Proofread by Claire.KK

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Qiao Mu’s heart jolted at once and missed a beat abruptly, her back breaking out in a cold sweat and the hairs on her body standing straight up right away.

At that moment, Qiao Mu regretted that she refused Xi Muqiao.

At the foot of the building of Qiao Mu’s house, Xi Muqiao reclined on  his seat. Zuo Zhen looked at his President from the rear-view mirror and found that the President seemed to have greatly changed since he met Qiao Mu. Before, he could hardly see the President’s mood fluctuate—no matter what happened, the President always remained calm without his face ever changed.

But the President had become a different person. Every time the President saw Qiao Mu, he would get extremely angry. His facial expressions were much changeable than before. Moreover, how to say it? Well, the President had been more humane than his former self.

As Zuo Zhen had been with Xi Muqiao for a long time, he had already found that this man, who was naturally good at forbearance and disguise, always gave people the illusion that he was a talented and romantic man so people forget his ruthlessness.

As a result, over time, Zuo Zhen had also got his judgment lost in so many different aspects of the President’s personality, and he couldn’t figure out which side revealed the President’s true self.

However, Lin Yi told him this morning that the President asked Lin Yi to buy a new bed; what was more, Lin Yi moved a pile of wood of a broken bed from Qiao Mu’s bedroom.

As the bed had collapsed, it was not hard to imagine the intensity of their activities last night. If it took place before, they wouldn’t believe it indeed happened to their celibate President.

What did the “celibate” mean? In Lin Yi’s words, it meant a man talked little, had a poker face without any expression but a pair of sharp eyes, and always looked cool. The meaning of “celibate” didn’t lie in the physiological level but referred to the kind of person like their President, who would only demonstrate his deep love in front of the person he loved, while always keeping away from other women in ordinary days.  

They made love so hard that the bed even collapsed. It seemed that the President really loved Miss Qiao.

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In addition, the President asked Lin Yi to buy a new bed this morning and asked Zuo Zhen to buy vegetables this afternoon. Looking at the big heap of food and the clothes in the trunk, Zuo Zhen started to suspect that the President planned to settle in Qiao Mu’s home.

 “What time is it?”

The man sitting in the backseat didn’t open his eyes. With dim light shining on his face, his mood couldn’t be identified; and his voice was deep and low.

 “President, it’s ten o’clock.”

Xi Muqiao opened his eyes and looked out of the window at the dark and silent road. The little bastard would have already come back at this time normally. Then he took out her phone and dialed the little bastard’s number.

Looking at these tall men, although Qiao Mu’s face didn’t change a bit, it could be seen from her eyes that she had already got flustered. At the moment, Qiao Mu forced herself to calm down, nevertheless, it was useless—her palms had already been wet, and her hands shivered violently.

In the old residential areas like this one, the residents here, after a day of hard working, had already fallen asleep at this time, so, she didn’t expect someone would come out to save her; and she had to be on her own.

 “Do, do you want money? I can give you all my money.”

Once Qiao Mu opened her mouth, her extremely tremulous voice showed her panic. Before, she had heard that there were several unemployed young men who often held up and robbed pedestrians in this area. So, when Qiao Mu saw them, she thought they just wanted to rob her of her money. Although she liked money, her life was more precious.

 “What? Money? I have a lot of money. Do you think I want your stinking money?

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Hearing this, Qiao Mu’s face clouded over instantly. She knew whose voice it was.

The speaker came out from behind the several men and stood in front of Qiao Mu.

 “Lu Ziming, what do you want to do?” Qiao Mu, remaining calm, took two steps back. This son of a bitch really made her feel sick.

At first, she didn’t take Lu Ziming’ threat seriously, ‘Damn it! Son of a bitch! How could you really dare to hold me up on the way?’

 “What do I want to do? Qiao Mu, you humiliated me before so many people. You can guess what I want to do. You said I am a eunuch. Well, I’m gonna to let you see in a moment whether I am a eunuch or not .”

Qiao Mu’s lips pressed together. Facing several tall men, she knew very well she couldn’t escape from here. So, since she couldn’t get out of here, she decided to take some advantage of them as the interests for depositing herself at his side for so long a time.

She suddenly took off her schoolbag and threw it at Lu Ziming. As expected, Qiao Mu saw Lu Ziming raised his arms to protect his head; and then she sneered.


As she spoke, she kicked Lu Ziming hard in the crotch, which made him screamed out loud.


Lu Ziming’s scream sounded extremely horrifying in the silent night. And Qiao Mu, without any expression, spat at Lu Ziming once again as before.

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“Go to the hell,  son of a bitch! This time I’ll see if you really become a eunuch!”

After saying that, Qiao Mu started to run.

Lu Ziming knelt on the ground and covered his crotch, screaming.

 “Damn it! What the hell are you doing? Get her back!”

Hearing that, those men standing behind him came to themselves. And then Qiao Mu was carried back like a chick after she had just run ten meters.

Lu Ziming struggled to stand up, walked to Qiao Mu, and then raised his hand to give  Qiao Mu a slap on her face.

The slap, which almost took all the man’s strength, was not Qiao Mu’s delicate face could bear. Her cheek swelled up immediately, and a small crack emerged at the corners of her mouth. Then an odour of blood permeated in her mouth; her ear began to buzz; and she started to feel dizzy.

 “Bitch! You asked for it! Stop pretending to be innocent! Look at your appearance! It’s your honor that I would like to have sex with you!”

He then pushed Qiao Mu against the wall and reached out his hand to unbutton Qiao Mu’s coat. When cold wind blew into her clothes that were lifted up, Qiao Mu shivered at once, and her brain suddenly woke up.

Qiao Mu held her head high, with her face swelling up and her eyes becoming stubborn, “If you dared to touch me, you will be sorry for it.”

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Lu Ziming sneered. He didn’t take Qiao Mu’s threat seriously at all, “I will be sorry if I don’t touch you. Today, not only do I will fuck you, but also my friends will. I’ll wait and see how you will pretend to be pure and innocent in the future…”

Her phone suddenly rang, sounding like a thunder piercing the night. The familiar ring made Qiao Mu tremble all over, ‘It must be Mister!’

Her hand moved faster than her brain—Qiao Mu took out her phone and answered the call quickly, then cried horribly.

“Mister, I’m in the alley in front of my home, save…”

Before she finished saying that, Lu Ziming grabbed her phone and threw it fiercely against the wall; and then her three-hundred-yuan large screen smartphone shut up at once. Seeing there was no longer any light flashing on the screen, Qiao Mu felt desperate. She didn’t know if Mister would dislike her after Lu Ziming made it.

When the call was put through, before Xi Muqiao could say something, there came the little bastard’s voice from the other end of the phone. The shill cries made Xi Muqiao’s black eyes become dim and his fingers suddenly clench. Then he opened the door of the car and run out in haste, with his eyebrows furrowed hard in anxiety.

His little bastard was in danger!

When Xi Muqiao arrived there hastily, he saw Qiao Mu, screaming, was pressed against the wall by a man, who was getting fresh with her; and several men around them were guffawing.

His face was so clouded that it seemed there would be water dripping from it. He was so  angry that even his deep eyes became bloodshot and bleary. His slender but powerful hands held Lu Ziming’s hand quickly, which was about to reach into Qiao Mu’s jeans.

A clear sound of fracturing suddenly rose!

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