and there was a sardonic expression on her face, "I don't know if you're a eunuch or not, but I'm sure that you will!"

As soon as she finished her words, Qiao Mu quickly lifted her leg and kicked Lu Ziming's crotch. With a screaming, Lu Ziming bent down and covered his crotch with his hands. Soon, he was hit by Qiao Mu's schoolbag on his head and fell on the ground.

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Looking down at the man who was whining on the ground, Qiao Mu patted her schoolbag and spat on his face with a sick expression, "Bitch and scum. What a perfect couple you are!"

Then she took her schoolbag and turned around to leave. While she just turned her face, the tears filled into her eyes immediately. The breeze discomposed her hair which covered her eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and soon the cold wind grabbed its temperature, which not only hurt her face but also broke her heart.

Qiao Mu, don't cry.

In the most famous Bar of the Jiang City, Qiao Mu was leaning on the counter with a sad face, "Waiter, a case of beer, please! Give me the cheapest one!"

With no response, the barman looked at her innocent face and wondered, "Is she an adult?" After all, it was a legal Bar that didn't allow juveniles to get in and drink the beer.

When the barman was about to ask her out of here, Qiao Mu took her student ID card out and threw it on the table, then she shook her figure at him and repeated in an arbitrary tone, "Give me the beer!"

The barman checked the student ID card, which said that she was a sophomore of 20 years old. After confirming, he finally confirmed that the woman in front of her was the same person with the one on the student ID card. Then he served her the beer, the cheapest!

Qiao Mu's red-rimmed eyes were filled with tears. She took a bottle of beer and poured it into her mouth. Soon, her face began to burn and she felt dizzy.

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Shit! A poor girl? She wasn't a poor girl! Look, she was drinking beer in the best Bar of Jiang city. 'You are poor! And your whole family too!" Qiao Mu cursed in her heart.

She had been stressed by her father's debt and her mother's illness all the time. And now, her boyfriend's cheating became the last straw that crushed her willing. She needed a break.

After drinking for two hours, Qiao Mu who never drank the beer before finally got drunk.

She stood up and went to the toilet. However, the bathroom on the first floor was in the maintenance. Qiao Mu curled her lips and cursed, "Shit!" It really wasn't her day. Then she turned around and walked to the second floor.

After a long way, she finally found the toilet. Qiao Mu's body kept tight until she sat on the stinkpot. Thank God! Otherwise, she would definitely wet her pants.

Soon, she went out of the toilet. At this time, the wine got into her head. With a mess brain, Qiao Mu couldn't even find the correct way to the stairs. Besides, her eyes were so sour that she couldn't recognize things clearly.

Qiao Mu moved forward slowly with her head leaning on the wall while murmuring until she couldn't walk anymore. Qiao Mu now leaned on a door and her hand grabbed the doorknob tightly so that she wouldn't fell. But unexpectedly, the door wasn't locked and swaying Qiao Mu pushed open the door and fell into the room.

Qiao Mu rubbed her eyes and struggled to stand up. It was so dark in the room and Qiao Mu faintly saw a big bed, "Ha! Did I go back to my home? Awesome!" Then, she took off her clothes and went to the bed dazzlingly.

The moment she was about to have a good sleep, Qiao Mu was suddenly hugged by the strong arms behind her. The hug was so tight that Qiao Mu could hardly breathe. Then, she felt someone was kissing on her face with cold lips. But soon, Qiao Mu lost her last sense. She was too tired to think about what happened right now.

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The two people on the bed kept a very close distance, kissing and touching. Immediately, the temperature in the room quickly increased.

In the morning, the sunshine came into the room through the hollowed-out french windows. On the big bed, a man's long curl eyelashes trembled gently. He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his temples with the long fair-skinned fingers lazily. Suddenly, his pupils contracted and he seemed to remember something. He looked along with the hand on his chest and then saw a woman sleeping next to him.

Xi Muqiao felt remorseful and angry at this time. In his eyes, the tenderness and gentleness he usually showed to the people now was replaced by anger. How did she come? Why did he not have any impression?

Sitting straight on the bed, he was about to wake up her and question her. But soon, he noticed the round wound, which was as big as a coin, on her wrist.

Immediately, all his anger disappeared. His heart beat so fast while he stared at Qiao Mu's wrist tightly. The expression on his face changed regularly as if he opened the cage of his memories.

Meanwhile, Qiao Mu already woke up and interrupted his thoughts with her sharp screaming.

"DAMN IT!" Qiao Mu shouted and grabbed the quilt tightly in case of accidental exposure. With a pale face, she was trembling while thinking about what happened last night. She remembered that she was drinking in the Bar, but why did she wake up with a man. Who could tell her what they had done last night?

WTF! Qiao Mu knocked her head and then pulled her messy hair. She finally realized that she had lost her virgin that she had saved for 20 years because of the drunken mistake.

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At this time, Xi Muqiao still stared at her wrist with his deep-set eyes. The round wound on her wrist was so eye-catching that he couldn't ignore it. In a deep voice, he asked anxiously, "Hey, woman. Give me your hand!"

Of course, Qiao Mu dared not to do it as he said. After all, she didn't know what he meant to do. What if he pulled her over and did the same thing on her?

Quickly, she grabbed the quilt to cover her body with one hand and wore the clothes in a hurry while staring at the man on the bed, "You, stay there. I’ll call the police. I'm still a teenager!"

However, for Xi Muqiao, who was very worried right now, what she said didn't work at all. He rushed to her, trying to pull her hand. With anxiety, his face suddenly showed right before Qiao Mu. But in Qiao Mu's eyes, his expression looked more like a sign of hatching a sinister plot.

Mama Mía! Qiao Mu was so scared that she quickly rolled off the bed. She wore her pants while retreating. Luckily, she wore her warm clothing first, or she would be naked right now.

Noticing that Qiao Mu was going to run away, Xi Muqiao wore his overcoat quickly and got off the bed to chase her up, which scared Qiao Mu more and made her run faster.

After taking the coat on the floor, Qiao Mu rushed to the door directly while yelling, "Mister, I slept with you, and you slept with me. So we are even! I don't have any money. I'm a poor girl." She kept yelling without stop. After all, it was she who broke into his room. She made a mistake first, and no matter what happened, she should accept the result.

At this time, Xi Muqiao watched her run away, but he couldn't do anything with an overcoat on him only.

He turned around to wrap him with the towel and then he picked his phone on the bed, dialing a number. Soon, it was connected, and he said with anger, "Come over right now! You jerks"

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