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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

It was impossible for her to get so much money now. She worked so hard on three part-time jobs one day, but all the salary she got was only enough to pay the daily cost and hospital fees. She now even hadn't 20 thousand yuan, let alone the two hundred thousand.

"What am I going to do? I don't have so much money. Mom." Qiao Mu mumbled to herself as her tears fell across her pale face and then dropped on the floor splashing like a dome of water, leaving slight water stain only.

Her hand on her chest held the clothes so tightly and at the same time, helplessly. The joints of her slender fingers turned to pale due to the tight clench. And meanwhile, her stomach was all in knots.

Qiao Mu gritted her teeth closely so that she wouldn't cry out.

For now, she really got lost in the panic like the animal imprisoned in the cage, having no idea what she should do of the operation fee she needed right now. For God's sake, it was a stupendous sum that she would never make even she worked hard all her life. Besides, she still needed to pay the debt that her stepfather owned before he died and deal with the creditors that would find her at any time.

However, she couldn't give up and leave her mom alone watching her die.

It was her mom who took her out of the orphanage. After her stepfather died, they depended on each other for survival, although they didn't have a rich life. It was her mom who gave her a family. She didn't want to live in a lonely life as she used to be in the orphanage before and she didn't want to be an orphan anymore.

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She was so afraid of the feeling of being alone, as if she was abandoned by the whole world and had no place to settle down.

It was so profoundly that had her desire for family affection and her fears of loneliness rooted in her heart that she would never forget even though she was a child at that time.

That was also the reason why she was so scared and refused Lin Wei's suggestion of sending her back to the orphanage though she had been covered all over with cuts and bruises.

At this moment, Qiao Mu sat on the hallway while the same fear rose in her heart again.

It was winter, and the floor was pretty freezing. But the coldness couldn't bother Qiao Mu as the helplessness deep in her heart did. She now was sitting right there as if she was in an icehouse. The chill coming out from the bottom of her heart even “froze” all the blood inside her. Her face turned into pale while her hands were trembling slightly.

What could she do? And what should she do?

Qiao Mu really got lost at this time. Sitting on the floor, she leaned against the wall and drew into herself with her head on the knees. Like a dead candle, her bright watery eyes lost the light as it usually had. Blankly, she stared at the opposite wall like a doll.

She couldn't lose her mom, and she would never give it up. It was true that she didn't have enough money, but she had the organs. The kidney, liver, cornea... She could sell whatever she had as long as she could get the money to save her mom. Qiao Mu stood up instantly and suddenly thought of one person who might help her. The Mister! She could go to ask him where the buyer was since he was the leader of the gongdom.

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Qiao Mu looked at the hanky that she took out from her pocket. She already washed it clean, but she couldn't find a chance to give it back.

Now, she had no idea where he might be. Besides, she didn't have his phone number. So, the only place she might find him was the Bar they met before.

Thinking of that, Qiao Mu grabbed the schoolbag's straps tightly and took a deep breath, making up her mind that she was going to the Bar to take a chance. Her red lips were pressed in a line and her thick eyelashes were stuck together by the tears. With the light of firm shone in her eyes, Qiao Mu told herself secretly that she had to make it, whatever it would take.

Meanwhile, in the same room they met before, Zuo Zhen was replying to the man in front of him, "President, all had been done as you said."

"Well." Behind the smoke that blown by him, Xi Muqiao narrowed his slitty eyes slightly. Then he flicked the cigarette into the ashtray, saying, "How is Qiao Mu?"

Carefully, Zuo Zhen gave a glance to the man who sat on the sofa squinting his eyes with his legs crossed, and then he answered in a low voice, "Mister. Qiao Mu was pretty sad after she talked with Doctor Song. Then she sat on the hallway crying for a long while. After that she seemed to think of something, so she left in a hurry."

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Xi Muqiao put his legs down. His eyes were still half squinted. In this way, he perfectly covered his real emotions. However, his frown betrayed him and showed his guilty and worries, "Go to make a contract."

Zuo Zhen opened his mouth hesitating for a moment. But finally, he reminded Xi Muqiao with concern, "President, how about your mother? Don't you tell her about this? After all, it relates to your marriage. Besides, the second master is still glaring at us in the dark..."

Xi Muqiao snorted, making no secret of his flaunt and scorn. The coldness soon replaced the tenderness in his eyes after he heard the words of 'Second master'. With the sharpness hiding in the depth of his eyes, Xi Muqiao said in a chilling voice, "Don't worry about my mother. She won't say anything. As for others..."

Xi Muqiao sneered. He never needed to care about others’ feeling. About the 'Second Master' that Zuo Zhen mentioned, Xi Muqiao had kept an eye on him all the time. It would be impossible for him to make any trouble under Xi Muqiao's watching.

Zuo Zhen nodded in response. He knew that the man in front of him always played his cards right. No matter what happened, the President could always resolve it and control everything in his hand, which was also the reason why they would follow him willingly all the time.

The mist dropped away outside the window while the sun rose slowly like a spotlight hanging on the sky. The golden sunshine landed on him through the window with the halo glinting, making the silent man a deity sitting there.

Xi Muqiao now leaned on the sofa lazily, with the faint smile hanging in the corner of his eyes. The bright sunshine softened both his cold, stiff face and heart. It seemed that he was in a beautiful mood, and he narrowed his deep eyes while murmuring in a low voice, "Finally, my dream is gonna come true."

Even though he played tricks on her, even though he knew that it would hurt her, and even if he would be blamed after she knew the truth, he still decided to do the thing in this way, with no regrets. He couldn't just stand by watching his girl struggle in a harsh life.

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He had to end this and kept her beside him, never leaving her out of his eyes.

Since fate threw his girl into sufferings relentlessly in the past years, then he would make up for her with double favour in the next few decades. He would hold her hand tightly, love her and protect her.

Qiao Mu came home after she left the hospital. She put down the hamper in a hurry, having not found the photo was moved a little. But soon she frowned as she sensed the familiar smell of the slight smoke and the lotion of aftershave in the air.

"What's that?" Qiao Mu smelled carefully but the faint smell was so hard to find that Qiao Mu even thought something was wrong with her nose. Qiao Mu was confused, wondering why such a smell appeared in her room. Did the moist in the house cause the smell?

Qiao Mu opened the window, planning to let the wind blow the smell away. Immediately, the cold wind poured into the house crazily as if finding a new entrance. It was so cold! Qiao Mu closed the window quickly and then she folded the hanky well, putting it back to the pocket inside the cotton-padded clothes carefully.

Thinking of the thing she was going to do next, Qiao Mu raised her small cold hand and patted her chest, with her face pale. Her heart jumped so violently that she could still feel the strong heartbeats even through the thick cotton-padded clothes.

She knew it clearly that he was the leader of the gongdom whom she should keep away from after the ‘unexpected accident' happened, instead of approaching him again voluntarily.

They should be in totally different worlds and never have any connection. But Qiao Mu had no choice at this moment. She needed to have a try as long as it could help her to get the money for her mom's operation, even if she would pay a lot for the decision she made at this moment!

"For my mother, I will do everything I can! Qiao Mu, go for it!" Taking a deep breath, Qiao Mu tried so hard to suppress the anxiety haunting in her heart and then she left without looking back.

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