Proofread by Claire.KK

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Then came the heart-wrenching scream—Lu Ziming was holding his broken hand and screeching. Then Xi Muqiao lifted up his long leg and kicked Lu Ziming, while Lu Ziming directly flew out and rolled on the ground in agony, whining.

Everyone there was shocked by the sudden change, and they all gasped.

Zuo Zhen got there in time to see the President’s awesome kick; then he looked at the man lying on the ground and just saw his broken arm.

As he had been with the President for so many years, he certainly knew the President was heartless and cruel. However, it was the first time that he saw the President hit someone in person.

Qiao Mu only felt her body lighter; and then a clear sound came into her ears, which was so horrifying that she felt her teeth almost crushed. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the man arrived there like a god. The cold moonlight in winter fell on the man’s body, making him look so serious and gloomy.

After being taken aback by his appearing for a while, Qiao Mu recovered herself and burst into tears; and then she threw herself into Xi Muqiao’s arms.

 “Wailing…Mister, why did you come so late? This bastard wants to rape me!”

Xi Muqiao was caught off guard by Qiao Mu’s reaction and took a few steps back. Then he cupped Qiao Mu’s little face in his hands quickly, and his hands were soaked by the icy tears on Qiao Mu’s face immediately, which froze his fingertips numb in an instant.

 “Ouch, ouch, ouch, it’s painful!”

Hearing this, he had his eyes become dim. Then as soon as he pulled his phone out and turned on the torch in a hurry, he saw the little bastard’s swollen left cheek, the bruises on the corner of her eye and the crack at the corner of her mouth, which was still bleeding.

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 “Howling…Mister, he hit me. You must beat him to death.”

Qiao Mu, wailing, was really terrified. Her tears kept rolling down her cheeks, and with cold wind blowing, her face felt chill.

Xi Muqiao pushed Qiao Mu next to Zuo Zhen gently and thrust his phone into Zuo Zhen’s hands, then said in a cool voice that made all the people present shiver.

 “Light it for me.”

Xi Muqiao’s eyes, which had originally become warmer, turned cold again, and his anger gathered on his brows little by little. He stared at Lu Ziming with his eyes full of killing intent.

Xi Muqiao strode forward and punched Lu Ziming in his face. Xi Muqiao’s fist was so hard that Lu Ziming, who just stood up, was caught off guard. Then he stumbled backwards and directly hit on the mottled wall next to him.

It seemed that Xi Muqiao felt his coat restricting his movements after throwing a punch, so, he unbuttoned his coat swiftly and directly left the expensive coat on the dusty ground; then he undid his sleeve buttons rapidly. As he rolled up his sleeves, an extremely sinister smile appeared on his thin lips.

Zuo Zhen, took Qiao Mu backwards and swallowed saliva, ‘President is getting ready to fight!’

He had already said Xi Muqiao wasn’t a kind man; don’t be blinded by his handsome appearance; if he got angry, he would never show any mercy, and the man who enraged him would have a miserable end.

His handsome appearance, coupled with his formidable aura made the atmosphere freeze out, and frightened Lu Ziming’s henchmen. But they all dared not move, even though they wanted to flee away.

Anyone present could saw the anger burning in Xi Muqiao’s eyes, and they all believed the blazing fire could kill everyone there.

In the dim light, Lu Ziming saw the furious man’s face; then he felt a bomb exploding in his brain—he was stunned immediately; but he got tongue-tied when he wanted to say something.

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How would Xi Muqiao give Lu Ziming the opportunity to reveal his identify in front of Qiao Mu? So, he lifted his leg and kicked Lu Ziming in the stomach, so Lu Ziming rolled away again.

This kick was so violent that it made Lu Ziming’s stomach keep churning, which made Lu Ziming curl up in pain on the ground, with the cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Lu Ziming was scared and regretted—he was Xi Muqiao, President of Xi Group, the man who stood on the top of Jiang City and had immense power that enabled him to do anything in the whole city. If Xi Muqiao really wanted to kill him, he could do it without leaving any traces. And there was no doubt if Lu Ziming planned to revolt against Xi Muqiao relying on the little power of his family, that would be like kicking against pricks.

If Lu Ziming had known Qiao Mu had relations with Xi Muqiao, no matter how brave he was, he dared not hold up Qiao Mu on her way to home.

 “Even I can’t bear to hit her, who gives you the courage to beat her, who?”

Xi Muqiao approached Lu Ziming again, almost gritting his teeth.

Lu Ziming tried to open his mouth to speak, but his stomach ached so much so that he couldn’t say a word. He looked fearfully at the man walking to him step by step, while he had no way to retreat.

All the people present saw Xi Muqiao lifted his leg and pressed it on Lu Ziming’s body, and his one hand seized Lu Ziming by the collar, while the other hand smashed his fist one by one on Lu Ziming’s chest. Xi Muqiao’s ruthless and brutal look made all of them tremble with fear.

 “Who allows you to hit her, who gives you the courage…”

These words came from Xi Muqiao’s mouth one by one, and his cruel voice made all the people there feel their throat getting tight and dry.

Qiao Mu was stunned, and she forgot to cry. She just stared at Xi Muqiao who kept punching Lu Ziming in his body like a lunatic. And the sounds of punches made her shudder with fear.

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The timid voice let Xi Muqiao pause. As he turned around to look at Qiao Mu, the ruthlessness that existed in his eyes when he hit Lu Ziming now disappeared completely.

 “Stop, stop hitting him. He is about to die…”

At that moment, Lu Ziming’s face was bloodstained; his mouth was bleeding; his eyes opened wide, and he hadn’t been able to say even a word.

Xi Muqiao’s eyes got warm again instantly. With the blood streaks in his eyes fading away, his eyes became clear and bright; and his voice became soft like water.

 “OK, Mumu said stop it, then I stop. “

Qiao Mu felt her heart miss a beat—she was shocked by Xi Muqiao who just called her “Mumu” in a soft tone.

Mister called her “Mumu”.

Xi Muqiao stood up, patted the blood and dust off his hands, then turned his eyes to the men who just froze there.

Seeing Xi Muqiao gazing at them, those men couldn’t help shivering, with their minds wandering elsewhere. They were startled by the huge change and the sudden incident and lost all their ability and consciousness to react.

If they had known they would meet Xi Muqiao here, even Lu Ziming threatened them with death, they would definitely not come here to get mixed up in this. At that moment, they all began to resent Lu Ziming.

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 “Are you all the students of the University of Jiang City?”

They were all scared and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, Yes.”

Xi Muqiao took out his handkerchief from his trouser pocket and gently wiped the stains on his palms. His posture was so graceful that it seemed that the man who had just gone mad was not him.

 “Do you know Qiao Mu?”


He, without any expression on his face, said in a very cool voice, “OK then, from now on, if anything happened to Qiao Mu in school, I will reckon it’s you who did it. I believe you don’t doubt my means.”

Those men kept nodding. From then on, Qiao Mu would have several bodyguards for free in school. They were all afraid that if something happened to Qiao Mu, Xi Muqiao would blame it on them.

Xi Muqiao bent over to pick up the dusty black coat and then hung it on his arm. Zuo Zhen stepped forward and just wanted to say “President”.


The man’s eyes became sharp immediately, which frightened Zuo Zhen to correct himself at once.

 “Bo, boss.”

Then Xi Muqiao turned around with satisfaction, gently put his arm around Qiao Mu’s shoulders and said in a low voice.

 “Let’s go home.”

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