It was just a guess.

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But Cerdian seemed to be suffering from an unknown pain.


However, even when he was staying in the imperial palace, it didn’t look this serious. So she just assumed it was like a normal headache.


However, seeing Cerdian’s face now made Rodelia realize that it was completely different from what she thought.


He looked pale and tired at first glance. What she heard from someone and what she witnessed in person was different from the texture that touched her skin.


Rodelia looked at the struggling Cerdian and felt deeply helpless in her own inability to do anything about it.


“…Does medicine not work?”


Rodelia cautiously asked Cerdian, who had finally calmed down. He shook his head slightly. went to her side and made a pitiful expression as he took her hand carefully.






“The curse that the Green sisters spoke of…”


She hesitated for a moment, then continued.


“Is it related to that curse?”


“It’s similar.”


Cerdian, who still seemed to be in pain, answered with difficulty. His current appearance was something he had rarely revealed. but now that he had become sensitive due to the pain, Cerdian’s arrogant appearance from their first meeting would be projected.


Biting her lower lip, she supported Cerdian and laid him on the bed, then carefully reviewed the situation.


A curse. 


Rodelia had no interest in that kind of superstition. She held back her embarrassment a little as she spoke about it. She considered herself to be quite a rational person…


Besides, isn’t it known that such things disappeared since ancient times?

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However, there was no other way to explain the strange occurrences in the Bator Mountains, nor the unexplained pain that afflicted Cerdian.


Hence, it suddenly occurred to her that these supernatural phenomena, magic and curses could still truly exist.


Moreover, she was prepared to believe his words. Rodelia looked at her two hands, which were tightly held by him, then asked Cerdian cautiously.


“Cerdian, will you honestly answer my question? No, answer me. I need to know.”


Cerdian moved his cold moving gaze. She stared blankly at him, swallowed her dry saliva, and resumed.


“What I’m trying to ask is, is there no way to break the curse?”


“If I tell you, will you believe it?”


Cerdian, with languid eyes, let out a menacing voice. He seemed quite uncomfortable with the situation.


From the looks of it, Bruce did this for him…… No, he seems to have drawn Rodelia to him for the sake of his bloodline, however, he had no intention of telling her the intricacies of all of it just yet.


Not only did he not know if Rodelia had fully opened her heart to him, but he could say something rash that could scare her and close off her heart.


Besides, even he didn’t know exactly what the ceremony was for her as a bride…


It seems that attaching Bruce to Rodelia was the wrong choice.


The story that had been passed down through word of mouth was that in the past, had they not been able to win the heart of their companion, they would make her his bride even if they had to kill her.


Therefore, he did not want to take Rodelia as his bride. He had to wait until she figured out the way on her own.


Cerdian placed his arm above his forehead, thinking that he did not know whether this was hypocrisy or evil, and slowly said.


“Only you know everything, Rodelia.”




“It seems that the emperor is expanding the search radius. They are extending the search beyond the borders, and us here in Luvenia, will of course also be a target.”


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Cerdian’s hand stopped while reviewing the documents. He looked up at Federica, who had given him the news. Judging from her serious countenance, they needed to keep an eye on this situation.


“Perhaps sooner rather than later.”


When Federica continued, Cerdian narrowed his brows.


Kane was quite a nuisance. It has already been two months. Even though he should have given up at this point, he didn’t stop looking for Rodelia until the end.


He didn’t know how precious she was when she was still by his side, and him trying to find her now was really funny.


“Up until the end, you’re still bothering me.”


Cerdian contorted his mouth in annoyance.  She was quite surprised, seeing him reveal the slightest hint of displeasure for the very first time. Still, she concluded her report without showing it.


“They seem to think that the Marquis of Florence took Miss Rodelia away.”


“Oh right, there was him….. Is the Marquis of Florence there?”


“Yes, I have him well hidden with Karina, so please don’t worry.”


To be honest, he had no intention of saving the Marquis of Florence. It was purely Sola’s idea to steal him away.


She had suggested that it would be better to save the Marquis of Florence first, to make it up to Rodelia for pointing the poison to her. She said that perhaps Rodelia would like it.


He had completely forgotten…


Come to think of it, Rodelia had never mentioned him either. He didn’t know if she was deliberately not thinking about it but she’ll probably be happy to hear about it.


“First, bring the Marquis of Florence here.”


“What should Karina do…?”


“Respect what she wants. If she says she wants to leave, let her go, if she says she wants to stay, then, bring her with you… She must be heartbroken for Revlon’s sacrifice, the last bloodline of the Hart family.”


Cerdian turned his gaze back to the papers, recalling her characteristic stubborn face. Karina Hart, Viscountess Cohen, was Rodelia’s head lady-in-waiting….


Of course, it was a pity since she was a pretty high-class worker, but since her assigned role was fulfilled, it didn’t matter if she left.

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“Yes…..I will tell her that.”


Federica finished her greetings in the dark room, suddenly disappeared.




“Sir Bruce, what in the world is wrong with Cerdian? Do you know what it is?”


Rodelia, who was lost in her thoughts while drinking tea, asked slowly.


“Didn’t Master tell you why?”


Bruce, who was pouring tea for Rodelia, narrowed his eyes and asked back.


He was curious about what happened there because he didn’t tell her anything, but since she brought up the story first, he was extremely grateful.


In fact, Bruce’s ultimate goal was to continue the bloodline of the Aizen family.


His family waited for the birth of a bride while serving as the grand duke’s butler for generations in the past. So, isn’t it truly an honor to have a bride born in one’s generation?


Bruce waited eagerly for Rodelia’s answer.


“He just fell asleep leaving behind incomprehensible words……”


“Incomprehensible? What do you mean?”


“That only I know everything….”


“I see.”


He raised a meaningful smile to his lips. 


‘Cerdian hasn’t revealed the truth yet?’


He was surprised to see how cautious he was being, unlike the master he knew who would have just told them. The moment Bruce thought this and was about to say something, Cerdian approached.

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“I will take you now.”


With Cerdian blocking his way in an instant, Bruce sensed that the time was not yet right.




“The Marquis of Florence.”


She was on a garden walk with Cerdian. He had been reluctant to bring it up a while ago, so Rodelia didn’t ask either.


She just walked with a feeling of having a normal conversation and feeling that there is such happiness. But then the Marquis of Florence…


She may have been even more flustered because she had never expected him to bring up such a subject. Her expression visibly hardened and her steps slowed down. However, isn’t it possible that among the nobles of Luvenia, there is a Marquis of Florent or a Marquis of Florin?


Rodelia pretended not to hear and straightened her steps again. However, Cerdian eventually brought up the name again. Seeing Rodelia not answering, he asked again, looking puzzled.


“Aren’t you curious about news of the Marquis of Florence?”


Then she stopped, looked up at him and gave out a cracked voice.




“Your father. You know he escaped from prison… Aren’t you curious whether he’s alive or dead?”


She wanted to say that she wasn’t curious at all but she couldn’t. Cerdian would find it strange. So instead of spouting out an honest answer, she chose to use moderate words.




Then she asked calmly.


“… But why are you asking that? Has my father gotten caught in Thebes?”


“No, that’s not it.”


Cerdian paused as he looked down at Rodelia. Then he gently reached out and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear and continued.


“I don’t think you’re curious. I heard that he’s a pretty good father.”

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