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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

She was incoherent and sobbing right now but thinking that maybe the old bastard would somehow relent and let her go, so she didn't even care what she was saying.

Of course, if he just sat by, she’d just scold him back later!

Xi Muqiao watched Qiao Mu crying on the ground and his mouth twitched again. Damn, she was really a good actor.

Qiao Mu knelt on the ground, holding Xi's muscular legs and crying sadly. As she told the story about her tragic family, she smudging tears and snot on Xi Muqiao's suit pants.

Xi Muqiao stared wide-eyed at her movement and then tried to throw her off his leg with a bit of disgust. But he failed because she clung to his leg so tightly like a sloth clinging to a tree.

Ten minutes passed.

Qiao Mu was still crying but she no longer talked. It seemed like that she really got scared and just kept crying out loud now.

Meanwhile, her tears touched Xi Muqiao's heart a bit. After all, he had been missing her more than ten years. It really made his heart aching to seeing her crying like this.

"Get up." Xi stretched out his hand to pull her up, but she did not respond and just kept crying.

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Xi Muqiao repeated his words in a stern voice, but this time, he sounded like he was jokingly threatening. "Get up, or I'll send you to the police station."

Immediately, Qiao Mu stood up straight after hearing his threat, with tears still streaming down her face.

"Stop crying!"

She instantly covered her mouth with one of her white hands and wiped away the tears with the other. Then, she brushed her tear-soaked hair with her fingers quickly lest she would be sent to the police station. Her round eyes were full of tears, looking charmingly pitiful.

Xi Muqiao fondly looked at Qiao Mu. But the next second, his mouth twitched unconsciously and he started laughing as he couldn’t help it.

Qiao Mu was stunned. Her grieved face got frozen at once. With her face tear-stained, she stared at the man’s gorgeous smile. She never knew how charming a man could be when he smiled until now. He looked like an elf.

Like a dry field watered by rain, his smile made every pore of her body feel refreshed that her heart couldn't help trembling.

Xi Muqiao tried to take his smile back, but he could not help laughing again when he saw her stiffened face, especially her lanceted eyebrows that seemed so funny when she cried.

He looked at her palm-sized delicate face with the pitiful little eyes and slightly blushed little nose. Her little red mouth now pouted slightly.

But no one could imagine that her lanceted eyebrows would turn into slanted ones when she cried, which made her sad look so funny!

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Compared to her amusing look, those funny videos online were too common to mention. Xi Muqiao thought that if he posted her embarrassed face online, she would become an internet sensation.

Noticing his stare, Qiao Mu suddenly thought of her eyebrows that would become droopy when she cried. She didn't know why, but she was laughed at because of this for many times since she was a child.

Qiao Mu really felt ashamed now. ‘Shit, this is so humiliating.’ Did she step on dog poop these days? Why would she never be lucky while someone else got their lucky days of finding a hundred dollars or getting the things they wanted without paying?

‘God, you might as well kill me!’

"How could this man keep behaving gentle and calm while she is getting humiliated?" She sighed at the unfairness of fate.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu gave up the idea of extending her gratitude to God like when she found her school bag.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, feeling angry and hurt at the same time. God, why was she so miserable and why all the bad things happened to her.

Bad luck and misfortune were probably what she had now.

Soon, she thought of her miserable life that she had been through since her childhood. She could not help crying again. But this time she just quietly shed tears, which quickly piled up in her eyes and rolled out. She said nothing, but just occasionally raising her hand to wipe away the tears.

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Her tears now really made Xi Muqiao heartbroken. He couldn't help wondering, "Is she made of water?" He frowned, pulled out his square handkerchief, and walked to her, softly wiping off her snot and tears.

"Why are you crying?”

Qiao Mu looked up directly into his eyes, with long curly eyelashes wet and tears in her red-rimmed eyes. Her lips were pale and her body was slightly shivering.

She was afraid.

"Pl…please, don't…don't take me…to the police station. My mother is still in hospital. I have to earn money to pay my debts. I can't go to the police station."

Hearing her begging, Xi Muqiao was moved profoundly and his heart trembled. His eyes were sore, before they quickly turned into red. He could hardly breathe as if his insides were burning with fire as he took every gasp.

He thought of the papers on which had written about her experiences over the years. His heart, like falling into an ice cellar, got a sudden sting. She was only 20 years old, naive and simple, but she had suffered all the hardships in the world.

Fortunately, the ordeal did not wear down her resilience, and she was still the same tough girl as he remembered. But he knew that the more fragile the heart was, the stronger and sharper the exterior would be, and that might be her protective shell.

Her tears dripped over the man's long fingers, causing his fingertips to quiver and making his heart tremble.

Qiao Mu looked cautiously at the silent man with a touch of panic in her big round eyes. Her lips were held tight because of the obvious nervousness she showed on her face, then she said in a quivering voice, "Hey, what compensation do you want? I'll give you whatever I have."

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Her tears soaked the handkerchief. Xi Muqiao couldn't help but complain silently, "Is she made of water? Why does she have so many tears?" Then he sighed softly, with the moist eyelids half-closed, and said in his deep and husky voice, "Don't worry, I don't want any compensation, nor will I send you to the police station."

"Ah?" Qiao Mu was surprised with a glazed expression.

What did it mean that he wanted neither compensation nor sending her to the police station? Did he want to solve it according to the rule of the underground? Was he going to kill her with a shiny knife? Clank, off with her head?

Damn it! What she said didn't make anything work at all.

Whining! Her body shook even more violently. She pursed her lips in grief, and then her tears fell again. Xi Muqiao raised his hand and felt his forehead, feeling helpless. What the hell was the matter? He’d said he wouldn't send her to the police station and he needn't any compensation. Why did she cry again? Were these tears of joy?

"Woo, woo, I know you're a mafia boss, but I don't want to lose my arms or legs. Woo, Can I make it up to you with something else? Woo... "

Xi Muqiao: "..."

"You think I'm a mafia boss?" Xi Muqiao asked surprisingly while he was complaining in his heart, ‘Who the hell has ever seen such a handsome, graceful and gentle mafia boss?’

She nodded and said, "Hmm."

Xi Muqiao, who felt sorry for what the little bastard had suffered a few seconds ago, was going to die of anger now. He held on to his temples, not knowing whether to cry or to laugh.

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