“I want to try horseback riding.”

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She uttered these words ten days after she made up her mind.


After that very day, there hadn’t been a day when she didn’t meet Cerdian. Except for days when he had a busy schedule, they always had dinner together.


Even so, the request did not come out of her mouth easily. She had never asked such a personal and trivial request to others and she was afraid that he would think that she was impudent.


This was the reason why Rodelia looked at Cerdian warily, even though she had mustered up the courage to speak out.  She hurriedly added, “You can refuse if you don’t like it.”


Cerdian, who had a rarely changing expression, showed a look of surprise. It was because this can be considered the first request he received from Rodelia. His hand paused while eating and then asked with a puzzled expression.


“Horseback riding…? Do you know how to ride a horse?”


“Yes, a little bit. I couldn’t ride after entering the palace anymore….. But I did enjoy horseback riding when I was younger.”


Cerdian thought for a while, then gave a positive answer.


“Then, shall we go to the hunting grounds within the estate on the weekend? I also have another thing I need to do.”


“Another thing….?”


“It’s still a secret. You’ll probably like it.”


Cerdian laughed mischievously. Thinking it was fortunate that he wasn’t offended, Rodelia’s expression became more at ease.


After that, while talking about various things and continuing their meal, Cerdian’s face suddenly hardened as if he was uncomfortable somewhere. Rodelia, with a concerned expression on her face, put down her cutlery.


“What’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”


“…It’s nothing, I just don’t feel well for a bit.”


“Do you have an upset stomach? Perhaps you need to take digestive medicine….”


Rodelia looked around to call an attendant, however, she had no choice but to stay still because he said it was fine. Cerdian tried his best to keep a cool face and reassured her.


“I apologize but I think I’ll have to go first.”


“I’m fine, so go and get some rest.”


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Cerdian nodded his head and left the place after saying these last words.


“And since I’ll be busy for the time being, I don’t think we’ll be able to eat together… I’ll see you again on the weekend.”




Every day was like a dream. This was the first time she had lived so freely, therefore it was the first time she had enjoyed a life where no one wanted anything from her…


Everything in Luvenia was good. The cold air that reminded her of dawn, the friendly atmosphere, the small birds and wild animals that she couldn’t see inside the imperial palace, as well as the captivating scenery. Everything.


Before she knew it, Rodelia had sat on a bench looking at the leaves dyed with light, then vaguely thought that she couldn’t be happier than this.


Up to this point, she had yet to notice that this was the beginning of another tragedy.


“Is the Grand Duke very busy?”


Turning her attention to Bruce, the butler who had started waiting on her a few days earlier, she asked insinuatingly. He seemed to think for a moment, but in the end, he didn’t answer.


His attitude, which seemed to worry a lot even though it was such a trivial question, was enough to amplify Rodelia’s worries. She then spoke with a more serious face than before.


“The last time I saw him, he seemed uncomfortable…. I was a bit worried about his body, that’s why I’m asking you.”


“Then… Would you like to go and see him?”


 Bruce suggested cautiously.


“Can I go?”


“Of course. Would you like to go now?”


“So suddenly? Is that fine?”


“… Yes.”


Bruce’s reaction as he pondered for a moment troubled her, but she wanted to see Cerdian more than that, so Rodelia slowly nodded her head.


The corners of his mouth rose brightly as if they would tear.



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Could it be that this is rude?


As she was on her way to Cerdian, this and other worries plagued her mind. So while she went looking for him, she asked Bruce whether it was really alright to visit him without prior communication or if he was not busy with the Grand Duchy’s affairs.


But he said that it was truly fine and Cerdian might be happy to welcome her…


‘It doesn’t matter.’


Bruce took Rodelia to Cerdian’s bedroom. Seeing that he was in his bedroom even this late in the afternoon, it seemed that Bruce’s words about him not being very busy were somewhat true.


However, there was something a little strange: there were no servants near Cerdian’s bedroom. Perhaps noticing Rodelia’s reaction which reflected her curiosity, Bruce, who had been quiet, explained.


“The master doesn’t like noisy surroundings, so there are no servants stationed around here.”




“So you can enjoy to your heart’s content without worrying about anything.”


Thinking that Cerdian must be a very sensitive sleeper, Bruce continued on in a calm tone. Rodelia, taken aback by his words, hurriedly asked back.


“Enjoy w-what…?”


“Your conversation.”


Answering in a calm tone, he continued with his signature benevolent smile.


“Then I’ll be going first.”


Rodelia was disconcerted but it was only for a fleeting moment so she didn’t notice. After watching Bruce’s back as he walked away, Rodelia finally stopped in front of Cerdian’s bedroom and deeply breathed in.


She felt a little embarrassed as her palms kept sweating for no reason. She was going to enter his bedroom, which was a private space after all…  Indeed, it was a bit embarrassing.


Of course, Cerdian had been in and out of her bedroom several times but it was clear that this was a little different than that. At that time, she didn’t feel anything for him and now she had special feelings for Cerdian.


Rodelia waited a little longer in front of the door before she knocked lightly.


However, no sign of movement could be heard from inside the room. Bruce said that he was definitely in the bedroom. Rodelia knocked a few more times before she sensed that things were amiss.


Recalling the last time she saw Cerdian’s pallid complexion, she acted faster than her thoughts. Rodelia’s expression turned pale in an instant as she reached out and turned the doorknob lightly.

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His bedroom was a mess. All kinds of furniture were scattered everywhere and the red tapestry hanging on the wall was torn to shreds.


In the meantime, Cerdian was breathing heavily with one hand on the floor. Cold sweat broke out on his pale face and his well-groomed hair was a mess.


Rodelia quickly ran towards him.


“W-What’s going on here? Are you sick?”


“…How the hell did you get in?”


“Sir Bruce allowed me to come….”


“That d*mn old man….”


Unable to speak, his red eyes grew thicker with pain. 


“I need to call a d-doctor.”


Rodelia’s cracked voice traveled through the heavy air in the bedroom. Her delicate hands trembled and she couldn’t think.


The moment she tried to raise his helpless body, Cerdian’s large hand grabbed her arm.


“Don’t go.”


His strained voice hung onto her.


“What are you saying…?”


Rodelia looked at him with surprised eyes but his grip on her hand only tightened even more.


“…..It’s better now, so just stay here.”




The Aizen family were descendants of divine beasts that had existed since ancient times.


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They were born with powers distinctly different from those of normal humans, a fact that had been tightly kept secret by their clan.


But that overflowing power was short-lived.


Over the course of thousands of years, little by little, more human blood mixed in.


The divine beast’s blood faded and their powers gradually diminished. In order to at least maintain the powers that had been handed down, the only heir of the clan had to meet a companion, said to be born once in a thousand years with the power of a divine beast.


For what reason and how the companion is born has not yet been revealed.


<Only the companion knows the ritual of welcoming the bride.>


They couldn’t give up their power nor refuse to have a companion. If the heir reaches adulthood and does not receive a bride within a certain period of time, he will suffer pain worse than death.


It was a life where they could not die in order to continue the divine beast’s bloodline but it was also a life where they could not live fully.


It was like a curse placed on the descendents of divine beasts by attaching them with humans.


<The red-eyed Aizen clan has far superior physical abilities than normal humans and has a vicious temperament. Nevertheless, the Aizen family will help you as long as you swear lifelong loyalty to them. However, never betray them. The price will be paid by death.>


In the past, the Bayard family wanted to unify several kingdoms but they didn’t have the strength to do so, so they asked for help from the Aizen family with a lifetime oath of loyalty.


Thus, the Thebes Empire was born.


However, they could not hide their fear of the Aizen family usurping the throne or destroying Thebes.


In the end, they appointed the Aizen family a grand ducal house then established Luvenia, the border area across the Bator Mountains, a grand duchy.


It would not be easy for them to cross the rugged mountains and reach Thebes, and if they were given a proper title, they would be satisfied and would not interfere.


Fortunately, the Aizen clan was not interested in power and there had been no conflict with them. A hundred years passed just like that.


In the meantime, the Howard family, a clan of red snakes that served the divine beasts, was also carrying on the legacy but unlike the Aizen family, they were proud and ostentatious.


They were very dissatisfied with the fact that the Aizen family, whom they served, did not show off their strength and began to secretly increase their power. Eventually, they founded the Silver Kingdom not far from Thebes.


All arrows are now pointing to the Aizen family. Therefore, they had to hold the ceremony as soon as possible. With the bride of this generation, Rodelia Florence.


[T/N: by making the “bride” suffer. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)]

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