"Psst, wake up sleeping beauty," Clyde said, shaking the loli-witch. Natalia clung to his hand.

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"Mmm just five more minutes, Highness," she murmured.

Clyde tried to shake her off his hand, but the girl held tight.

"Natalia, wake up and let me go before someone falsely calls the cops."

"Mmm, chocolate…so much chocolate." The sleeping girl actually licked the back of his hand and in a way that reminded the young man that she was older than him.

"Now they'll certainly toss me in jail," Clyde said then pulled with all of his strength. Natalia flew toward him. He caught the girl by the back of her collar.

"No awkward anime fall scene here," the young man said. "Alice can you shock her awake."

Alice sighed, inspecting the wards. Yuki assisted her, adding a significant amount of power.

"You do it, I'm busy, heart. Could you bring me the tag that's sitting on your dresser please?"

"Sure," Clyde said. He needed to take a leak anyway. He tossed the sleeping loli back onto the couch and didn't bother looking. She slept in just her shirt—so the cliché, unholy panty flash was bound to happen. Fucking anime tropes…

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When Clyde flipped on the light in his room, he froze. All of his boxers were scattered about. His bed was an unmade mess and looked as if someone…was just in it seconds ago. This reminded him of the time his little cousin snuck into his room, wreaked havoc, and escaped. His momma walked right in, Clyde still in there, trying to comprehend it all. The lashing he received made him unable to sit right for almost a week. Even his dad couldn't get him out of trouble, though he certainly tried.

His blanket and sheets looked suspiciously damp. Clyde shook his head. Maybe he should consider making a deal with the yandere. No that wouldn't work. Fuck…another yandere. The last time he analyzed her, she was at level eight with an unknown relationship. Was that the clue? How the fuck could anyone guess that? Relationships can be unknown, right? No…his analyze revealed it all, even neutrality. So that was the clue…The unknown in an out of place spot of the analysis.

He checked the closet. Normal. The bathroom? Normal. He used that opportunity to relieve himself. The sound of the toilet's flush enhanced the effects. He may have held that one for at least half an hour.

A nibble on his ear made him flinch. A hand grabbed his horn and stroked fast and with an irresistible technique. He grunted.

"You seemed stressed," Yuki said softly. The voice aroused Clyde so much that he released his load right then and there, into the toilet. The demoness walked over to the sink and washed her hands. She bent over in a way that surely would make the mountain rise again. She spoke again, casually, as if nothing just happened. "I understand someone has invaded your room. She's a strong one, but I've managed to figure out why she's undetectable."

Clyde forced his massive erection into his pants.

"You did?" he said, annoyed the boner just wouldn't go. Yuki made a motion with her head which clearly signaled of Alice's approach. While demon kind didn't give a shit about multiple partners as humans did, Yuki still had enough courtesy to not chance messing with someone's life mate in plain sight. Clyde sat on the counter of the sink, attempting to hide beneath folded arms.

Alice appearing in a nightgown didn't make it easier.

"I can't believe she was in here, walking through our wards as if they didn't exist."

Clyde gulped when the half-demoness moved toward him. If she saw the massive tower…He had to distract her.

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"We're going to have to wash everything," Clyde said. "Sheets, pillows, blankets, too. All damp."

Yuki smirked.

"Alice," she said in a playful musical voice. "I think it's time for some life mate, perhaps even bridal training. You must do all of Young Master Clyde's laundry. I shall show you how."

Clyde's eyes widened.

"I'm capable of doing my own laundry."

"Ah, but Clyde, she's your life mate. She has responsibilities too," Yuki said.

Clyde walked between them and his underwear.

"I'm all about equality," he said. "This isn't the nineteen fifties."

"Doesn't matter," Yuki said. "See that adorable blushing face. That's the face of a young woman that wants to please you."

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Yuki picked up one of Clyde's boxers, smiling. The young man grabbed his underwear right as Natalia walked in. To her eyes, she saw a red-faced Alice in a nightgown, Yuki in a nightgown that revealed too much cleavage for breasts that were larger than Harumi's, and a half-cocked man wrestling for his laundry. They were all silently staring at her.

"This isn't what it looks like," Clyde said.

"Uh-huh," Natalia said, unconvinced. She sat on the floor, eyeing Clyde's hidden erection. "Don't stop on my account."

Clyde quickly changed the subject, snatching his boxers. Yuki winked at him.

"So, what made Maki invisible to the wards?" he asked as he calmly piled the contaminated laundry together.

"Most of our detection abilities and magical senses rely on detecting and feeling for the magic around us, but…Ki is another story," Yuki said. "There are a few other forces out there, but I'm almost positive this Maki girl is utilizing Ki and in truly skilled ways. I had to go out of my way to detect traces of it, but we can adjust the wards."

"Ki," Clyde said softly. "Just make sure the wards don't strike at me. I have but a trace amount inside me, but once cultivated could turn out to be…" His words died in his mouth. Ki's weakness was that it had to be collected by some means. He wasn't sure if it was easily rechargeable like magic, but knew for sure Ki needed time to be gathered. How did Maki build hers? Can she powerup like Dragonball characters? God, he hoped not. He knew he shouldn't think of Ki that way—it was based on the Chinese concept of Qi or Chi. The young man would have to be extra careful. Maki could be a master of her art and kick his ass.

For some reason, he suspected that his real power wasn't simply composed of just magic either, but didn't spare the thought to speculate.

"Natalia, I'm going to need your help with this, a link," Yuki said. "Ki can normally punch through magic, so we're going to build layers of both then set them to spin with the planet. The downside is that it's not a self-maintenance barrier. We'll have to feed it. Keep its barrier points up."

"Yeah, we're definitely going to get the house tomorrow," Clyde said. "Yuki, I'm counting on you to make sure we aren't followed."

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"You could always move to Ashen City," Yuki said.

"Too far and I'm stuck going to the academy here," he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Long story," he told her. "Get started on the barrier for now, if you don't mind."

The demoness nodded.

"I owe a debt that can't be paid with poor effort—let's do this Natalia."

Clyde tried to protest, but the women tuned him out, glowing with intense magic. He decided to just do the laundry. Alice insisted on helping.

Clyde and Alice sat in the living room waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Not even the TV could cleanse of the anticipation. Eventually, they began to fool around. It started with Alice stealing kisses, then four and soon she was straddling him in a passionate make-out session.

A loud throat-clearing halted what was sure to be something wild.

"L—lewd," Natalia said.

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