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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

With the corner of his mouth lifted, Xi Muqiao's firm chest rubbed Qiao Mu's perfectly formed breasts and continued to press her breasts down hard. He exhaled a hot breath against Qiao Mu's neck and then said ambiguously, "The other night I was on top of you all night long, but you were alive. How come this time you will die only after a while? "

Feeling the pressure from him would flatten her breasts, Xiao Mu flew into a violent rage. With a red-cheeked face, she thought," Dame it! Old bastard. You're so shameless and indelicate!"

Of course, Qiao Mu could only curse him secretly in her mind but dare not to speak it out. She widened her eyes to glare angrily at Xi Muqiao while trying to suppress her anger so that she would not irritate him. After all, only they were in this room right now. What if he became horny again and did something to her?

Soon, Xi Muqiao stood up and released Qiao Mu. With his both hands in the pockets, he turned into a gentleman again.

Qiao Mu was furious again by his hypocritical look. She couldn’t help complaining inwardly, "Damn it. Who knows that under his handsome face and graceful temperament is an indelicate old bastard inside."

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Qiao Mu jumped off the table quickly and meanwhile, she noticed the red ink pad. Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction, thinking, "Old bastard, don't mess with me!"

"I have signed the contract. Now give me your bank card."

Once Xi Muqiao took out his bank card, Qiao Mu stepped forward, grabbed his sleeve to get the card and quickly stuffed it into the inside pocket of her overcoat. It appeared that she was worried Xi Muqiao would regret and snatch the card from her.

"I am leaving if you don't have anything else to tell me. And you can call me if you need my service. I will be on call all the time." Without having any eye contact with Xi Muqiao, Qiao Mu headed out of the room while saying.

In Qiao Mu's opinion, she thought she was kind enough since she sold herself to be his woman as agreed. Whenever he wanted her body, she would send herself to him voluntarily. Damn it. She was almost moved to tears by her generousity.

"You forget your body-selling indenture." Xi Muqiao said with satisfaction. The success of his plan, which preventing Qiao Mu from leaving him from now on, made him so joyful.

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Gritting her teeth, Qiao Mu turned back to grab the contract on the table. She glared at Xi Muqiao's handsome face, "Bah! It seems that you also regard it as a body-selling indenture instead of a contract. Am I right? No matter how you dress yourself up, you are still the leader of the gangdom. You never changed yourself."

Xiao Muqiao, "..."

Looking at Xi Muqiao's speechless reaction, Qiao Mu hastened to run out of the room as fast as she could like a rabbit.

Xi Muqiao stood in the room, with the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. Through the window, he could see clearly that Qiao Mu stuck up her middle finger with a defiant expression on her face the moment she was out of the room through the window.

Later, Zuo Zhen came into the room after knocking on the door. Looking at the sleeve of Xi Muqiao's light-coloured shirt, he said with a weird look on his face, "Boss, that..."

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Xi Muqiao turned around, frowning at Zuo Zhen after seeing his weird expression, "What's the matter? Say it now, or you want to keep it to the barren island."

Zuo Zhen trembled in fear. He was sure enough that he did not want to go to the barren island. Obviously, it was a better choice to stay here working for Xi Muqiao compared to go to the barren island. "Boss, there is a red handprint in the sleeve of your shirt."

Xi Muqiao lowered his head and then he raised his arm and saw the red handprint in the elbow. Soon, he realized Qiao Mu's real purpose of hurriedly grabbing the bank card from him was to leave a red handprint in his sleeve after a short think. What was more, he did not even notice it when she did it. What a smart girl she was!

"Okay, I see. You can go to prepare the next step now." For Xi Muqiao, it was just the beginning to sign the contract with his girl. He wouldn't give Qiao Mu any chances to escape.

Zuo Zhen was confused, "President, why did you choose to force her to sign a contract and sell herself to you instead of asking Qiao Mu to marry you directly?"

As the corner of Xi Muqiao's mouth slightly lifted, he smiled with melodious laughter like a flower bloomed. Xi Muqiao beamed with delight, "After all, someone needs to teach her a lesson so that she will never forget about it."

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With the meaningful emotion in his tender eyes, he lowered his head to look at Qiao Mu's beautiful handwriting on the contract. He had never been much happier in his whole life until now. This feeling of happiness hit his heart like sea waves, making shivers continuously.

Little bastard, I finally got you, completely.

"The title of Mrs. Xi sounds not bad. Do you like it?" Looking at the contract, Xi Muqiao talked to himself.

Halting by the door of the bar, Qiao Mu took a deep breath and touched the bank card in the pocket with her sweaty hand. Then, she held the bank card tightly and loosed it until the sharp edges of the card hurt her palm. Her heart was beating so fast, but she was very joyful at this time. She did not expect it would be so easy for her to get the money only via signing a contract without selling her organs.

After all, the situation she faced right now was much better than what she had expected before. Qiao Mu now was filled with complicated emotions, but mainly, she was excited.

At this moment, Qiao Mu felt that Xi Muqiao was not a bad person, though sometimes he acted like an asshole.

Turning around to look at the French windows on the second floor, Qiao Mu found Xi Muqiao still stood by the window lowering his head to look at her, but it was so far between them that Qiao Mu could not see his expression clearly.

Qiao Mu thought secretly, "Although he was kind of annoying, he still gave me the money so that my mother could have the operation smoothly," She was really grateful to him. So, after hesitating for a while, Qiao Mu raised her hand to wave at him and thanked him silently.

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