Proofread by Claire.KK

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Qiao Mu, following Xi Muqiao, also turned around. However, after a few steps, she returned. She walked over to Lu Ziming who was lying on the ground and had been half-dead, then lifted her leg and stamped on Lu Ziming’s crotch a few times. As she stamped, she was mumbling.

 “Damn it! Do you think you can rape me with your stupid look? I would surely crush your nuts this time!

All the onlookers, including Xi Muqiao, felt a chill in their crotch and a touch of sadness for their balls.

Xi Muqiao twitched the corners of his eyes. He suddenly began to worry about the safety of his nuts after he got married with the little bastard. His little jerk was too violent. Didn’t she know that was men’s biggest weakness?

After finishing stamping on him, and before she turned around, Qiao Mu stuck up her middle finger to Lu Ziming and said.

 “You’d better remember who I am. I will beat you every time I meet you in the future.”

Xi Muqiao: “…”

Looking at the President and Miss Qiao who were walking in front of him, Zuo Zhen suddenly thought these two people were perfectly matched. Miss Qiao’s ruthlessness was exactly the same as Xi Muqiao.

After they had returned home, Xi Muqiao found that the injury on Qiao Mu’s face was more serious than he thought. He gently rubbed the inflamed cheek.

 “Ouch, ouch, ouch, it hurts!” Qiao Mu moaned loudly, with her big eyes full of tears.

Her whole left cheek swelled up; the cyanotic slap mark on her white face looked so horrible; the corners of her eye were bruised; and blood continued to ooze from the crack on the corner of her mouth. Her right cheek was unhurt, but dust and tears mixed up and made a mess of her makeup. In a word, her little face looked miserable.

Xi Muqiao’s face clouded over. He carefully wiped the dust off Qiao Mu’s face with a hot towel, his deep dark eyes full of affection. He was glad that at that time, he was not far away from the little bastard, so he could arrive there in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. He cupped Qiao Mu’s little face with his big hands. Qiao Mu looked up and clearly saw her reflection in Xi Muqiao’s eyes.

 “Does your head hurt?”

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 “A little bit.”

 “And your ears?”

 “There was a buzzing in my ear at first, but it’s much better now.”

Xi Muqiao threw the towel into the basin, found a gray coat from the suitcase that Zuo Zhen brought up and put it on, and then wrapped  Qiao Mu a scarf.

 “Come on, let’s go to hospital.”


 “Go to have a checkup, in case you have a concussion.”

 “What? Concussion?”

Qiao Mu was dumbfounded, “Is, is this so serious?”

 “I’m not sure. We’d better go there and have a check.”

Qiao Mu suddenly got furious. With her little hands covering her cheek, she cursed loudly and cursed her teeth.

 “The son of a bitch! If I really have a concussion, Mister, you must ask someone to chop him!”

Zuo Zhen: “…” ‘The future President’s wife is really very aggressive.’

When Xi Muqiao pulled Qiao Mu to go out, Qiao Mu said piteously, “Mister, I have no money.”

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Xi Muqiao felt he was pissed off, ‘Holy shit! This moneygrubber still think about money at this moment!’ He just wanted to beat her to death; and then he turned around and shouted angrily, “I’m with you! You don’t need to pay any money!”

Then Xi Muqiao took Qiao Mu to hospital and she went through a series of examinations there. As expected, the results showed Qiao Mu had a mild concussion. After Qiao Mu knew it, she started to snivel.

 “Mister,  he slapped me and made me have a concussion. It wasn’t me who cheat on him first, whining…”

The people coming and going in hospital all looked at them—a poor girl, with a swollen face, cried while dragging the sleeves of a tall and handsome man. And hearing the girl’s tearful complaints, the crowd started to criticize Xi Muqiao.

 “He looks so handsome. But how could he do this kind of things?”

 “Exactly, look at the poor girl; how could he beat her so hard?”

 “Such a love rat!”


Xi Muqiao’s face was very gloomy. He picked up Qiao Mu, then turned around and left.

 “Damn it! How could the blame come to me?’

In the car.

 “Mister, ask someone to chop him right now.”

Xi Muqiao’s face clouded over again, “I want to chop you.”

Qiao Mu cried even louder. Xi Muqiao was annoyed by her whining and then yielded, “Shut up! If you continued to cry, I’ll sell you!”

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As expected, the little bastard stopped crying. Covering her mouth with her little hands, she stared at Xi Muqiao with tears welled up in her eyes and kept shrugging her shoulders as she tried so hard not to cry, which all made her look really piteous.

Xi Muqiao’s heart, which just hardened, was smashed little by little. He felt his heart was melt seeing Qiao Mu’s poor look. Then he held Qiao Mu in his arms and said, with his tone getting gentle.

 “This is for not listening to me. You insisted on coming back alone and then brought it to yourself. Do you remember this lesson?”

Qiao Mu sobbed, “Ye, yes.”

Zuo Zhen heard the conversation between these two people while driving and exclaimed in his mind, ‘When did the President become so gentle? He, as expected, was finally defeated by Miss Qiao.’

After they arrived home and tidied all things, it was near midnight.

Qiao Mu saw her new bed, which valued five thousand yuan. The single Bordeaux red wooden bed in the narrow room seemed out of place. She lay on it and then felt the bed was well worth five thousand yuan—it was soft and warm.

 “Mister, the son of a bitch touched me through my clothing.”

Xi Muqiao paused while he was taking off his clothes, and his anger surged up on his brows at once.

 “Which hand did he use?”

After a bit of thought, Qiao Mu said, with her little hands twisting the edge of the quilt, “The right hand.”

Xi Muqiao hung his coat on the hanger, and the anger that just accumulated on his brows dispersed instantly; then he sneered and said in a low and cool voice.

 “It had already been broken.”

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As Xi Muqiao took Qiao Mu’s cotton-padded clothes, he frowned, ‘How could it be so thin? No wonder the little jerk’s hands and feet are always so cold.’ When he shook out the clothes and prepared to hang it on the hanger, two pink little things dropped on the floor. Xi Muqiao stooped down to pick them up.

When he clearly saw the things in his hands, his expression became very interesting. A gleam of surprise coming into his eyes, he fingered the two small pink bags and glanced at the little bastard who was playing games with his phone, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Xi Muqiao got into the covers and reached for the phone.

The phone was taken away just when she was having a blast. Qiao Mu was about to complain. However, at this point, two small pink bags appeared before her eyes. After she cast a glance at them, she instantly recognized they were the condoms that Qiu Ning stuffed into her pocket.

Qiao Mu’s face got red as pork liver right away, and her swollen cheek undulated with pain. She hurried to pull the quilt to cover her head and then justified herself.

 “They are not mine!”

A flicker of joy lightening up Xi Muqiao’s eyes, he raised his hands and pulled down the quilt, “Then do they belong to me?”

He reached out his hands and embraced Qiao Mu in his arms, with the tip of his nose rubbing Qiao Mu’s, “Come on, are you looking forward to do something with me?”


 “Then why did you put condoms in your pocket? Are they not prepared for me?”

Qiao Mu took the quilt to prevent Xi Muqiao from pulling it down, only leaving her two eyes outside. Her voices sounded muffled.

 “Can I say I want to blow them up as balloons?”

Xi Muqiao’s lips curved, and he blew a warm breath to Qiao Mu, “Then can you show me how to blow them up as balloons?”

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