On a rare day off, Lin Xiting rushed over from school to console her ghost-like older brother. 

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Lin Xiting sat on the hanging chair in Lin Xizhou’s apartment—a pink hanging chair for young ladies that she forcibly had her brother install, and it was her throne every time she visited. 



Although Lin Xiting and Lin Xizhou were not twins, they were very similar in appearance—the most similar were their eyes. They both had phoenix eyes where the outer corner of their eyes were pointed slightly upward, making them appear cold and arrogant. Her brother’s facial features were milder than hers because of the mole on his lip, which made him appear kinder and cuter. Her other features included thin lips, a straight nose, and a long neck—all of which gave her an image of a phoenix resting in the mortal world. 

She was a college freshman this year, in a good college on the Project 985 list, yet her head was only filled with worshipping celebrities.  

She glanced at Lin Xizhou, who looked like a sad excuse of an eggplant—lifeless and bruised—as she picked at her newly done manicure speechlessly. 


“Who knew that you could be this stupid? I told you to delete the Moments, and you disregarded my suggestions. Also, how did you mess up such simple numbers?”

She flattened her lips. 

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“And why are you still so upset? Not only did you get your donation refunded, but you also added your North God on WeChat. This kind of killing two birds with one stone thing would only exist in my happiest dreams. Why are you still so frustrated?” 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

She continued to mock him, saying, “For someone like you, eventually, you’ll reveal your real identity down to your underwear while chasing idols.”

Olc Wlhtbe ajqqfv ja tlr qtbcf rmgffc. Yc atf rmgffc kjr atf mtja tlrabgs yfakffc tlw jcv Al Dflilcu. 

“Qtja vb sbe xcbk? P jvwlgf jcv kbgrtlq atlr ugfja ubv, bxjs? P kjcafv ab yf gfmbuclhfv ys atf batfg qfgrbc atgbeut ws ragfcuat!”

Olc Wlhtbe, ktb ojcajrlhfv wjcs alwfr jybea qijslcu lc Al Dflilcu’r mbwweclas ujwfr jcv jrabclrtlcu atf frqbga qijsfg klat tlr qgbkfrr, rjlv, “P’w vloofgfca ogbw sbe ojcr ktb bbt, jtt bnfg sbeg wjif mfifyglalfr, yea ktb mbwqifafis ijmx jcs afmtclmji mbcafca.” 

Lin Xiting rolled her eyes. 

“Apart from Ji Beiling, who do you know in the esports circle that is pleasing to the eyes? It’s either a fat man or someone with a face as round as the moon. Every time there is a camera involved, it would always be a close up of their faces. Just watching a single game would make me lose my appetite.”

Lin Xizhou chuckled. 

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“Shallow. Why would you watch people for their face over their game in competitions? That’s all you female fans care about. Which Korean player hasn’t had plastic surgery? Starlight’s nose and cheekbones were altered like a witch’s, and he didn’t even play that well this year.” 

Lin Xiting was super into Starlight for a period of time. She gritted her teeth. 

“He’s already a thing of the past. Right now it’s all about HIGH’s Qiming. Not only is he super handsome, but he is also very talented. All the songs he composed are very pleasant to the ears.”

The corner of Lin Xizhou’s lips raised up. 

“Qiming? Huh? Not only were his eyes altered, his nose and chin were also padded. That lower jaw? Surgery. Even the tear mole was an add-on.” 

Lin Xiting wanted to cover her ears like a child. 

“What are you talking about?!”


Lin Xizhou took out his phone. 

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“His old photos from when he just became popular have already been shared a thousand times. So many people asked his agent where he got the surgery done. Do you want to see the photos?” 

Lin Xiting took a deep and calming breath. 

“No worries. I love his talented soul, not his appearance.”

“Those songs you were talking about? I heard it was composed by a small singer in a bar and was bought for a hundred thousand. His agent boasted to other agents when he was drunk, saying how he has the eye for talent. Other than that, there’s no shady stuff that Qiming has done apart from the occasional one-night stand. But that’s normal.”

Lin Xiting took another deep, calming breath.  

“Is the singer in that bar handsome?”

Lin Xizhou replied, “I’m looking for the photos…I found it. Another round appearance. You might say he and Qiming come in the same package.” 

Lin Xiting almost broke her new manicure. “People say that ruining a marriage is worse than demolishing ten temples. You’ve already destroyed a potential perfect love story between me and a handsome brother. Lin Xizhou, are you even human?!”

Lin Xizhou grinned. 

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“You only have yourself to blame for having poor judgement. Don’t worry, no matter how stupid you are, you’ll always be my little sister.”

Lin Xiting angrily changed one of her Weibo accounts for following celebrities to a black avatar and deigned to ask, “Then tell me, are there any naturally handsome guys in the entertainment industry, with no dark histories, that are worth chasing?”

Lin Xizhou sat up straighter. 

“Fortunately, I know one.” 

Lin Xiting glared at him suspiciously. 


Lin Xizhou smiled. 

“Of course, it is none other than the ‘Violet Star from the Heaven’, your own brother, me! Have you won a single fight with my millet porridge fans? Why don’t you just be my fan club leader? Not only would you get first-hand information, but you could also make private connections with idols. It would definitely satisfy your star-chasing experience.” 

Lin Xiting: “…”

Although she was furious, she was also slightly moved.

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