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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

“Whoops, are you angry for this?”

Xi Muqiao took a step forward, and then Qiao Mu took a step back. One more step forward… while Qiao Mu looked back and found there was no place to retreat. She really wanted to cry! She felt like being abandoned by God. Damn it! The table blocked her way to retreat.

“What? Which eye of yours see I’m angry? Mister, I know you are getting old, so, I want to remind you that if you had trouble with your eyes, you’d better see an optometrist and let him prescribe a pair of reading glasses for you!”

After she had finished her tirade, Qiao Mu held her breath and dared not to breathe deeply, because if she took a deep breath, her breast would touch the man’s body. Worse still, the man seemed to be unaware of the embarrassing thing, and he bent over towards her.

“You, you, you, don’t approach me.” With his pronounced facial features zooming before her eyes, Qiao Mu leaned backward until she reached her limit. Holding this position was very hard, let alone that she also had to cross her arms over her chest in case the man made a further step forward.

“You, old bastard, get away from me! Have you never heard that body contact is not allowed between men and women?”

Xi Muqiao smiled and continued to approach her. Qiao Mu was leaning backward, while the man was bending over, their faces getting very close, and if Qiao Mu was not careful, their noses would bump into each other.

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“Body contact is not allowed between men and women?” Xi Muqiao chuckled, “How could you say that? Do you remember you have already slept with me? Why didn’t you say that when you slept with me?”

Qiao Mu had to acknowledge that the old man had a really nice voice, which was much better than that of those anchors. It was so pleasant that she felt her ears were pregnant. Pitifully, it was a truly terrible time to appreciate his voice.

Xi Muqiao’s words made her mad. Bastard, she was innocent. She had no impression of what happened to them that night. It was frustrating that the man kept blaming her for that.

What was more, although the matter was owing to her, she was the one who suffered great losses. She didn’t understand why he, such a big man, had been blaming her? And what kind of logic did he have?

“Say what?! Old man, you think I wanted to sleep with you? If I had been sober, I wouldn’t have given you a second glance! Not even a glance!”

“Do you think you are handsome? You are a man. It’s no use having white and smooth skin, and it will only make you look like a gay, and a uke.”

Hearing the word “uke”, Xi Muqiao’s face changed at once. He stared at Qiao Mu, with blue veins popping under the white skin of his neck and his temples throbbing. He wondered whether the little bastard really know what she said or not? He was so tall, so strong and so handsome. But she said he looked like a uke? Was she kidding?

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However, the little bastard didn’t perceive that she had already offended him but still kept talking.

“I can tell you that you are not my type. I like muscular men full of strength. You are as thin as rake, even if you paid me, I wouldn’t want you!”

Hey, hearing this, Xi Muqiao smiled. He didn’t expect the little bastard had a heavy taste—wanting muscular men full of strength! Xi Muqiao squinted his eyes and said in a seductive voice, “Are you sure? Do you really like muscular men?”

Qiao Mu nodded promptly, “Yes, I like them very much!”

It didn’t matter whether she really liked them. It was important that she preferred to say what he didn’t want her to say. She just wanted to get him angry!

“Well, I’ll send you a dozen muscular men. What do you think about it?” ‘Pretty good, little bastard, as you said you like them, I would wait and see what you would do!’

“What?” Qiao Mu was surprised, a dozen muscular men? Did he mean it? She looked down at her puny body, forced herself to smile and said,” No, don’t bother, really. In fact, I’m still a little girl…”

Xi Muqiao glanced at the little bastard’s plump breast on purpose, and then said seriously, “But I think you are not small.”

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Qiao Mu clenched her hands into fists. ‘Old bastard, if you continued to stare at my chest, I would poke your eyes out!’

“Just now I heard someone said I am as thin as a rake?” Xi Muqiao struck a gesture as if he was recalling somebody’s words.

Qiao Mu swallowed saliva. She was not sure. When she saw the man’s body last time, she had already found he was in great shape—when he wore clothes, he looked thin, but when he was undressed, his strong body would be exposed. By the way, as a matter of fact, she didn’t like muscular men, whining…

But at such a moment, she must stick to her guns to retain her momentum, “I, I, I’m pretty certain!”

“Very good.” Xi Muqiao nodded, with the corners of his mouth arising, “I feel it’s necessary to make you review something.”

Before Qiao Mu had time to react, the man picked her up, put her on the table, and then he pressed over her body.

Qiao Mu was startled by the man’s movement, so, she yelled in a sharp voice, “Ah, ah, ah, old bastard, behave yourself. I was wrong. I was wrong. You are not as thin as a rake. You also have muscle. I acknowledge that you have a nice figure!”

Qiao Mu reached out to push the man of over one hundred pounds. The man’s chest was so strong that she couldn’t push him away. And the man seized her hands and pressed them above her head. She couldn’t move at all. Her breast was rising and falling as she breathed.

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Xi Muqiao lowered his head. His breath blew Qiao Mu’s face and neck slowly and gently. Qiao Mu’s face flushed immediately. His sweet and warm scent made Qiao Mu’s face get limp and numb and her skin itch badly. She wanted to evade his enticing scent but failed to move a little.

Having realized that she couldn’t push the wall of meat away, Qiao Mu rolled her eyes and said, “You, son of a bitch, I am rigorously chaste. I would die rather than surrender to you. You’d better stand up as fast as possible, or I… I would bite my tongue to kill myself!”

Xi Muqiao chuckled, thinking that the little bastard was really good at talking. How dared she threaten him, then he blew towards Qiao Mu’s face leisurely and said in a careless way.

“That will be nice. If you died, I would save the money planned to give you. Furthermore, no one know that we have signed this contact. And before you are seriously dead, I can still have sex with you arbitrarily, in order to revenge on you for my loss that night. By the way, there are many means to deal with corpses and destroy traces of killing in the underworld. Which one would you like to try? For example…”

“No, No, I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die anymore!” Qiao Mu shook her head unceasingly. She wanted to cry. ‘Oh, God, could you thunder against this old bastard and kill him? Damn it! She couldn’t even afford her death for the moment!’

“Do you have anything else to say? Say it now. I won’t give you a second chance.” Xi Muqiao lowered his face and whispered beside Qiao Mu’s ears. There was almost no distance left between the two bodies.

“No, I don’t have anything to say. Stand up quickly. Old bastard, I can no longer bear your weight!”

For the moment, Qiao Mu wasn’t in the mood to think about other things. She only tried to escape from the old man’s restriction. Regaining liberty was the most important for her. And their posture was too tantalizing!

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