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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

Meanwhile, Qiao Mu spent her whole morning on anxiety. With her arched eyebrows furrowed together, she sometimes put her hand on her forehead and sometimes pulled her hair, pacing the floor like an ant on a hot pan.

The books in the schoolbag belonged to her customers which valued 380 bucks! She had to deliver them to the customers. After all, this was the biggest 'business' she made until now. She couldn't screw it.

If she lost the books, she would pay for the books, which might kill her.

And, she also needed to get her student ID card back. No one could 'survive' in School without a student ID card. If she lost it, Qiao Mu couldn't check in the class, take part in the final exam and get into the library...Qiao Mu almost cried even just thinking of it.

Except for the time spent in the re-register, the most important thing was that it would cost her 50 bucks to register another student ID card, which was the most intolerant thing for Qiao Mu.

For Qiao Mu, who would split one penny to spend as long as she could, 50 bucks meant a king's ransom.

Therefore, after a few times thinking, she finally determined that she had to take her schoolbag back, no matter what it would cost!

"Okay, I will make it!" After making up her mind, Qiao Mu clenched her fist with bright firm light shining in her eyes. As an old saying went, to conquer or to die. She would try!

Of course, she would do it on the moonless and windy night... Qiao Mu broke into a sly grin while thinking.

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Sitting on the sofa looking at Qiao Mu who was sometimes crying and sometimes laughing like a nut, Qiu Ning couldn't help but complain to the drama queen in front of her who always missed the main point.

If it were others, should she cried for her lost virgin? But her goofy friend seemed to forget this matter and just worried about the bra and her student ID care? She wanted to know what exactly was in Qiao Mu's brain.

Under the threat of being sent to Africa, Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi's work efficiency was obviously improved. In the afternoon, they collected all the information about Qiao Mu. They handed them to Xi Muqiao, including several documents, a USB and a shabby schoolbag which had turned whitish from much washing.

The man slit his eyes and leaned on the chair lazily with his legs crossed. His figure clicked at the table either quickly or slowly while he stared at the monitor.

Looking at the woman who came in the Bar and then went to the washroom, finally broke into his room after she went upstairs, Xi Muqiao raised his eyebrows and smiled. So, it was she who got in the wrong place after getting drunk?

Well, going astray couldn't help her to change the fact that she raped him! The monitor was the evidence.

He reached out and picked the documents with his long clean fingers. Then he scanned them quickly. Qiao Mu, female, 20 years old, a sophomore at Jiang Cheng University.

Xi Muqiao laughed while his fingers flicked the papers lightly. If he didn't remember wrongly, she told him that she was a teenager. A teenager shouldn't have such a mature body. But she did have a teenage face.

As he was looking through, his tender eyes gradually became serious. He frowned and pressed his lips, even his fingers holding the documents turned into pale because of the pressure.

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She was an orphan and was adopted at six years old, and then she left Jiang City with her foster parents... Until Jiang Cheng University admitted her, she came back to Jiang City and settled down. Besides, her foster mother had heart disease...

Be adopted at six years old...

Xi Muqiao's heart trembled suddenly. At this moment, the chains tied on his heart so many years finally disappeared. He held his breath with red-rimmed eyes which were filled with tears.

He closed his eyes gently but could never stop the turbulent emotions. His body became stiff except for the trembling figures. His quick heartbeat and rolling Adam's apple exposed the emotional thoughts unconsciously under his calm face.

Until now, he finally knew that the reason she left that year wasn't that she was mad at him but she was adopted.

Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi stood beside him and could feel every single change of his emotion. They looked at each other and then continued to wait by the side silently.

After a while, Xi Muqiao, who sat on the chair, opened his eyes. As if he finally recovered energies, all the emotions in his eyes disappeared. With a calm face, he became a gentleman like before.

Zuo Zhen immediately passed the little red book to Xi Mucheng. It was Qiao Mu's student ID card.

As soon as Xi Mucheng opened it, his attention was drawn by a photo of Qiao Mu with a big smile. Looking at the photo blankly, Xi Mucheng stayed still and couldn't take his eyes off it.

She still had the same smiling face in his memories. Her face now looked a bit different, but her small round nose, arched eyebrows, and the smile never changed.

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Then, he took her school bag, which was pretty heavy. He smiled and thought that there must be so many books in the schoolbag. After all, his girl must be a good student who was good at learning.

But soon, Xi Muqiao's smile disappeared and he wanted to take back his words when he opened the schoolbag and saw the books inside.

He took out one book and on the cover written four words—Love and Marriage.

He frowned. Well, it was not a bad book. Then, he took out another one—64 gestures in the sex. His mouth twitched.

And another one again - How to make love.

Xi Muqiao's eyes twitched also. But he wouldn't give up and took out all books left in the schoolbag—The Secret between Wife and Husband, Let's Talk about Men...

Xi Muqiao, "..."

His hand trembled and picked the last one that finally was not a book about love and sex. However, it named How to be a Goober.

Xi Muqiao finally burst into rage. He slapped on the table and stood up. He felt that his blood was burning. What the hell was the little bastard going to do!

Meanwhile, Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi saw the books on the table as well. After they took a glance at Xi Muqiao, their shoulders couldn't help but shaking while their eyes twitched. It was so tough to hold the titter back.

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Xi Muqiao stood up directly and rested his arms on the hips. The blue veins on his neck protruded out and his temples on his pale face bulged. He felt that he might pass out at any time facing the surprises brought by this little bastard.

Suddenly, he smiled gently as if it wasn't him who just almost exploded with anger. He bent his finger toward Zuo Zhen and Lin Yi. With a soft voice, he said, "You guys go to..."

At eight o'clock in the evening, the tremendous vibrant nightlife just began in Jiang City. The streets were busting with colourful lights.

Qiao Mu now wore a black cap so that the lowered brim could cover her face. She slinkingly hid in the corner of the Bar.

Her strange behaviour made Qiu Ning speechless again. She rolled her eyes and tried so hard not to kick Qiao's ass and meanwhile, she complained in her mind, ‘Come on! We are here to get your stuff back! Why do we act so strange like thieves?’

She remembered the words—reduced sense of presence, which Qiao Mu euphemistically explained to her before. "But actually, you are the focus since you came in by wearing like this." Qiu Ning murmured in a low voice.

And now, Qiao Mu didn't know why but she felt so guilty after she came here again. It was so weird. She just came here to get her stuff back. Why did she feel so wrong?

She coughed and then stood up straight with a stern face while chanting, "I'm not a thief. I'm not a robber. I'm not a thief..."

Qiu Ning, who stood near her all the time, finally ran out of all her patients. She gritted her teeth and looked at Qiao Mu and really regretted it now. She should never choose to come with her! At this time, she just wanted to go back.

In the end, Qiao Mu thought that she had got enough courage and walked toward the counter in the Bar as if she faced death.

But soon, she almost knelt after she went across the revolving door and saw the thing behind the door waiting for her. Qiao Mu lost her breath at once and her face immediately turned into red.

It... It was precisely the bra which she just wore twice!

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