Clyde wasn't a general. Before being thrown into this world, he knew jackshit about battle, magic, or demons. Really, he shouldn't be here, but as he stared at the giant freaking palace on private property, from their high rocky cliff, the young man knew what he must do. The plan that he told no one. If he was expected to one day defeat the Viper, risks would have to be taken, just not moronically.

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Like for one, he wasn't stupid enough to go trying to confront the demon lord inside that palace. That was why he suggested the long-distance attack—Elsado, gave him a wake-up call. Stop playing to this world's rules. Do things dirty sometimes. His phone call to Clare wasn't just to gather to the magical girls, but to use her connections to bring something special to the plate.

"Alice, we're literally about to try and kill your—"

"You humans and emotional attachments," Alice said. "While I don't play the game of houses, do you know how demons usurp authority from their predecessors? Grandfather didn't deserve to die, he was old and weary and planned to pass on the throne, but father grew impatient. And it's because of him, Mother's dead. My rebellions against him has been going on even before you arrived."

"Alright," Clyde said. "But you know who you can come to…to mourn." He walked past her before she could protest.

"Did you bring it?" he said to Clare. The maiden struggled with a large black briefcase. He peeked inside and smiled.

"Dispose of it after you use it," Clare said. "The government is already investigating the missing item. And don't think hiding it in your inventory will do any good. There are people among them who will scope it out."

The young man fixed the maiden with a blank stare.

"Any particular reason why they won't do anything about the demon lords?"

"You already know this," she replied. "It probably wasn't hard for demons to integrate with the government and pull strings."

"This is one fucked up world," Clyde said. "Well, good work and thanks. You're the best for pulling this off."

Clare poked him on the nose.

"We'll see."

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[Your relationship with Clare has increased to Friend closer level 1, teasing.]

Clare was beautiful and sexy and dangerous like Tear, but he wouldn't focus on increasing the relationship level with her. He already had enough on his plate.

Of course, Clyde couldn't be naive either—that relationship level would probably increase whether he wanted it to or not. Anime logic. "Tear, are the wards down yet?"

"We took the last one down," she replied. "I scoped the place from the magical sense. It's completely defenseless. And don't worry, all of our supporters, the tiny few that they are, were secretly evacuated. Are you ready to launch the plan?"

"Just wait," Clyde said then opened the giant briefcase. He picked up the rocket launcher, grinning wickedly. Everyone's eyes widened. Clare grinned.

"Nya—the fuck?" Neko said.

"Stand clear," Clare said then skillfully loaded the single rocket for the young man. She had drilled instructions to him already about using it. He aimed while in the prone position, perfectly.

WHOOOSH! The rocket sailed like the wings of death, a smoke trail following it. The loud launch vibrated the bones inside the young man, but he held his ground.

[The amount of demons killed have been noted by someone of higher power.]

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The rocket didn't completely obliterate the fucking thing, but the tremendous damage let the young man know that more than ninety percent of the work was done. Clare and Tear directed the magical girls, super-buffed with Sahara's spell, to launch their strongest spells and finish off the palace.

Playing dirty. Clyde nodded. If the rules of this world were against him, then fuck them.

[You have gained 2 million EXP. The missing EXP from Elsado has been added to you as well. You've earned 20 free points. Total free points are 85.]

Clyde dropped the rocket launcher as a rush of ecstasy entered his body like never before. An aura surrounded him.

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 50-60. Stats increased!]

[Your Energy ball has evolved to Energy blast! Your Scatter shot has evolved to Six Hand Kill. Your Spirit wave has evolved to Holy spirit wave.]

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[Nature is calling you to utilize her. Use your mystic skills often to trigger chances of evolution when leveling up.]

[Your dagger and knife combat have jumped to level 4. Precise, Deep, and Spirit slash has met requirements to level and jumped to level 6. Shatter strike has jumped to level 3. Binder's hand has increased to level 3. Requirements met: Charm has increased to level 2. Requirements met: BCFUS has increased to level 2.]

Skills evolved. Now that explained a lot from the Ashfall battle—why Clyde's energy balls or spirit waves were different. So in addition to gaining levels, his learned skills strengthened to a significant degree.

Everyone had eyes on the young man, but not because of the power boost. He made sure to keep his face blank. They were waiting for the next order. Or at least for him to say something.

"It's not over yet," Clyde said. "Not until I absorb the Omen's sphere."

As if on cue, he heard it. A yell of absolute fury. A roar of that demanded blood. The young man knew he'd survive. In animes, powerful enemies always seemed to survive even the most devastating attacks without so much as a scratch. Total bullshit. Logically, that rocket should've shut him up for good.

The group watched through binoculars the approach of Demon lord Hades from afar, followed by three women. Must be the bedmates Alice complained about.

Demon lord or not, those attacks should've ended him. Another Satan-type foe? He stood up.

"It goes without saying that we need to meet him with full power," Clyde said as he invoked his Mystic Wrath. "Even with the strain, I know what I must do. Else, we're fucking dead." He chuckled. "How in the fuck does someone survive a rocket launch and then survive complete annihilation afterward. You know what, fuck this, we're not ready for him. Tear, get us the fuck out of here."

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"On it!" Tear said.

[Tear has activated Ju--]

[Tear's Jump has been cancelled.]

[Mistress Serine used Spell canceller.]

"Fuck, well, Kitome, you're plan B. Time it right," Clyde said. Hade's three women were definitely going to be a problem. "Chika, Sahara, Clare, Yuki. Focus on taking out the three women."

Everyone nodded. If they didn't pull this attack off correctly, bloodbath would be an understatement for the fight.

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