That afternoon at the apartment, Clyde and his party, Clare and her Fireside magical girl servants, Tear, Melody, and Natalia finalized the new plan. Even Yusuke showed up, albeit on the account of his fierce sister's urging. Kitome glared at him until he put on a blank expression.

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Clyde stifled a laugh. Alice gave him a light elbow, but the corners of her mouth twitched. Tear cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry I'm boring you two," she said sarcastically.

"Sorry," Clyde and Alice said.

After what felt like an eternity, Tear finally finished going over her overthought plan. Clyde told her simple—nuke and scoop, but she insisted on arguing with him. He knew she was right though, living there and all. Five wards held up the palace's main barrier. Each area had a wizard channeling energy to it for hours. The group would have to nail the wizards before they changed shifts—a tired magician was a dead magician. Tear said that at least three times.

Too bad Kitome's silencer spell lasted only three minutes or she'd be plan A.

"Let me ask this one more time," Clyde said. "You're not going to feel sorry for this guy and defend him."

"Nope," Alice and Tear said.

"How can you trust them?" Yusuke said. "You haven't been in this town that long—that makes no sense."

"A soldier could probably tell you this, but when you're on the brink of death with someone, working together, you'd understand," Clyde said. His uncle was a veteran, but he told Alice about that already and didn't feel like repeating it to the others. One strange thing about the Soul link was that he felt Alice and she probably felt him in return. The amount of love she emitted made him wonder if he truly deserved it. But she told him plenty of times that unlike humans, demons made up their minds and skipped the waiting. Not that it meant much when they were soulmates—the feelings were already known. Only honesty was needed.

Such a complete turn-around from when he first met her. Not that she showed any hostility whatsoever, but her sense of humor fascinated him. She prioritized sweets over nearly everything.

"It's a fair question," Tear said, "but you'll have to believe in us on blind faith. Until you've fought with us enough, bleed together with us, you won't feel at ease. So trust your sister. Trust Clyde and the humans in here."

Clyde sighed.

"Please don't start that race-species crap," he said, annoyance in his voice. "You will respect everyone in here or I'll kick you out. That's not optional."

Yusuke nodded.


Clyde nodded back.

"As long as we're on the same page. Now gear up. We move out in twenty minutes."

When no one was looking, Alice stole a kiss from Clyde. The amount of love felt as if it tripled.

Chika yanked Clyde toward her.

"You can't have our team lead to yourself," she said, hugging him, soft breasts feeling up the young man.

"You," Alice folded her arms and harrumphed, anime-girl style. "It doesn't matter. He's my life mate. And we carry an intimacy you'd never understand."

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Jealously aura flared around Chika. Clyde knew it was time to stop this conversation before a bloodbath occurred.

"Well, I've shown him thi—" Chika began but the young man interrupted her.

"Enough of that, let's get ready." Clyde slipped past the two women and into his room. He shut and locked the door. He hadn't gotten any material to do some decent crafting, but he'd at least check out his inventory and even his new skill. Not bad, not bad at all, he thought. Anything weak to water would be easy prey. The holy element was an interesting twist to it.

[Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge. Type: water, holy. Class: very rare. Unleash a sharp blast of water blessed by Neptune himself.]


$ 1,351,900

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

-Melody's note.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

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Nothing particularly useful. He couldn't wait to just get this city freed. Maybe crafting materials would appear in nightly shops.

He checked his quest log. Only so much could be done at a time.

Quest log:

Main story.

Locate the whereabouts of Kiko the vampire. (MS.)

Gather materials and craft three items.

Defeat one person in either a non-real card. (Stone-Tokken quest.)

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

Call Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours.

Talk to Melody.

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Defeat Hades and free Lot City. (MS)

He didn't remember receiving a specific quest about Hades but it was there. Calling Chika and Kitome—he meant to do that a couple of days ago, but he had little time to think about it. These women wanted every drop of his attention, team leader, to other things. Clyde needed to fix his time management skills. The letter to the vampires still needed to be sent. He was seconds away from texting Harumi about it when he heard a soft snore.

The pink-haired girl napped in his bed, peacefully too. The young man was so taken aback that he stifled a laugh.

Harumi jerked awake, then just as quickly pulled Clyde toward her with surprising strength. Her kiss held unsaid promises. The young man pulled away, though his rock-hard erection didn't sink.

"It's time to go, sleepyhead," he said.

"You sure you don't want a taste," Harumi said then smiled slyly. "We could make it quick."

"I doubt it," Clyde said. "I…like to take my time with you." He grinned but turned away. "The others are waiting."

Harumi's other side made Clyde feel things. So many things, but for now, he needed to keep his head out of his pants. He wasn't like this on earth, not that normal earthlings were open like Satovians.

"There you are," Melody said as the Clyde and Harumi left his bedroom. The redhead's mouth dropped.

"It's not what it looks like," he said. "I've only been in there for like five minutes. I'm not a minuteman you know. Anyway, what do you need?"

"Not a minuteman, you say," Melody said, her eyes of anticipation. Harumi shot her a glare.

"Well?" she said, holding onto Clyde's arm. Melody sniffed.

Another fight and Clyde was the cause of it.

"Hey, we're on the same side," Clyde said. "Use that anger on Hade's lackeys, alright."

"We can talk later," Melody said. "After this ordeal is over." She stormed off, but not before giving Clyde an appraising look.

Clyde looked at Harumi. She shrugged then stole a quick kiss, catching him off guard. She was definitely being aggressive. And sexy. Dammit, stop thinking with the wrong head, Clyde thought.

Minutes later, everyone gathered around Tear. It was time to make the jump. Hades was just an afterthought compared to the things he needed to do with the Ashfall estate. He wondered if he could upgrade any purchased house.

[Any building owned by you is upgradable with free points, desu.]

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Clyde smiled as Tear initiated the stomach-turning jump.

In front of Clyde's apartments…

Maki breathed heavily, smoothed her skirt, and checked the mirror to make sure she looked perfect. She even brushed her teeth twice before leaving home. There was probably no hot water left for her mother to take a shower when she got off work. Oh well.

Her long purple hair nearly glistened, smelling of perfection and roses and love.

She was a little disappointed that she didn't get to deflower Naomi. The broke college girl was definitely pretty, but reserved. Ming's stupid friends protected her like annoying bodyguards. Maki would get to that treasure some other time, whether the journalist wanted it or not.

She knocked. No answer, but she definitely heard voices.

No matter, locks were a fragile thing. She pulled out a lockpick and beat her record again. Her mouth dropped at two things. The emptiness and the luxury. Clyde didn't come off as a rich boy, but this apartment was surprisingly impressive. She closed the door behind her.

The tingling of wards passed through her.

"Pssh, poor Clyde doesn't even know a witch set him up," Maki said. "Mei spoke a lot of mumble jumble crap the other day then proved that magic existed."

She inspected the clean kitchen, even his knives. "Okay, enough holding back, I know he has dirty magazines." She hurried to his room. Maki could immediately tell that more sex happened in this room than sleeping. Unfair. She opened Clyde's dresser, pulled out a pair of his boxers then sniffed deeply. She hoped the young man would walk in on her so she could jump him. No man would resist her. It's sex, right? Nothing wrong with that.

She replaced his underwear and then checked under his bed, closet, and bathroom. Nothing dirty. That was literally and figuratively. She awarded him an A-plus in boyfriend material. Maki hated dirty men. Well, she could work magic and improve things. She could make anyone happy with the right smile and honey words.

She laid on Clyde's bed and sniffed deeply while vigorously massaging herself. Her wetness for this man was insane. She'd make sure to go five rounds when she got ahold of him. Ugh—why isn't he home? Maki wondered if she could go back to find the journalist. That would surely hold her over for now.

In the end, she decided to go home. This wasn't over yet.

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