TL: Hua

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ten minutes later.

There was a loud bang, and the knee-high grass shook as some small snakes and other insects scurried out of it.

The unsuspecting Dominique was caught off guard and fell to the ground. Looking at his opponent, whose robe wasn’t even wrinkled by the battle just now, he scratched his head in distress.

“Sorry for underestimating you before.”

Thinking back to his previous action of stopping Neil, even if it was out of good intentions, such neglect might offend the other party, which is why Dominique expressed his apology without hesitation.

Ji Mingjiang looked at the man who apologized to him before elimination with some surprise and accepted the unexpected apology with a slight nod.

Then a white light flashed, and the person on the ground also disappeared.

Now there’s only one left. Ji Mingjiang squinted his eyes, and the mental wave just now spread outward again.

“You came out too.” Ten minutes later, Pierre, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, was full of emotion.

It wasn’t even confirmed who lost between them in the end.

Neil looked at him, his face livid, and he no longer had the initial carefree demeanor.

Not long after him, Ji Mingjiang also opened the door of the room and walked out. After breathing in the fresh air, he recovered from the peculiar smell of the rainforest.

“Why are you three still here?” He glanced at the three people with different expressions and asked.

“If there’s nothing else, I will start the next round of random matching.”

He remembered that there were many interesting maps in the scenes available for simulation, and unlike the mecha battles, because this is a real-life battle, the realism and reproduction of those scenes are much higher. Ji Mingjiang has decided to grind here for a while this morning.

“We…” Pierre was taken aback by his question, and then he couldn’t say a word for a long time, but Neil had already adjusted his emotions and looked at him curiously.

“I ended up rushing over, obviously, because I sensed Pierre’s mental power, but this guy said he was the first to be eliminated; how did you do it?”

Hearing his question, Pierre, who was still scratching his head in embarrassment, stared in shock and looked at the small body he had looked down upon before, saying, “Holy sh*t! So awesome?!”

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Ji Mingjiang’s ears hurt a little from his loud voice, so he took a step back before saying nonchalantly, “Does it matter to you how I did it? Does the Lavender family tell you to figure out your opponent’s fighting methods?”

Neil was annoyed by his attitude, but this question was indeed a little offensive, so he endured it again and again, and finally said nothing with a stinky face.

Seeing his performance, Ji Mingjiang slightly changed his impression of Lavender’s family. Although they were a little domineering and arrogant, they surprisingly didn’t use their power to suppress others.

But that’s about it. After all, he’s a mermaid living in the palace who won’t have much interaction with the nobles outside.

Just when Ji Mingjiang was about to drive people away to start the next round, Pierre, who had been hesitating just now and seemed to have something to say, stopped him as if awakened from a dream and said, “That, can I add your communication?”

Seeing his indifferent appearance, Pierre explained eagerly: “It’s my young master’s intention. He thinks you have a bright future and is willing to recruit you. Of course, you can have a talk first. If you don’t want to, our young master is not that kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.”

“…” Hearing this, Ji Mingjiang’s face, hidden under the mask, suddenly became strange for a moment.

This is also a talent.

Sure enough, as soon as Pierre’s words fell, amidst the silence of the remaining two people, an irritable and familiar voice came from the corner of the corridor.

“Pierre! If you still can’t learn how to speak, go back to primary school!”

After a period of chaos, Ji Mingjiang finally wrote down the light brain numbers of several people and promised to go back and consider whether to add them as friends.

Otherwise, he doubted he would even be able to continue today.

After a few rounds of matching with different people, the alarm clock that had been set long ago rang in his ears. Ji Mingjiang looked at his record today. In addition to the number of matches and winning percentage, it also included a battle data analysis.

After seeing the lack of combat skills displayed above, he sighed helplessly and exited the holographic mode after roughly reading the other comments.

When he opened his eyes, Clarice had already moved a chair by the pool and sat down. He was staring at the light brain in his hand with some interest in his eyes.

Noticing Ji Mingjiang’s line of sight, he kindly turned the light brain into public mode, so Ji Mingjiang smoothly saw the message box scroll past on the floating screen in front of him.

His enhanced eyesight allowed him to see the discussion above without hindrance.


501l: [Update! The young master of the Lavender family took three guards to block the boss and seemed to say that he wanted the guards to fight the boss one-on-one].

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502l: [? Damn, so despicable. You let the guard fight if you lose? Who doesn’t know that the guards of the aristocratic family are all military school graduates or veterans?]

530l: [Relax, people won’t really get injured in the holographic mode anyway, even if they die in a simulated battle, it will only cause minor trauma to their spiritual sea.]


621l: [Report! Young Master Bernie was thrown to the ground by the boss! ]

622l: [? ? ? ]

633l: [So rebellious! So rebellious! I love it so much!]


691l: [F*ck, I just entered the simulation training hall. The room in the corner seems to be the room of the big boss. I heard their conversation! ]

703l: [FFF, quick, record it live! ]

712l: [Enthusiastically bow down! ]


783l: [? Where is the owner of floor 691 just now? Are you being silenced! ]

784l: [OwO, I’m 691, I’m back! I was driven away after listening to half of it just now. But according to the conversation I vaguely heard in the first half, it seems that the big boss took the initiative to ask for a 3v1, and then the big boss won. The Lavender family seems to be trying to recruit him? I heard the guard asking for the big boss’s contact information qvq]

The latest discussion ends on this floor. After refreshing several times, Ji Mingjiang found that the subsequent replies were all irrelevant, so he looked at Clarice, who was somehow interested in such things.

“What is this?” After quitting the previous post, Ji Mingjiang read the other posts on the page and asked in confusion.

“The forum section of the game—haven’t you seen it before?” Clarice took his light brain and was silent for a moment after seeing how he categorized the software before clicking the categories box one by one and reading through it, dragging this forum software out.

“You have become a little popular in this forum since yesterday.” He skillfully input the words “mysterious boss” into the search box, and then a bunch of posts popped up at the bottom.

Ji Mingjiang took a look and found that the first post was posted after his mecha battle yesterday, and many people uploaded the video of their fight. The image of smashing the mecha with one punch is too impactful, and he gained a small group of fans because of it.

This kind of thing was quite common in his previous life, and Ji Mingjiang wasn’t too surprised when he figured it out, but the problem is…

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“You’re actually interested in these things?”

He looked at Clarice, who was usually either in a meeting or reading approved documents, and was very shocked.

Then he saw the other party sighed, pointed to the icon next to the main page of the forum, and said in a helpless tone, “Because most of the battle games you play are developed by the military. The management behind this forum is also made up of people in the military department, but most people are not aware of this.”

Because of frequent small movements from the Federation, in order to encourage people to join the army and popularize some countermeasures in case of special situations, after integrating the battlefields they have experienced before and some game ideas, the R&D department of the army has successively developed several battle games.

Surprisingly, through these games, they actually found some good seedlings who were suppressed or could not apply for military academies due to other reasons. So later, they made a forum for the convenience of players’ communication and to collect information.

“After your video was posted on the forum yesterday, someone came to ask me, but I blocked them all.”

Leiden still had a headache when he said this, and the person who came to ask him about this happened to be Chen Yuanchuan, whose brain circuit was a bit too jumpy.

After being warned by him not to investigate further nor to bother Ji Mingjiang, the man thought of something else and looked at him for a long time with a kind of dawning realization.

“…” After listening to Clarice’s words, Ji Mingjiang didn’t know what to say for a moment.

He has also seen Chen Yuanchuan, who was the officer that came for the matching day. That person looked quite normal…

“Forget it; let’s not talk about this.” He shook his fish tail and changed the topic to today’s matter.

“How is the relationship between the Lavender family and the royal family? You also know about the fact that the young master of that family asked someone to compete with me today. I think they are trying to recruit me?”

Ji Mingjiang was a bit confused. “Last time, didn’t you say that they traced my IP address to the palace?”

This person is bold enough to try digging Clarice’s corner1Digging someone’s corner means to sabotage someone or to poach people from competitors.?

As long as the hoe is well swung, there is no corner that cannot be dug.

Leiden shook his head and said, “It was Bernie’s brother, Bernard, who was investigating last time. After I warned him, he probably didn’t want to scare his little brother by telling him you were from the palace. I think he just told Bernie not to provoke you.”

But how can a spoiled child really listen to other people’s advice?

Ji Mingjiang expressed his understanding. After all, he also had many cousins before, and none of them were worry-free.

“So should I add their communication?”

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Ji Mingjiang entered the communication number left by Bernie and the others, looked up at Clarice, and asked.

“As you like, you can if you are interested. Although there are minor problems in their family, they haven’t had any problems in general. They can be regarded as an honest group.”

Leiden didn’t take this matter to heart. After all, it is reasonable to say that Ji Mingjiang is still a 16-year-old little mermaid. Although his body looks completely out of the small category, he is still a minor.

If he remembers correctly, Bernie Lavender should be about the same age as Ji Mingjiang and seems to be reporting to the First Imperial Military Academy next year?

In any case, Ji Mingjiang, a mermaid, is almost like a minor human being. He doesn’t have peers in the palace, so if there’s a chance for him to make friends, Leiden will certainly not stop him.

As for the specific process of making friends, he will naturally not interfere.

Seeing that he had no objections, Ji Mingjiang quickly sent out friend requests one by one. The first one to accept was Bernie Lavender. The friend request was accepted as soon as it was sent, as if the other party was waiting in front of the light brain.

Ji Mingjiang was amused by his own idea. After all, how could an heir of a noble family be so idle? Maybe it was some kind of program that automatically accepts friend requests.

However, in the next second, he saw the excited words from the other side. Even through a screen, he could imagine what Bernie Lavender’s expression was like now.

“Bernie: Ha, you finally added my communication. I knew that no one would willingly give up this opportunity to establish a relationship with the Lavender family! I won’t make things difficult for you. As long as you promise to join me in a holographic game for the next year, I’ll do you a favor.”

Ji Mingjiang: …

“Has he always been like this?” He pointed at the screen and looked at Clarice next to him.

“The young heir of a big family… should be pretty close.” Leiden usually doesn’t have much contact with these heirs and more often talks with their brothers, sisters, parents, and even grandparents. When he said this, his tone was somewhat uncertain.

When the two looked at each other face-to-face and were both speechless, several more messages popped up from the light brain in Ji Mingjiang’s hand.

“Bernie: You haven’t told me what your name is? Your nickname is Fish. Is your surname Yu2Fish 鱼[yú] and Surname 余 are homonyms.?”

“Bernie: I haven’t heard of any family I’m familiar with that is surnamed Yu. This proves my initial guess was accurate!”

“Bernie: Come on, tell me your name!”

“…” Annoyed by the messages that popped up one after another, Ji Mingjiang simply clicked the block button.

After exhaling a breath, he flicked his tail with lingering fear. Children these days are too annoying.

“By the way, I have some ideas about this restriction in the dark room that requires mental power to open ……”

1Digging someone’s corner means to sabotage someone or to poach people from competitors.2Fish 鱼[yú] and Surname 余 are homonyms.

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