Naomi didn't answer her phone. Clyde made a mental note to try again later, as he simply didn't know where she lived. Harumi contacted friends about her home whereabouts and was currently waiting for replies.

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As Clyde and his party walked through the streets, he made up his mind. If being the Stone meant something greater then he'd harden his heart. And for once, he needed to go out and have some fun. First step to that: don't attract the crazy. Second step: take Alice on a date. He planned this one for a while—nothing could possibly get in his way. Not even the cliché, girls spying on their date, right?

"We've got to do something about Maki," he told the others. "I plan to buy the house today and get moved in asap. How will we ever sleep if she's…around?"

The others said nothing. What was there to say? There was only one place Clyde knew she'd have to go.

[Quest: Send Maki to either an asylum or the futas. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused, desu. You must make the arrest, no bias for you. As the Stone, it is your duty to carry out a form of justice before things get worse. The Stone has deity authority for matters like this. You have 3 days to make the arrest or penalties will be dealt. Maki will begin to murder after the 3-day time limit. The Ashen City Asylum, ran by wizards and sorceresses can recover and repair Maki's mind; however, she will be required to remain there for five years due to the crimes committed. At any time, you are allowed to spend free points to increase her time. As a bonus, her Ki will remain disabled forever, unless you spend free points to re-enable it. Judging by the thought that just occurred, you will probably not. Your choice.]

Clyde took it all in with a stride. Instead of bitching about gaining the police's responsibilities, he'd get this over with, then oust Maki's family out of any leadership role, because fuck 'em.

"Tear can't make it," Alice said, "not unless it's an emergency. I wonder what she, Melody and Natalia are up to."

"They've been showering you with praises behind your back nearly nonstop ever since you killed shithead-fall," Yuki said then covered her mouth in feigned innocence. "Woops, wasn't supposed to say anything." Clyde gave her a suspicious look. She returned it with mischievous twinkles in her eyes. It reminded him that deposing Ashfall and saving the abused servants was more than just worth it.

Eventually, Harumi led them to a real estate agent recommended by her sister, Liru. Anzu's Office.

They walked in on dark-haired twelve-year-old girl singing and dancing to an anime theme song. And not just any anime song, but a cat-heavy, cringeworthy cutesy mess in Clyde's opinion.

"Nya-nya-nya, I love yummy food. Nya-nyan-nya, it's so good."

"Uhm," Harumi said.

The kid nearly fell on her face as she scrambled to turn off the music. It took her three tries. Flushing, she gave a short Japanese-style bow.

"I'm Anzu, how can I he—help you?"

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Clyde glared at Harumi.

"A kid…is running this?"

"Hey, I'm twenty-three you know," Anzu said, giving him a loli-pout. Clyde looked at her in disbelief.

"Okay, first of all, that's—"

"Clyde, we're short on time," Alice interrupted. "House, remember?" She was holding his arm. A gentle caress passed the intended message.

"Fine," he said. "Kid—I mean, Anzu. I'm here to talk house-shopping. No need to worry about loans and what not, I'm ready to buy in cash."

Anzu's eyes widened.

"Seriously?" she hopped on the chair. "Houses aren't cheap, you know. If you're planning to just buy one outright then you must be loaded." Her eyes seemed to shine with stars, then she was in front of Clyde. She…attempted to speak in the poorest seductive voice Clyde had ever heard in his life. "Hey handsome, if you have room for one more in your harem—"

"If you don't get behind that computer to process my order, I'll switch you," Clyde said. Anzu danced away, laughing.

"Sorry, had to try."

"We're in a hurry, Anzu," Harumi said.

"Okay, okay." The loli turned on her computer, hammering at keyboard keys while humming the cat song.

"His information is in the national homeowner's profile database," Alice said.

Clyde knew this of course—there was no way he could simply go about buying a house without Tear paving the way for him. Chika offered to flex her connections at first, but family issues got in the way. He made a mental note to buy the succubus something for being such a big help. He'd find some way to relieve Chika of her stress when he got the chance.

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[You do know that Tear's a succubus and there's only one gift that could make her happy, desu]

Get out of here, System, Clyde thought, holding back laughter. It had an odd sense of humor that seemed to come out of nowhere at times.

[Quest: Give Tear the Gift that she wants. Reward: relationship increase with Tear and a possible summon. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. This is a good opportunity to acquire some Ki, desu.]

Clyde's mouth went dry. Did the system just… No. He'd try for a legitimate gift, something tangible to show his appreciation. Alice only wanted sweets, which he secretly related to.

[Let it be known that the Gift is legitimate and is honorable among succubae. You must not be closed-minded. Do not dismiss the customs of other species and races.]

Clyde closed his thoughts, dismissing the matter. He knew the system was right and wouldn't let skip around the matter. Just…approaching Tear was going to be quite the adrenaline rush.

Anzu finally found his file. She hopped out of the chair, cheering.

"You want the biggest one, right? We have a few newly built specimens right on the outskirts of the town. Nice neighborhood. Very popular with the women for some reason."

Clyde nodded, ready to get this selection over with. Anzu handed them the key.

"Take a look and tell me what you think. It has many bedrooms, a large kitchen, a pool, yadda, yadda, rich people stuff. You're loaded, so I'm reserving the best house. You could always go for a mansion or castle—"

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"That's fine," Clyde said. "We'll be back in an hour or so."

Anzu sighed.

"I wish I could go, but I have to finish your paperwork and produce the deed. Be ready to pay, if you can. If not," she placed hands on her tiny hips. "I cried for only ten minutes the last time a deal fell through."

The loli looked rather pleased with herself. Clyde forced himself not to give the girl a blank stare. Alice snorted. Yuki stifled a giggle.

Streets of Lot City….

Tyrone muttered a string of curses that didn't end until two blocks later. His friends thought the same—every day of not finding this legendary person brought them closer to the inevitable. Canceled mangas, Ming's bitching, and no accomplishments.

So, when he suddenly felt an enormous flux of odd tingling sensations, he knew that Lady Luck hadn't given up on him after all. Tyrone followed the revealed path inside his head until at last, he spotted them.

A guy who looked no older than him, surrounded by some of the sexiest women he'd ever seen in his life. Was the legendary figure a playboy? Ming surely wouldn't be happy about that, supposedly being destined to marry him and all. They'd get bitched at for the millionth time.

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That pink-haired girl, he knew her. Harumi. She was a beauty with melons. The way she looked at the figure said a lot. Lucky bastard. How could one get so lucky? What was he, the main character of some manga?

He noticed the jealousy snarls of his friends and straightened himself. Tyrone was a little envious, but he wasn't single like the others. He and Kazumi only recently started dating, but every moment of his life with the unpredictable girl ended up perfect somehow.

Still, the young man decided to challenge the legendary figure to a duel. A win could end up embarrassing him a bit.

He led his friends to a secluded path and around a corner until they cut off the figure and his girls.

"You're someone important," he said to the man. "And I challenge you to a Nonreal game."

"Nope, not important at all," he said. "And we don't have any time for this."

"Wait! You can't ignore this, I know you have the legendary forsaken deck, Stone Tokken."

The man seemed to react, just a tiny bit to the name. That was all Tyrone needed. His group were champions at the game, led by Ming. There was no way he'd lose to some newbie, whether claiming to be some bullshit figure or not. "An admirer wants to meet you with some important message, something about Stone and whatnot. She kind of speaks nonsense pertaining to omens and spheres, but you'll need to meet her yourself. But no sooner than after this duel."

The man gave off another reaction, but the weird thing was, so did his companions. Just subtle, hints that told a lot. They knew about Ming's omens and whatnot.

"What do you think, Alice?" he said.

"Tyrone, we should skip all of the pretenses and just talk to this Ming," Harumi said, her voice warming the young man's heart. Tyrone could see why his girlfriend loved being around her.

"No can do, Harumi," he said. "It's an order." He added quietly, "Can't have my favorite manga getting the boot. I need to make sure this guy is the real deal. She told me the signs."

The incredibly pretty blonde girl next to him spoke.

"Go ahead, duel him, but don't take too long. Anzu won't wait forever, my Clyde."

So his name was Clyde… He'd crush this newbie into the dirt, embarrass him in front of the girls, then reveal it all to Ming. Tyrone was a part of a team of undefeated champions. At least in this region. With the power of his Monster Girl deck, he'd continue to build up the legacy.

Forbidden spellcasters. As if that deck really existed.

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