TL: Hua

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After leaving that sentence, Ji Mingjiang tapped the round metal head of the guide robot at the door, letting it take him to the training ground.

A few currents flashed across the screen that served as the eyes of the little robot, and then a pair of heart eyes appeared on it.

“Dear guest, please follow me.” A crisp voice came out, and the little robot turned the wheel, leading Ji Mingjiang to walk in one direction.

The simulated scene training hall occupies several times the area of other game halls, but the number of rooms is much smaller than other games.

Ji Mingjiang walked all the way and found that the doors of each room here are very far apart, and there are only two rooms arranged in a corridor.

“This is your room this time.” The little robot stopped in front of a door with a green light above it, extended its mechanical arm to operate the door a few times, and a display screen appeared on the wall.

“You can choose the environment and mode you want to simulate here. If you choose to specify a match, you can enter the player ID or light brain number in the match field, and then the other party will receive a match notification.”

After speaking and confirming that Ji Mingjiang had no other questions, the little robot happily spun its wheels and left.

Not long after it left, the three figures, including Pierre, appeared at the corner of the corridor. Bernie Lavender didn’t tag along for some reason.

Ji Mingjiang waved at the three of them, and when they came over, he stepped aside to show them the display screen.

“Enter your ID and choose a scene.”

“Are you sure you want us to choose?” One of the people who stopped Pierre just now finished inputting his ID, took a cursory glance at the options, and looked at Ji Mingjiang with some hesitation.

He heard that their young master was beaten in the desert. Oh no, he was defeated. That desert map seemed like a friendly map to him, and he was leaving the choice in their hands?

After looking up and down at the thin-looking person in front of him, Dominique really didn’t understand.

“Just choose; don’t waste my time.” Ji Mingjiang urged impatiently, not knowing what the three people on the opposite side were hesitating about.

They all chose to challenge him; isn’t it a bit funny to hesitate at the entrance of the training hall?

Hearing this, the man beside Dominique who had never spoken a word shrugged his shoulders, squeezed away this overly soft-hearted companion, and picked a scene map suitable for their 3v1.

As he swiped and swiped, he finally stopped after a while. Looking at the rainforest map covered with dense vegetation and poisonous substances on the screen in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, and he simply clicked on it regardless of Dominique’s obstruction.

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“Hey! Neil!” Looking at the words “Scene is being generated” on the screen, Dominique put a hand on his shoulder and growled helplessly.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a simulated battle; it’s not really going to go wrong.” Neil looked indifferent and even asked rhetorically, “Isn’t it good to hurry up and set this thing off? We and that gentleman have our own things to do, right? I don’t have time to waste here.”

Ji Mingjiang has been listening to the conversation between the three without making a sound. He didn’t turn his head until he heard himself being mentioned, and then he saw the door slowly opening.

“It’s a good thing to be confident.” After saying this, he walked in.

The sound of Peo’s stomping feet was left behind, and Ji Mingjiang’s attention was focused on the scene in front of him.

After he officially stepped into the room, the scene in front of him changed rapidly. The empty room with a strong sense of high-end technology quickly turned into a rainforest with dense vegetation and humid air.

Just as he was still observing the overly realistic tree trunk in front of him, a subtle sound of rustling leaves suddenly rang out behind him.

Ji Mingjiang’s eyes lit up. He stretched out his hand directly to catch the long black and green snake lunging from behind!

After feeling the real slippery touch on his hand, he couldn’t help but be a little shocked. He grabbed the snake’s vital point with one hand, which is its heart, and squeezed its opened jaw with the other.

Seeing those two big and sharp fangs, Ji Mingjiang clicked his tongue, squeezed its heart again, and threw it to the ground. Only after confirming that the snake was motionless did he reassuringly survey the rainforest he was in.

Whether it was the poisonous snake that was no different from a real snake just now or this hot and humid space, they were all so real that he almost suspected that he had been transported to another world by the system.

However, considering that he was still in the competition, Ji Mingjiang quickly withdrew his attention after looking around.

He didn’t bring any weapons in, so no matter how confident he was in his own strength, he couldn’t sit still and wait for the three guards to find him.

Plus, after entering the room, they seemed to be divided into different directions—at least Ji Mingjiang confirmed that he had not moved his position since he stepped into the room, and the few people whom he was supposed to confront hadn’t appeared until now.

Since those three people could also be separated, he certainly chose to defeat them one by one on the rainforest map that is most suitable for lurking!

After confirming the preliminary plan, Ji Mingjiang randomly chose a direction and started walking forward.

The thick layer of fallen leaves and various mosses on the ground had a good sound absorption effect, and the robe he chose to hide his figure also helped him stop various spiky plants and other poisonous insects.

Ji Mingjing’s journey along the way was very smooth, but when he walked for a long time without finding anyone and was about to lean against a tree to rest for a while, a mental wave suddenly approached his way.

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Ji Mingjiang’s heart trembled, and he immediately dodged to the side where the mental wave couldn’t reach. After the mental force left towards the distance, he looked thoughtfully at the place where it came from.

“Mental power exploration?”

This arrogant and unrestrained mental power seems to fit the image of the guard who almost pissed Bernie Lavender to death.

What was his name again? It seems to be Pierre?

And what shocked Ji Mingjiang was the fact that mental power can be used as a detector when it is released.

“I thought that mental power would only work when connected to the mecha…”

Tsk, it seems that there are a lot of shortcomings and flaws when you’re a person who only received a basic mermaid education.

But no matter what, this probing mental power at least allowed Ji Mingjiang to lock on Pierre’s direction. His eyes were ablaze as he looked ahead at the dense jungle. His pace was light and agile when he stepped on the fallen leaves, silently approaching that direction.

Not long after, Pierre’s burly figure appeared in front of his eyes. He seemed to be very confident in his mental power, and now he was closing his eyes to feel the information sent back by it, completely unaware that the person he was looking for was hiding behind a big tree not far from him.

Looking at his oblivious appearance, the corners of Ji Mingjiang’s mouth twitched slightly. He took a step forward, intentionally breaking a branch under his feet.

With a crisp “click”, Pierre suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.


He gave a loud shout.

Then he saw Ji Mingjiang coming out from behind the tall vegetation, and Pierre’s pupils shrank instantly.

That’s the direction of his mental probing! But he obviously didn’t perceive anything just now!

Ji Mingjiang didn’t give him too much time to react. After making sure that he had seen him, he kicked his legs and jumped towards him with the force of the tree trunk behind him.

Half a man’s high branches brushed against his outer robe, leaving some broken leaves hanging down by the strong wind.

Only a second ago, Pierre could see that this person was still a few meters away from him, but in the next second, it was as if he was being teleported to appear diagonally above him.

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Even before he had time to see his opponent’s figure clearly, a sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind, and Pierre, who trusted his intuition, rolled away from the place where he was standing without hesitation for a second.

In the next second, he saw the mysterious person whom he despised kick on the ground, leaving a deep pit mark.

“!!!” Pierre’s eyes widened in shock, and he let out a low curse.

What a f*cking monster.

“Why are you hiding! Aren’t you here to compete with me?” It was a little late when Pierre left the spot, and Ji Mingjiang didn’t hold back his strength. The wind blew up his outer robe and also brought about some fallen leaves and a rotting smell.

“The scene you guys chose is really disgusting.” If you don’t pay attention, you will step on the rotting plants.

Not wanting to waste any more time in this room, although he failed to land the previous blow, Ji Mingjiang soon turned around and raised his elbow to hit Pierre.

The two fought in this jungle for less than three minutes, and Pierre was quickly knocked down by his knee. Feeling the hands clenched around his neck, he smiled wryly and said in a rough voice, “I admit defeat, but don’t think that Neil and Dominique are as easy to deal with as me, hmph!”

After finishing speaking, probably because the key word was detected, Pierre’s figure quickly disappeared in front of his eyes.

Ji Mingjiang heaved a sigh of relief while slowly standing up.

He is now only relying on his superior physical strength to put up a fight with others. Pierre just used some combat skills, which made him a little overwhelmed just now. The strength of this guard is actually very strong.

“There are still two people left to practice with…”

This is not feasible. If Pierre already makes him feel a little bit of pressure, he doesn’t think Clarice is an existence that he can defeat with pure strength.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingjiang couldn’t help but think of what Clarice had said before.

“If you’re not a mermaid, I can directly write you a letter of recommendation and send you to the First Military Academy.”

Looking down at his straight and powerful legs, Ji Mingjiang touched his chin thoughtfully.

His thoughts diverged for a brief moment, and he quickly brought his attention back to the rainforest.

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At that moment, he faintly felt the traces of mental power fluctuations not far in front of him.

Just as he was about to go, Ji Mingjiang paused and suddenly thought of a question in a flash of inspiration.

If Pierre’s mental power can be released to explore the surroundings, then can he also use his mental power to find people in a similar way?

Furthermore, if the fluctuation of Pierre’s mental power is related to his beastmen gene, can he try to imitate this fluctuation to call out the other two guards?

Although it sounds a little outrageous, Ji Mingjiang thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed feasible.

After all, as far as he knew, beastmen like Clarice and Pierre would have a beast in their mutated direction in their spiritual sea. For example, Clarice is a black dragon, and Pierre is most likely a creature like a brown bear.

The use of mental power is closely related to the beasts in the spiritual sea. Otherwise, there would be no problem, such as riots in the spiritual sea that caused it to be injured and prevented the beastmen from using mental power.

As for Ji Mingjiang, the mermaid among the primary beastmen, his spiritual sea is like a bottomless sea without any creatures making waves in it. That being the case, he shaped the water in his spiritual sea at will.

Let’s do it!

After retreating a certain distance, Ji Mingjiang began to try to control the vast ocean in his spiritual sea.

Slowly, a ferocious and irascible brown bear appeared on the boundless sea. The occasional drops of water from the brown bear’s ferociously opened mouth acted as its saliva, as brutal as it could be.

The brown bear made of seawater let out a roar on the surface of the sea, and a wave of mental power no different from Pierre spread out from Ji Mingjiang’s side.

Dominique, who was fighting snakes and plucking grass in the distance and struggling to advance, looked up.

“Was that Pierre’s mental power?”

After feeling it carefully for a while, he changed direction without hesitation and walked towards where the mental force came from.


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