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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

The dense haze faded away little by little, but it was still freezing. The crowded bus did not have any effect on Qiao Mu's good mood; she walked at a brisk pace towards the inpatient department of the hospital, humming some tune all the way.

She had no idea that the old bastard had eaten half of her dinner at this moment.

Her mother cared about her study, so she did not allow her to come every day. As such, Qiao Mu could only come to the hospital every two days. However, during these two days, so many things had happened.

Qiao Mu took a deep breath; her mother needed rest at present, so she could not let her know about all these.

Entering the lobby of the inpatient department, Qiao Mu greeted the nurses like usual, with a bright smile on her face. Her voice was clear and beautiful, showing how energetic she was.

"Qiao Mu, come to visit your mom?"

"Yup, sister Liu, thanks for always taking care of my mom."

Qiao Mu's mother, Lin Wei, had been staying in the hospital for half a year due to heart problem. Doctors and nurses in the hospital all liked Qiao Mu because she had a beautiful smile and was filial to her mother, so they helped her to take care of her mother when she was not there.

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In the Ward 206 on the second floor.

Staring at her mother's lips, Qiao Mu appeared calm, but she felt upset deep inside, asking," Mom, how do you feel these two days?"

Qiao Mu withdrew the curtain before she walked towards the bedside table, pouring the steaming hot millet congee out of the heat insulation barrel. At the same time, she asked how her mother felt these two days.

"I'm fine. Others are all taking care of me. You don't need to worry and come to the hospital too often. Just focus on study."

"Mom, don't worry. I have always been studying hard. It's fine."

Lin Wei, who was very thin, leaned against the sickbed. Looking at her daughter who was busy preparing food for her, she felt distressed. Since Qiao Mu came to their family, she had never had a happy and enjoyable life.

She had thought after adopting Qiao Mu, their family would be happy, but the reality was ruthless. Her husband lost all the money they had due to gambling. He was even in great debt. Then, he started to smoke and drink excessively. Moreover, he insulted that Qiao Mu was a jinx and said their life had become worse and worse since she came to their family.

She clearly remembered that the little girl curled up near the corner of the bed, shivering after her father-in-law beat her. Her lips were pouted together and her eyes turned red, but she held back her tears.

She used to think about sending Qiao Mu back to the orphanage, but she broke down each time Qiao Mu heard about this. At that time, little Qiao Mu cried loudly, with her arms around her neck tightly, and her eyes were filled with fright. It was obvious that she was afraid to be abandoned again.

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Lin Wei turned around to wipe the tears out. The proudest thing she had done in her whole life was to adopt Qiao Mu. Another patient who used to live in the same ward with her gave birth to three children, but none of them was willing to take care of her. She was very jealous of Lin.

"Mom, all done. Time to have breakfast." Qiao Mu put a small table in the bed and placed the breakfast on it. She sat on the stool near the bed.

Holding the congee bowl, looking at Qiao Mu's small face, Li Wei felt both proud and guilty.

"Mum, is there anything on my face? I, I did wash my face in the morning." Noticing her mother stareat her with confusion, Qiao Mu was so guilty that her palms were sweaty. She wore a turtleneck sweater today deliberately to cover the dark hickeys on her neck so that her mother could not found them.

"I notice you have lost weight again. Look at your small face. Now your eyes look even bigger. Have you saved all the money and food for me that you have not eaten anything good?"

Hearing what her mother said, Qiao Mu breathed a sigh of relief quietly and her tautened shoulders also relaxed right away. She thought her mother had seen her neck.

"Of course not, I eat a lot. You know I have been skinny from childhood. No matter how much I eat, I have never been fat, which makes others jealous of me."

Qiao Mu's playful words caused Lin Wei's laughter. But as her mother, Lin Wei knew that Qiao Mu must try everything she could to save it for her. She took a cooked egg from the plate and passed it to Qiao Mu, with a solemn expression, and said to her daughter in a tone of command, "Eat it."

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Qiao Mu waved her hand immediately, "I already had my breakfast. Mom."

"If you insist, then I won't eat it either." Said Lin Wei, then she put the soup on the table with a long face as if she would eat nothing if Qiao Mu didn't do as she said.

Qiao Mu had no choice but to take the warm egg over, then peeled the egg carefully and ate it.

Lin Wei looked at her daughter smilingly until Qiao Mu ate it all. She took up the soup again and drunk it slowly.

After her mom finished the breakfast, Qiao Mu simply cleaned the dishes and did the laundry, and then she went to the office of Doctor Song.

She knocked the door and walked into the office, trying to ask about the state of her mom's illness after a simple greeting, "Doctor Song, how is my mother recently."

Doctor Song pushed the glasses on his nose and then beckoned to Qiao Mu to sit down, "Qiao Mu, I am going to see you. Your mom is in a poor, unstable condition now. I suggest she needs to do the operation for her as soon as possible."

Hearing his words, Qiao Mu immediately was surrounded by the worries. She frowned deeply, when panics surged in her eyes and her red lips turned into pale at once, "Doctor, how is my mom right now?"

"Look, this is the X-ray chest film of your mom shot yesterday. It clearly shows that the blood vessels around her heart get blocked, which is also the reason why your mom's mouth became blue. If she doesn't have the operation as soon as possible, I'm afraid that your mom’s life will be in danger."

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Looking at the chest film and medical records, Qiao Mu felt her mind blank with a buzz. Her face turned into pale immediately. With her hands hanging by her side and shivering, every time she breathed it could cause a burst of the pain of her heart.

Sitting in front of her, Doctor Song had all of her reaction. He frowned slightly and then asked after a brief thinking, "So is your mother going to have the operation?"

"Yes, we will... we will have the operation. Please arrange for it as soon as possible..." Although Qiao Mu was totally at lost, she would never give up as long as there was a hope.

"The preliminary estimation of the operation fee is 200,000 yuan. Besides, your mom still needs some follow-up treatment..." Doctor Song looked at Qiao Mu and then continued, "I hope you can be prepared."

"Sure. I know. I will get the money ready. Don't worry." Then Qiao Mu left with a pale face.

Staring at Qiao Mu's swaying figure, Doctor Song sighed lightly. In fact, her mom's illness was not that bad to have the operation instantly. However, he had no options but just followed the order from the superiors.

Meanwhile, Qiao Mu was walking on the hallway distractedly after she walked out of the office. Her eyes were filled with panic. She staggered along so that she hit people, but she had no mood to pay attention to them, which caused an onslaught of abuse behind her.

However, she could hear nothing at this time. The whole world became quiet. And the only thing she knew was that her mom would probably die if she didn't have surgery as soon as possible.

In the corner of the hallway, Qiao Mu pressed herself back against the wall with all her strength as if she lost her soul. She slowly fell down, sitting on the floor sadly.

She tried so hard to force her tears in her eyes back, but they still burst out and dripped down into pieces like her broken heart.

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