Lin Xizhou was forced to take Lin Xiting to eat at the city’s most expensive seafood buffet to soothe her wounded heart.

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He was really speechless. The Lin family has always doted on their daughter since she was a kid. Ever since he debuted, Lin Xizhou was never given an additional penny, while Lin Xiting had continuously received an allowance. But she lived paycheck to paycheck, spending all her allowance on her lovely fixation of the month.



“I don’t see any new bags or clothes this month. Where did all of your money go? I don’t know how you can eat instant ramen for three days straight.”

Lin Xizhou seriously suspected that Lin Xiting might soon act pitifully to their parents for more allowance. 

Lin Xiting’s hands, which were tapping away on her phone, paused. She laughed awkwardly.


“Contributed to Qiming’s magazine sales…”

Lin Xizhou gritted his teeth.

“You didn’t even buy a single magazine of mine this year!”


Lin Xiting covered her face with her phone, looking very pitiful and shrinking slightly.

“I can see you anytime I want, why do I need to buy magazines…”

“I know, I know. I’ll definitely buy your next issue. And not only yours, but I’ll also buy Ji Beiling’s!”

Lin Xiting would act shamelessly for a chance at delicious food, so she spouted compliment after compliment. 

“You’re the best brother in the world. Not only are you handsome while acting, but you’re also good at gaming, loved by anyone who sees you. You’re the flower that blooms—”

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“Stop, stop! I’m driving!”

Lin Xizhou had goosebumps all over.

“I’m satisfied enough if you don’t say negative things about me on the internet behind my back!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lin Xiting made a face at her brother and crouched aside to continue playing on her phone.

Ktf rfjobbv yeoofa kjr ja atf Qfl Vl Klcu Lbafi. Ktf akb rlyilcur gbvf atf fifnjabg eqkjgv.

Qfjglcu j wjrx kjrc’a mbwobgajyif, rb Olc Wlhtbe qeiifv la vbkc ab tlr mtlc, fzqbrlcu tlr cbrf jcv wbeat.

Ktfgf kfgfc’a wjcs qfbqif vlclcu ja atlr alwf, rb tf abbx boo tlr wjrx mbwqifafis bcmf atfs kfgf rfjafv. 

He’d taken on a new role and needed to control his food portions, so he sat at the booth, not getting food and waiting for his sister to return with her food. Knowing her, she would go through the entire restaurant to get a small amount of everything, so it was safe to say it would take him a while to see her shadow again. Instead, she came running back in just a few minutes with an empty plate.

With a mysterious expression on her face, she came close and said in a disbelieving tone, “Brother, guess who I saw at another booth?”


Lin Xizhou instinctively put on his mask. “Paparazzi?”

Lin Xiting gave him a deadpan look. 

“No, stop thinking of yourself as the biggest star in the universe. I think I saw a member of BLK at the lobster station. I think he plays jungler—what was his name? Head something, but he was right in front of me! The fat one!”

This time, it was Lin Xizhou who stood up with a swish.

“You sure?” he asked excitedly. If one of BLK’s players was here, didn’t that mean there was a big chance that North God was also here?

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She pointed him in a direction. 

“Over there. He should still be getting food. You go see for yourself.”

Lin Xizhou straightened his mask and headed in the direction his sister pointed at. There were two slightly familiar figures standing where the buffet served Boston lobsters—BLK’s jungler and support, Bighead and Little Dream.

He quietly walked up to the two, pretended to be waiting in line, and overheard Bighead whispering as he waited for the chef to clean the lobster.

“This is the most expensive buffet in B City? I feel like there isn’t much being served. Can we really be full on this? This place is so expensive too…” 

“You were the one who insisted on eating at the most expensive place!”

“I checked this place on the internet as well. Who knew it would be a place like this? This is my first time here as well…”

“Well, it’s rare for North God to treat us to a meal. I really thought it was nothing about how frank and straightforward he was when he agreed to the restaurant. At worst, let’s work him to death once we are back…”

“It would’ve been better if we went to a hot pot place.” 

Lin Xizhou gulped.

That means North God is really here!

But he immediately came to his senses, looking at the two whispering before him with a hostile glare—how could they screw North God over like this! Picking the most expensive place! North God was too good to them, treating his teammates here. If it was him, he would have taken them to a kebab place! Five yuan per stick!

Maybe his dark aura was too intense, but Little Dream felt a chill behind him. He subconsciously looked back to see a young man in a red sweater. Although only a pair of eyes were exposed, he could still see the person’s appearance. It gave him a very familiar feeling… 

He recalled carefully for a long time and suddenly a lightbulb turned on.

Little Dream’s action startled Lin Xizhou. He felt like a kid caught with a hand inside the cookie jar. He stood in place, not knowing what to do next. Then, Little Dream looked like he wanted to say something, but it took him some time to form his sentence. When he finally spoke, he said, “You’re Chu Jingtian! No, no wait. What was it…Lin something Zhou. But you played Chu Jingtian right?”


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He continued excitedly, “You know, The Tale of Transformed Xia! The extremely popular TV drama. Our team watched it episode by episode every day. I can even sing the theme song! You’re the immortal judgement~~~One slash to shake the heavens~~~”

Lin Xizhou: “…?” 


He reluctantly switched to celebrity mode, pulling down his mask to give a standard smile.

“Ah, yes. Hello.”

Little Dream and Bighead watched him with starry eyes. They even forgot about the lobsters. 

“Hello, hello! Great Xia Chu! To actually see you in person. This meal is worth eating!”

“Yes, you did an amazing job. Especially when you and Xiao Yu went separate ways. I couldn’t stop my tears!”

Bighead sighed.

“Our nation has so few good TV dramas these days. You played very well. A must watch drama! I give you a thumbs up!” 

Lin Xizhou tightened his face to keep his composure.

“Ah…Thank you so much—”

“Bighead, do you have a pen?”

Little Dream jabbed Bighead’s hand. 

“Can we have your autograph? Our whole team really likes you—have you played LOL before? Do you watch esports? We’re BLK, the team that just won the World Championship!”

Lin Xizhou smiled.

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“Of course, I saw it that day in my Moments. Congratulations on your team’s victory!”

Bighead showed a large smile. 

“Hahaha, I did not expect Great Xia Chu to be congratulating us. This is a dream come true!”

Little Dream had teary eyes.


“Our captain—do you know Northland? He never watched TV dramas with us, but he watched The Tale of Transformed Xia from start to finish. Afterwards, he didn’t even disdain us for our bad taste. Great Xia Chu, you must take a group photo with us—our table is over there. It won’t take long; we won’t take too much of your time!”

Lin Xizhou’s entire essence was as if he was trapped in the legendary pink bubbles—wh-what?! North God watched his TV drama? 

Just like that, he was dragged to BLK’s booth in a trance.

The remaining three members were there, Ji Beiling being the most prominent. The man, who was looking down at his phone, wore a black high-necked sweater. His sharp jawline and light lips made him appear distant and indifferent. He looked very out of place with his other two teammates, who were eating like cavemen.

He heard Bighead and Little Dream excitedly introducing him. Ji Beiling raised his head and glanced over at him.

The man’s eyelashes were long, and when their eyes met, Lin Xizhou could see the moment the eyelashes trembled. Ji Beiling’s eyes were always very focused, whether watching the game or working on other things; those eyes would always be firmly fixed on his target. 

And now, they were locked on Lin Xizhou.

The actor who was used to being in front of the camera from a young age, who was comfortable being the centre of attention, hardly felt nervous during those times. Unlike now, when both his feet and stomach were quivering.

He suddenly realized what Lin Xiting was talking about.

When your dream idol comes out from the screen and to your side, as you two lock eyes, just breathing the same air is happiness and glory.  

A faint smile appeared on Ji Beiling’s face as he said to him, “Hello.”

Lin Xizhou suspected that his heart was about to jump out of his chest and up to the Milky Way.

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