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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

Qiao Mu kept running until she was out of breath. Leaning on the bus stop board with a flushed face, she turned her head and looked behind. After confirming that there was no one chasing her up, she breathed a sigh of relief deeply.

After a short break, she stood up and was about to leave, but soon an unspeakable pain came to her. She paid all her attention to run away just now and ignored it all the time until she stopped. Her legs were trembling lightly. Qiao Mu gritted her teeth and cursed secretly in her heart, "Damn it! Animal."

The uncomfortable oily feeling on her legs reminded Qiao Mu again and again what she had experienced last night. Although it was her first time, she knew what she exactly lost as an adult. God would forgive her, right?

Son of bitch! The man must have not worn a condom. What if he had some venereal disease? Qiao Mu had no idea, but she was sure that she would find that guy and tore him into pieces if she was infected.

She dug into her trouser pocket and only found 35.5 bucks. Qiao Mu's arched eyebrows were furrowed together and it seemed that she was in a dilemma. However, she still decided to take a taxi in the end since she was too hurt to walk now.

After getting off the cab, with only 8.5 bucks left in her pocket, Qiao Mu piteously knocked the door of Qiu Ning's house open.

Staring at Qiao Mu's red and swallow face, the gum on the corners of her eyes and the messy hair, Qiu Ning who just waked up frowned, "Hey, what's going on? Don't tell me that you have done something illegal, bitchy?"

Why would she be like this otherwise?

"Hold on, Babe. I need to take a shower first, and then you can question me." Then, Qiao Mu quickly ran into the bathroom before Qiu Ning could say anything more.

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In the bathroom, Qiao Mu took off her warm clothing and then habitually put her hand behind her back to untie the bra. She touched her back again and again, but nothing was found!

Suddenly, Qiao Mu's eyes opened widely and her lips began to tremble slightly like she finally noticed something wrong. Qiao Mu immediately walked to the mirror. Looking at the mirror, Qiao Mu lost her breath as if someone grabbed her by the neck.

Shit! Where was her bra?

Except for the purple hickeys, who could tell her where her bra was that the naked person in the mirror should wear?

Oh My God! You must be kidding me!?

Qiao Mu's heart was bleeding now. It must be that she was so hurried to run away that she forgot her bra when she wore her clothes on. It was a new bra which cost her 50 bucks and she just wore it twice!

She must be the first girl in the world who lost her bra after losing her virgin.

Soon, Qiao Mu was irritated after she noticed the purple hickeys on her body and her swollen red cheeks. In her imagination, it must be that guy who wanted to do something on her when she was in a coma but was irritated by her fierce struggle. Therefore, he slapped her.

Whining! What an Animal! No, he was a monster!

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At least, she was a prettty girl. Had he never heard a phrase called 'Compassion for womanhood'? !

Now she finally understood the feelings after the sex usually described in the romantic fictions as her whole body ached like being rolled by a truck and her legs trembled like she would fall apart next second. It was absolutely the same situation she was in right now.

However, unfortunately, she hadn't enjoyed happiness during the sex that was also written in romantic fictions because she was in a coma. It was so unfair.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu suddenly felt regret. After all, it was her first time. Maybe she shouldn't run away directly. Instead, she should ask him for something rather than running away with nothing.

That man looked quite handsome with attractive features and gentle temperament... Wait! Qiao Mu suddenly woke up from her thinking. WTF! Remember, he was an animal with a human face who just took her virgin.

In the living room, Qiu Ning put her head in her hand looking at Qiao Mu who was wolfing down her meal without any elegance of fair maiden. Soon, Qiu Ning's eyes slowly widened while hearing Qiao Mu's description.

"So, you mean you lost your love and your virgin?"

"No. Literally, I lost my love, my virgin, and my bra..."

Qiu Ning was speechless. Come on! The main point should be your ex-boyfriend and your virgin! Forget your damn bra, for God's sake!

Remembering her ex-boyfriend's words, Qiao Mu suddenly felt that the fried egg in her mouth was as dry as sawdust. She lowered her head and tears quickly filled in her eyes, wetting her curl eyelashes. She thought that she had found her true love...

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"Where is my schoolbag?" Qiao Mu raised her head and asked.

Qiu Ning was confused by her sudden question, "You didn't take your schoolbag when I saw you."

"What?" Qiao Mu slapped on the table. Her face slowly changed into pale. She might leave her schoolbag in the Hotel.

No! Her student ID card was in the schoolbag! Qiao Mu couldn't help but raise her head so that the tears in her eyes wouldn't fall, "Oh no, my Jesus!"

On the second floor of the bar.

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi reported what they had done last night while staring at the messy bed and the black lace bra hanging at the bedside. Oh, My Godness! Did the president get a girlfriend?

At this time, the door of the bathroom opened. With a chilling fresh air coming to their face, a man walked out and sat on the bed, exposing his strong muscles on his chest and abdomen and perfect V line abs without any covers...

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi looked at each other. Both of them could see the shock clearly in their eyes. What happened last night?! Did their president who was never interested in any woman finally have sex with a girl?

The man turned around and smoothed his hair. His face darkened, and in his half-narrowed eyes, there was no emotion, "So, you left me alone?"

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His tone sounded indifferent but faintly exposed his anger. His deep dark eyes stared at them so chilling as if to cut them like ice sword.

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi trembled but, meanwhile, they all complained secretly in their heart that if they didn't leave him last night, how their president could get the chance to complete the big switch.

Of course, they dared not speak it out in front of Xi Muqiao.

Under his imposing, chilling sight, Zuo Zhen opened his mouth and said, "Last night, you drank a lot of beer. We thought you'd be safe here since it was your place. So..."

"So you tell me why a woman would come into my room since you say it's safe here? How could you leave your boss with the door open so that a woman gets the chance to come? If you think that your life is so boring..."

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi now lowered their heads at the same time. It really wasn’t a good time to speak right now but keeping silence wouldn't help.

With an odd smile, Xi Muqiao put down the awe-inspiring demeanor and added gently, "Our company is expanding the market in Africa..."

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi were now really scared. Oh, no! The president meant to send them to Africa. Lin Yi almost knelt. He cried loudly, "Boss. We were wrong. We shouldn't leave you last night and let a woman sleep with you..."

"Well, I can give you a chance to correct your mistake. I will give you one day to figure out who she is, or..."

"Yes! Boss!" They suddenly stood up and pointed to the sky, swearing that they would make it. Then they exchanged a look and rushed out.

With a cigarette between his fingers, Xi Muqiao spat out a smoke ring and narrowed his eyes. Looking at the black bra hanging on the bedside, he was absorbed in thought while his face slowly became indistinct behind the smoke.

His memories kept rolling in his mind. Maybe the round wound on her hand was the answer he had been looking for many years. Had he finally found it?

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