Eight that night…

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Playing host to Alice's mother was tiring. After finishing his dinner—Toru ordered fancy Japanese—Clyde, stepped outside to check on the prompts. Many of the others left, except Tear and Natalia. They needed Alena to fix the palace. Yuki seemed fascinated with the angel, eagerly taking in her stories.

Little did the young man know, a purple haired woman sat on the rooftop of his apartment, grinning down at him, undetectable.

It was a cool night with a crescent moon and winds that carried whispers. Shadows stood taller, exaggerated. Despite the demon lord being deposed, no one walked the streets. Chika's connections would have to take care of that.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 999,999 EXP and $1 million.]

[Congratulations! You have reached levels 61,62, and 63. Stats increased!]

[You have earned the title Millionaire and Again.]

[You have learned the charge skill, Power Up. Once per cooldown, you may recharge 30% of your MP and slightly increase attack and speed.]

[Unknown benefits gained from the Omen's sphere. Collecting a certain amount will unlock new possibilities. Remember, the more you absorb, the more you change you make to your natural essences. Two more needed for the next ability.]

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Power Up was perhaps one of the best skills he learned yet. To be able to recharge MP during battle for once may turn out to be the difference between life or death. Not that he planned to end up in anymore situations of the sort. He also couldn't be naïve, not if he'd one day face the Viper.

Clyde felt the day's exhaustion continue to slam into him. Still…he was fucking loaded! He wanted to start spending, but the tiredness wasn't going away on its own. A few rain drops dripped to his head. Just a few… Drizzles weren't new to Clyde, but….strange—the entire day was cloudless and cool. Another droplet…on a starry night. He looked up…and saw nothing. Felt no airflows, moods, anything. Just a quiet night.

Something licked the back of his neck.

"HOLY SHIT!" Clyde jumped to his roof, looking down. Nothing. But someone laughed. And spoke right beside him.

"You scare easily for someone who can jump so high."

Maki was casually sitting, dressed in a black mini-skirt and a matching shirt. Sitting, Clyde gave her a skeptical look, trying to piece things together at a million miles per hour. He barely had any interactions with this girl. Wasn't she the most popular girl in school? Why was she at his apartment? On his rooftop? How did she get there? Why couldn't he detect her? Why are the wards not keeping her away? Are they demon exclusive? He'd get that fixed asap.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. In the end, he decided to not beat around the bush.

"Okay, what's going on? Why are you here?"

"To be blunt, I'm here to have sex with you," Maki said. "You live alone, so you must be pent up. Don't waste your time, beating off today."

She crawled over to him, but something inside Clyde whispered, danger.

"No, I'm good," he said, holding out his hand in a halting gesture. Not that he'd consider doing that when there was a fucking angel and his life mate beneath him.

Maki sat back down, knees to chest. The young man gave her a confused look. What the hell did she want? He made it clear that he didn't like her. She was obviously pretty—popular, but Clyde never cared for social standings.

"How do you even know where I live?" Clyde said.

"Sources," Maki replied then turned to him. "A girl comes to see you, and this is how you treat her?"

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Tears poured from her cheeks then she began to cry. Loudly. Clyde was taken aback, but firmed. He felt too tired to give a shit about anyone's tears, unless of course, they belonged to his friends.

"Man, stop the crying," he said. "I'm not moved by crocodile tears. Look, I don't even know you like that."

Maki continued to cry.

"I worked up so much courage…done so much. And get turned away. I feel like killing…myself. Yes…I think I'll kill myself."

Clyde's eyes widened. She was nuts or clearly had issues. Probably both.

"There's no need to go that far," Clyde said.

[Your heart protection has activated.]

"Just calm down," he said. "I'm certainly not worth killing yourself over."

Maki started to crawl over to him. The young man stood, guard maxed. Something about this felt off. Why couldn't he sense anything in her? He analyzed Maki. At least he tried to, but...couldn't. A block?

Maki suddenly grew silent, her crying a distant echo.

"You just don't get it do you…of course you wouldn't, I haven't said anything. It's not your fault, it's mine. If you want to hit me, that's okay. In fact…I should be punished. All you have to do is tell me to jump and I'll do it. Will, the other girls do anything like that for you?"

"Stop, fuck, what the fuck, just stop," Clyde snapped. Maki closed her mouth, eyes…taking on a familiar glow. A shining that the young man recognized. "No…"

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Maki tilted her head. Clyde's heart beat faster, but not in a loving way. He was certain he didn't have to deal with anymore Yanderes—that his best friend could control it, therefore he'd….Of course, things wouldn't be so easy for him. His actions from the very beginning attracted the psycho. He minded his own damn business, but no matter what path, short from quitting the school and bringing down Mortem on himself, this girl was going to barge herself into his life. "Maki, leave."

"But Clyde—"

"Leave. Clear your head and forget me. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings between us, so let me make this clear. Don't come near me again. Listen to what you just said."

Maki's hands trembled, tears falling from her face. "I'm not trying to be a dick, but no. We don't know each other—there's no way—"

"Do you even know what love at first sight is?" Maki said, voice low, deadly. A purple aura flashed around her for half a second, but Clyde's sharp eyes recognized the signs. If he dismissed this girl—and being the OP Yandere she is—there was no doubt, she'd attack his friends. Or even him. Without any way to analyze her, he wasn't sure if he could mop the floor with Maki or get stomped. Yandere….fuck. How did one reason with them? The answer to that, he knew as: you can't. "Clyde…it's love at first sight. And…I did everything in my power to find out more about you. Employed a…source. Did some terrible things that felt amazing, but terrible, just to find anything about you. You're a blank state. Either that or an alien." She laughed. "Even foreigners have records…it makes me so excited to speculate. Are you a prince in hiding? You're a prince in hiding, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not a fucking prince," Clyde said, weary. "Maki, aren't you like the most popular girl in school? What are you doing here?"

"Clyde, you can't dismiss me," Maki said. "Not forever. Not from your life. If you go to the grave, I'll follow." She moved closer to him. It was then Clyde noticed she had one hand behind her back.

"I can clearly see the hand behind your back," Clyde said. "If you attack me, you're done. I won't show mercy."

"Attack you? If you mean sex, I will without a doubt, regardless of what you say, and you can punish me as much as you want." She revealed an envelope with a giant heart on it. "I brainstormed many ways to approach you with Na—my source. In the end, I mustered up the courage to just be straightforward. Mom says guys like straightforward women."

Her eyes glazed for a second. When lucidity returned, Maki attempted to jump him. Clyde flash stepped behind her then grabbed the yandere in a grappling hold. The crazy girl didn't bother resisting. She began to breathe heavily, sexually.

"Punish me…Master. Rock my insides. Push me to the ground. Hurt me."

"Okay, no, I'm done with this shit—you're clearly gone," Clyde said then released her.

"I didn't come all this way to leave dry—so I'll take your coldness as a…punishment. Oh!"

Clyde's eyes widened when she shoved fingers inside herself. If Alice…if Ali…ah shit. She joined them with a single graceful leap.

Maki removed her fingers, briefly playing with the fluids, and smiled at the half-demoness. "This isn't over—you will not ignore me." Maki…vanished. No trace, nothing—except for a tiny bit of smoke.

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Alice snatched the envelope.

"You will not let her into your life."

"I don't want her in my life," Clyde said. "She's fucking crazy."

Alice sighed then opened the letter. Five small pictures of Clyde fell out. Recent. Only two hours after they jumped back to Clyde's house.

"You need to fix those wards now," Clyde said.

"I'll get Natalia on it," Alice said.

"I can't believe she's fucking gifted," he said softly. "And after me of all people. Like what the hell man."

"No use wasting time, let's get this done. I want to shower and cuddle. Yuki has agreed to sleep on the couch."

"Did your mother leave?"

Alice smiled.

"She did. Tear jumped with her but Natalia's asleep, so she'll be spending the night."

Clyde nodded.

"Maki just had to ruin the moment."

"I'll ask Tear to investigate her…She's changed drastically since I chewed her out in the cafeteria. She also didn't react to me casually jumping up to the roof. I also sensed a faint bit of demoness magic on her. I think someone's teaching…. never mind. Speculation is speculation."

They headed back into the apartment, ready to call it a night.

However…The young man had no idea that someone awaited him in his bed...

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