Lu Ziming’s face got gloomier when he saw the questionary eyes of the girl beside him. Staring at Qiao Mu ferociously, Lu Ziming snarled threateningly, " Let’s wait and see!"

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Qiao Mu, who raised her chin, sharply answered back with her middle finger stuck up, "I’ll wait for the next chance to kick your balls again."
Loudly as Qiu Ning laughed out, with her hand covering on her belly and another patting on Qiao Mu’s shoulder, she knew that this mean little bitch would never make her disappointed in a quarrel.
But her laughter was soon interrupted by the ring of Qiao Mu’s phone. Qiao Mu then took out her phone on which the screen showed the name of Mr Xi, her sugar daddy. "How come he call me at this time. We’re just apart for a short while." thought Qiao Mu, as she answered the phone.
"Hey, my sugar daddy. What’s your command?"
"I’m in the north gate of the school." Xi Muqiao’s voice sounded on the line.

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"But I haven’t had my lunch yet..." Qiao Mu was a bit hesitant.
Silently waiting for his answer without finishing her words for a while, Qiao Mu then plumped out her cheeks in an expression of displeasure when she realized that Xi Muqiao had hanged up the phone earlier.
Therefore, Qiao Mu had no options but shrug to Qiu Ning, "I gotta go now. My boss called."
"Alright, go ahead! Remember what I told you. Go to conquer him on the bed and don’t forget the condom." said Qiu Ning, waving her hand very quickly with a look of excited and crafty.
Her words and action successfully made Qiao Mu blushed. In its air of shy and annoyed, Qiao Mu tried to kick Qiu Ning’s ass as the punishment of making fun of her, but she failed since Qiu Ning quickly avoided away while laughing loudly. "Damn it!" cursed Qiao Mu, secretly. Standing still and looking at Qiu Ning’s back, who was running away, Qiao Mu reminded herself, "I should be more careful on making friends. Look at this female hooligan! Someday, I will be led to a bad girl by her later or sooner."

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Then, Qiao Mu made haste to go to the north gate. As soon as she arrived there, she saw Xi Muqiao’s luxury car parking in front of the gate where so many people were coming and going at this time. Qiao Mu now really had no courage to walk to the car directly through the crowd. She was pretty sure that if she did so, her photo would soon appear on the home page of the post-bar of the school with a title - the school beauty in the department of architecture and her sugar daddy!
Immediately, Qiao Mu took out her phone and called him. "Sir! You can park in anywhere but not in front of the gate. They will know that I sold myself to you!" complained Qiao Mu, with an angry voice, "Listen! There is a corner in the east. Let’s meet there."
Afterwards, Qiao Mu headed to the corner walking for almost 200 meters until she saw Xi Muqiao’s car again. She quickly checked around to make sure that nobody was watching on her before she rushed to the car, opened the door and shut it without a hitch. However, almost at the same time she got into the car, Xi Muqiao, who was sitting on the driver’s seat before, suddenly opened the door and got off. 
Confusedly looking at the man’s weird action with her eyes opened widely, Qiao Mu was about to ask him why he got off the car, but soon she gave up because Xi Muqiao then got into the car again and sat by her side.
"Mister? What’s u...Ah!" 

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Unexpectedly, Qiao Mu was lifted into his arms and rested against his leg. Gently, Xi Muqiao reached out and raised her chin with his finger, asking in the mildest manner and softest tone, "Have you missed me?"
His odd uncommon behaviour raised goosebumps on Qiao Mu’s skin while a shiver ran down her spine. But it could make sense since it was the first time Xi Muqiao spoke to her in such a weird tone.
"Mister. Are, are you okay? Was I doing something wrong? You can punish me! Just stop scaring me like this." cried Qiao Mu, with her hands rubbed together.
However, Xi Muqiao offered no reply to her question but fixed his eyes on the girl in front of him with all the tenderness he had, and then, he asked again, "Have you missed me?"
Different to him, who was immersed in the ‘Love Show’ right now, Qiao Mu was almost crying out after she realized that she probably be exacted a confession at this time by him, at least she thought so.

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Therefore, Qiao Mu hastened to reply before Xi Muqiao repeated the same question, "Yes. Sure, I missed you." Meanwhile, Qiao Mu couldn’t help guessing in her heart, "What’s wrong with him? Damn it! He almost freaked me out!"
Even though Qiao Mu totally had no idea about what happened on him, her instinct told her that at this time, the rightest thing she needed to do was to reply Xi Muqiao with the answer that he wanted.
And it worked. Xi Muqiao lifted her chin again and looked at her pretty face that he had dreamed all the time with more tenderness and love in his eyes. Obviously, he was quite satisfied with Qiao Mu’s answer.
Entrenched in his charm and danger, with all the enigmatic darkness of his eyes summoned about him, he owned the fatal attraction to the woman in his blood.
With his thin lips curved slightly, Xi Muqiao then slowly lowered his head...

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