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Translator: Flying Lines
Proofread by Claire.KK

“Alright, you thought I was the leader of the gangdom? Then as you wish.” With this thinking, Xi Muqiao's face darkened, "I didn't want to expose my identity, but you still knew it." With a stern expression, he decided to act as a leader of the gongdom as she said.

"Come on, everyone would know it from your strong momentum. But...but you can rest assured. I've heard about the rules played in the underworld. I will keep it a secret." Replied Qiao Mu carefully. Meanwhile, she was so tense at the thought that he might kill her since she now knew his real identity.

Xi Muqiao felt both funny and helpless. As president of Hua Mu Group and a golden bachelor, he owned a large number of adorers that could even circle the whole city two laps and a half if they lined up. It never occurred him that he would be recognized as a leader of the gangdom.

Well, it made sense that she forgot her ‘dear brother' since all the ‘story' between them happened at such a young age when she was a child. But how could she not recognize his attractive handsome face which had appeared on the TV so many times?

This little bastard. Xi Muqiao now really wanted to kick her buddy!

Xi Muqiao quietened his impulsion a little by rubbing his forehead with his taper fingers while passing the hanky which was soaked by her tears and snot to Qiao Mu with another hand. Then, he said with loathing, "Wash it clean after you go home."

Qiao Mu nodded and took the hanky over, with forced politeness while she secretly rejoiced on what she had heard. Go home? So did it mean that he would let her go instead of killing her?

Half naked, Xi Muqiao rested his hands on his hips and then pointed at the sofa with his chin, "Give me my clothes," ordered Xi Muqiao, with a condescending manner.

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Immediately, Qiao Mu walked forward like a brown-noser and picked up the black shirt on the sofa. She didn't know what kind of materials it was made of, but the shirt held in her hand felt quite comfortable. She realized how stupid she was to be surprised by the excellent quality of the shirt as a fine young leader of the gangdom with power and fortune should wear the perfect luxuriant clothes.

With this thinking, Qiao Mu obediently passed the shirt to him, "Please, Mister."

Xi Muqiao was pleased by her respectful manners, but as the corner of his mouth lifted up slightly, he turned around and then slowly opened his arms with pride as a King, instead of taking the shirt over.

Almost at once, Qiao Mu understood his meaning. ‘Damn it! Is he asking me to serve him! Who the hell does he think he is? An Emperor?" Qiao Mu cursed silently in her heart. But in case of losing her limbs or being killed, she had no options but served him to get dressed against her will. After all, there was nothing more important than her life, let alone it was just a shirt.

"The buttons."

Qiao Mu gritted her teeth while cursing again in her heart, "Old bastard!" Meanwhile, she seized the chance and touched his muscular chest. Anyway, she needed to get some compensation after suffering losses.



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For god's sake, this old bastard was exactly making a fool of her. But Qiao Mu dared not refuse because her life was still in his hand. Therefore, she could only curse him again and again secretly in her heart.

When she opened her lips, however, Qiao Mu recovered herself as the obedient little girl and asked politely, "Are you satisfied with my service? Mr.?"

Xi Muqiao looked down at her and was quite pleased by her complaisant look, though in a quiet way. Then he gently smiled, saying in a deep songful tone, "Not bad."

Qiao Mu cheered secretly, "Yes! First step, I made it!"

Then she gallantly walked around him to make sure that no wrinkles left on the coat after she fastened the button. With a saccharine smile on her tear-streaked face, her eyes still red-rimmed after weeping, she asked expectantly, "Then, may I go home with my friend now?"

Xi Muqiao laughed in his heart. So, that was her purpose. He looked down into her eyes directly, and then uttered calmly and flatly.

"Hmm, I will consider it. But since you have raped me, which left me with a feeling of deep hurt, I still need a follow-up observation to make the final decision."

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"Is, is that really necessary?" Qiao Mu was choked off, and meanwhile, she rolled her eyes in her heart, "How come you couldn't even bear such a small blow as the leader of gongdom? Loser!"

"By the way, what kind of after effect a man will get by sleeping with a girl?" Qiao Mu thought sneeringly.

"I will come to see you at any time, and remember, do not try to run away! I'm a leader of gongdom and can know every detail about your life if I want. If you dare to run away..." Xi Muqiao paused for a second, catching the disdain in Qiao Mu's eyes. He narrowed his eyes and then threatened, "You know what will happen."

"I won't run away! I promise!" cried Qiao Mu, with her head shaking violently.

In fact, she got no place to run away. Her mom was still in the hospital and she hadn’t graduated from college. Besides, the man in front of her was the leader of the gangdom who had thousands followers. It was so easy for him to catch her back. And at that time, she wouldn't get anything but the cruel punishment.

In Qiu Ning's dimly lit house, Qiao Mu and Qiu Ning lied on the bed staring at the lamp on the ceiling blankly and patting their chests to calm themselves, without washing their faces after they came back from the Bar.

"So you're telling me that he was the man who raped you?"

Qiao Mu waved her hand with a worried look when she suddenly realized that Qiu Ning couldn't see it in the darkness. Then she opened her mouth and explained feebly, "No. Actually, it was I who broke into his room and then slept with him."

Qiu Ning was really shocked by the big news. She turned her head to look at Qiao Mu who lied next to her and couldn't help but think, "Is she so doughty? How come such a tiny person like her could have done such an overbearing thing?!"

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"I never knew that you're so doughty."

"I’ve always been like this, but you're lack of a pair of eyes that good at discovering."

Her words successfully made Qiu Ning roll her eyes.

"Speaking of that, you really took a big advantage. That guy is so good-looking and gentlemanly; it could be called the best." Qiu Ning grabbed the quilt tightly and said with excitement, "But he looked a bit familiar."

The man was standing against the light when Qiu Ning met him that day, and soon she was forced out by the men in black before she could see his face clearly. But either his fine tall build or his noble vibe were amazing. Judging from that, he definitely had a handsome face.

Qiao Mu also agreed with Qiu Ning. Her eyes were gleaming in the dark. It was true that he was handsome and attractive. It was the first time that she had realized that a leader of gongdom could be so perfect internally and externally.

Unfortunately, he chose a dangerous life to be a leader of gangdom. Maybe he would accidentally die one day. Thinking of this, Qiao Mu couldn't help but feel sorry about his pretty face.

"A leader of Gangdom?! Have you seen him on the TV or newspaper before?"

Thinking back to all things happened these days, Qiao Mu felt her brain in a whirl. In the beginning, she just wanted to have a drink in the Bar after she broke up with her ex-boyfriend, but she got into the wrong room and lost her virgin and her bag. Then she was caught when she went back to find her bag. What was more, the man was the leader of the gangdom. Mama mia! She was afraid that her peaceful life had gone.

But she wouldn't waste time on imagining what will happen in the future. She needed to focus on the present. Anyway, she still hoped that tomorrow would be a new day.

Hearing the breath of Qiu Ning near her ear, Qiao Mu tended to feel sleepy. In a trance, Xi Muqiao's handsome face loomed before her. "... Old bastard." Qiao Mu murmured before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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