Xi Muqiao held Qiao Mu in his arms. Her whole person was surrounded by his breath—light smoke and fresh mint mixing into an aphrodisiac scent floating around her nose. 

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Seeing his facial features zooming before her eyes, she felt extremely thirsty and her heart beat fast and disorderly, 

She suddenly remembered when she came out, what Qiu Ning said to her—sleep with him as hard as she could! However, as things stood, it wasn’t she who would like to sleep with him, but he would like to sleep with her.

No matter it was who took the initiative, they would sleep together, right?

Qiao Mu stuck out her little tongue to lick her dry lips, while she didn’t realize how deductive her unconscious movement was for Xi Muqiao.

She wanted to say something, but when she looked at Xi Muqiao’s dark and bottomless eyes, she felt she was suck into there and fixed; and then she became speechless immediately. 

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It seemed that the time was frozen. There was only the breath of them two that could be heard. His warm lips approached hers inch by inch. Qiao Mu wanted to retreat, but her chin was gripped by Xi Muqiao, so, she couldn’t move at all.

Xi Muqiao’s lips had just touched Qiao Mu’s lips lightly.

 “Rumbling…” A strange noise suddenly rang untimely.

Qiao Mu felt so embarrassed that she wanted to find a place to hide herself, and her face blushed with shame.

Xi Muqiao’s movement stopped at once, a gleam of helplessness coming into his dark eyes. He looked at Qiao Mu peevishly. 

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Qiao Mu just felt that the pressure accumulating in her throat appeared abruptly. She murmured in her mind, ‘What a close call it is!’

They almost kissed at that moment!

But she didn’t know why a sense of loss suddenly flashed across her mind.

Xi Muqiao keenly caught the flicker of loss in Qiao Mu’s eyes; and then he smiled, “Are you very disappointed that I didn’t kiss you?”

 “No…no, I count myself lucky; I rejoice that you didn’t kiss me!” Qiao Mu contradicted, blushing.

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Xi Muqiao pulled Qiao Mu’s little hands, and the cold touch feeling made him frown, “Why are your hands always so cold?”

 “It doesn’t matter. My hands and feet would get cold in winter. It has been like this since I was a little girl.”

Xi Muqiao’s big warm hands held Qiao Mu’s little ones. He felt so comfortable, while Qiao Mu grinned with itch. It was too late for Qiao Mu to dodge, so, she scratched Xi Muqiao’s palms as well. 

Xi Muqiao didn’t dodge. Her soft fingertips touched his palms like feathers again and again, which not only made his hands tickle but also his heart.

His eyes rested on Qiao Mu’s innocent little face—eyebrows, eyes, nose; he looked at her face over and over again, never getting tired. He drew the outline of her delicate little face little by little in his mind, and his heart softened gradually. 

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After scratching his left hand, Qiao Mu started to scratch his right hand. Nevertheless, when she just scratched it a few times, Qiao Mu felt something wrong. She turned his big hand over; and then the scar traversing his palm immediately came into her eyes.

 “Mister, are you hurt? What happened to you?” Qiao Mu gasped in astonishment, held Xi Muqiao’s big hand and gazed at the red wound, ‘It hasn’t formed the scab, so, it should be new.’

Xi Muqiao didn’t say anything and only moved his eyes slightly, and he still gazed at Qiao Mu’s little face greedily. 
 “I see! You must have battled with your enemy, right?” Qiao Mu took a tumble, with her face full of affection and a note of blame in her voice.  

The wound was so large that she even felt hurt when she just looked at it.

 “Mister, are you stupid or something? You could only command your henchmen to go into the battle. Why did you do this sort of thing in person? You are the underworld boss! If you did everything yourself, what would you do with your henchmen? What if you died?

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