At the door of a large house, Lot City…

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Mei knocked on Maki's door. No answer. She didn't see any cars parked in the large driveway, which meant the girl's parents were gone like usual. She was surprised the family didn't utilize servants—they were incredibly rich and even held power in the government. Maki was nineteen now, but to grow up with hardly any contact with her parents probably took a toll on her mental health. Mei once heard a rumor that stated the girl suffered abuse and molestation from her long-dead uncle, though his defenders claimed that he was the kindest man alive. Human rubbish.

Mei was about to leave, when someone grabbed her bottom. She snarled, preparing to crush the human who dared to defile her but stopped. Maki grinned.

"You were seconds from dead," Mei said. "Don't do that out of nowhere like that."

Maki shrugged.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself."

Maki hugged her, leaning a little too into the demoness, feeling her up. Mei pulled her back, inspecting red-rimmed eyes.

"Were you…crying?"

"Tears of joy," Maki said. "It worked. By getting him to react as coldly as possible, I was in so much ecstasy—I had to Shift to his room. I came all over the place but…he wouldn't hurt me."

Mei shook her head, annoyed.

"You're still an M, huh?"

"Well of course," Maki said. "Sadly, I couldn't get him to have sex with me. Am I ugly?"

Mei glared at her friend.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met."

"Then…why didn't he touch me. Wait…that slut. I barely noticed, but she. I think she lives with him." Maki folded her arms. "Let's go inside."

"Who are you talking about?" Mei said when Maki closed the door.

"I believe her name is Alice Hades," Maki said. "She acts like she owns him."

Mei's blood ran cold. She liked Alice. The girl's rebellion against her scumbag of a father reigned as a symbol in her heart. And best of all, a weird rumor stated that she finally won. That was partly what drew Mei to the city so fast. The only half is the man she's apparently working with. The man who won Mei her life back. From the words of Maki…that had to be him. The Ashfall Destroyer went to college? She pictured a man in his thirties, hardened like a soldier, but if he's her own age, approaching him would be so much easier. She wouldn't feel as intimidated.

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"Maki, what's the name of this man? You never told me."

"It's Clyde," Maki said. "A strange name… And nobody ever spoke his last name."

Mei continued to follow the girl upstairs until they were at last in her room. She shut and locked the door. "Did you come here to teach me more of this Ki stuff. It's so freaky, but I may have gotten a little careless. Chances are, there will be another barrier erected. I'm not sure who's creating them…I doubt the slut has powers, but maybe its Clyde. He's so mysterious."

"You shouldn't let any man become the center of your world," Mei said. She started to go on with a lecture but froze at the alien-cold look her friend gave her. Then tears burst from Maki's eyes. She dove into Mei's bosom.

"I can't help it," she cried. Mei rubbed her backside. "He pulled me…before I knew it, I became obsessed. I even lied to my cousin when she heard some rumors. He draws me in like magic and then I trigger his push, get rejected coldly, and cum all day. I know I'm a freak, but I don't care."

Mei continued to soothe the girl, when suddenly she found herself back-first on Maki's bed, stripped. A shine to her friend's eyes let her know what was coming. She lost herself in pleasure when the fingers plunged into her, massaged. She let Maki ride her like a rollercoaster and hoped she could do this more often. The women tossed and turned, feeling each other up, embracing. The climax came too quickly. Mei found herself holding her friend as they both panted. She tried to pull her in for a kiss, but the girl turned.

"You…you shouldn't have lips for men," Mei said softly. "I…I'll take care of you much better than this Clyde could ever do."

Maki shook her head.

"I do not do this out of love, but necessity," Maki said, rolling over. "With each time, I get stronger. You yourself told me about the dormant Ki within and taught me about storing and how everyone had their way of increasing it. Well, mine is sex. Mostly dominating—no one's strong enough to dominate me. I can't get a man to come near me honestly without becoming a zombie idiot. Not even Toru's arrogance sticks around long enough for me to speak two words to the guy. That leaves women and the only man capable of being my equal."

Mei felt the fury flood her veins. Her friend deserved better than this. She was holding herself back because of some man. Men were brutes, that if left to their own devices, would rip thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls from their homes and marry them off to geezers. Mei despised men…she wanted to like Clyde, believe him to be the exception, but her friend was suffering. She'd deal with the human, so Maki could move on.

If he won't come to Ashen City to rule…then death. Well, maybe that was a little too extreme, but she'd lecture him, even reeducate the man. Yes…a plan without violence. Men liked violence though. And maybe Maki, but she'd fix that after making the girl, hers.

Still…if she dealt with the source….

"Maki, take me to this Clyde tomorrow."

Tuesday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

[You have triggered peaceful sleep. Vitality increased by 20% for the entire day.]

[Your life mate will also gain this boost.]

Clyde yawned. One last day off then the long weekend was done. After he and Alice got caught indulging in passion the prior night, he decided to utilize five hours to study. It distracted him from the embarrassment and the secret sexual poses Yuki made while working on the livingroom's wards. Such flexibility…

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He doubted his intellect stat had much to do with how easy it was to study—he didn't feel smarter. Yet, studying felt like a joke. He knew everything, easily memorized it all, unfamiliar material. Learned without mind blocks. Alice stayed up with him, reading a romance novel. She had a love for reading that encouraged even him to pick up a book every now and then. Never could go wrong with a few fantasy novels—although there were more Light novels sitting around than anything.

Clyde made sure not to disturb Alice as he dragged his ass into the shower. This was it. House-buying day. Money spending day. Fucking finally. He accessed his inventory.


$ 2,351,900

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Wind blade. (item class: very rare.)

-Melody's note.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.


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* Legendary Sword: Ludacris (Ashfall family loom)- +30 to attack. Fallen Angel element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 1.

-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

-Necklace of strength. (Uncommon) +1 attack +1 defense.

-Ring of Emergency Magic. (Very rare) +20% MP.

- Dust stone armor set. (Rare). +15 to defense. (Warning durability is down due to Hades cracking it with Hell shot. Replace immediately.)

- Steel dagger. (Uncommon).

After finishing all morning activities, he summoned Ludacris. Alice had her father's sword, which he deemed fair enough. She knew how to utilize it better than him. He made an internal vow to actually utilize the weapon at full power, though to be fair, Hades was too damn fast to rely on it alone. He needed some new enemies to face, to test himself. Ashen City…but it had no demon lord, so monsters wouldn't spawn. Still, it wouldn't hurt to print its map anyway, he thought.

While the map printed, Clyde searched articles for strange incidents on his phone. A city thirty miles away called Niyoto caught his attention. Apparently, there were bogus claims of minotaur women dragging men off to never be seen again. The article called it a story to scare male children into being good. Clyde knew better.

Minotaurs were supposed to be bulls that carried axes and wielded magic, right? Clyde knew better. In Satovia, in the anime realm, monster girls existed and were hot. Logic and power levels were bullshit.

[Quest: Investigate Niyoto. Accept yes or no? This is a multi-step quest, as you will be required to defeat the demon lord. Reward: unknown.]

It was nice to not be forced into a goddamn quest for once, Clyde thought. The system even told him it had multiple steps. He accepted then printed the map of Niyoto. No point of being stupidly lost. He'd tackle this quest some other time, maybe after he dealt with the pile-up of his quest log. Fucking vampires. If they sparkled, even a little, he was done. At this point, he should be strong enough to face them. He went through a lot of shit, gained a lot of power.

Fighting, of course, being the last resort if things plummeted to violence.

[Quest: mail the letter. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. It is a requirement to locate the whereabouts of Kiko the vampire, Sazuki's younger sister. Reward: main step of the quest. Warning: do not forget this is a main story quest. They alter destiny to lead you to the next Omen's sphere.]

Clyde didn't even notice the letter that rested on the table. It even had the address on it. How long had it been sitting there? Well, no point of putting it off again.

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[Do you wish to mail this letter via Stone-Tokken Network? It is guaranteed to make it there today. You will most likely get a response on Friday. The invitation will be valid Saturday. This service costs $500 as it utilizes the magic of Mr. Tokken himself.]

Clyde forced himself not to decline—five hundred dollars to fucking mail. But…he was a millionaire now. This meant nothing…it still sucked, but hey, a safe delivery. The good old impossibly convenient trope. Useful. He selected yes and watched the money get deducted from his account. The letter vanished in a small display of sparkles, which reminded him of fireworks.

[$ 2,351,400 remaining….]

Ha, barely a dent. He should be spending Ashfall money, not his, but that would come in due time. And hey, on Thursday, he'd be able to buy an expensive item for once. He truly looked forward to it.

Eventually, everyone woke up and Yuki cooked breakfast. The demoness took charge of grocery shopping behind Clyde's back.

Harumi stopped by to join them on the house-hunting adventure. Chika had family issues and couldn't make it. While the others didn't bother to contact the men, Clyde tried to get ahold of Toru. Fumi answered the phone, letting him know that the young man had to work with his father for the day. Seth didn't answer the phone, but did text back.

Seth: Sorry dude, I'm hiding out for the day. Friends told me that the CEO of a certain pizza chain was looking for me. You know what that means.

Clyde didn't spare the message another thought. Seth defended the girl, so he'd have to deal with his own problems. Toad girls loved hours of sex and kink. The blond boy couldn't handle it. Clyde wasn't sure if he could handle that either…Oh who was he kidding, he'd be fine.

He felt a little annoyed that Chika couldn't make it. With her around, Maki would probably stay away. Maybe. He couldn't imagine the silver-haired girl losing—she sure as shit didn't hesitate to strike down Melody. A freaking trickster.

Speaking of Melody… He texted her. She stayed in a hotel room for the night, unwilling to wait for Alice's mother to fix the place. Those two shared only a brief, knowing glance, but didn't interact with each other during the dinner.

Melody: Hi. I still need to talk to you. Sorry I can't see you right now, Tear is helping me out with family things.

"I've got to head back to Tear to help out with some things," Natalia said. "Thank you for the food, Yuki."

"I guess it's the four of us," Clyde said after Natalia left. Twenty minutes later, it was finally time to go.

The party halted, putting guards up when they stepped outside. Maki and some other young woman approached them, both dressed in casual, mall-shopping, clothing.

Maki's face was flushed, and she could hardly meet Clyde's eyes. She…looked shy, but whatever the act, the young man had no time for this shit. Who was the other woman?

"Mei, this is m—my fiancée, Clyde," Maki said.

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