[Quest: Defeat Tyrone in a Nonreal game. This quest is mandatory cannot be refused. Reward: 10 free points. Warning: the only difference between a Nonreal and a Real game is that one has stakes, while the other one does not. You can die if not careful.]

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[You have accepted the challenged to a Nonreal game.]

Clyde had too many things to do this day, not to mention his time limit to catch Maki. Familiar trees briefly glowed golden on his wrists against the mid-morning sun. The other man, Tyrone, and his friends looked at him with wonder. He seemed more confident just a minute ago, Clyde thought. The civilians around suddenly crossed the street, avoiding eye contact with anything within the vicinity of the supernatural group.

"You can do it, my heart," Alice said, stepping back with the others.

"Let's make this clear, Tyrone," Clyde said. "This is between me and you. A duel. I don't need your friends joining in on this, I've got shit to do."

"They wouldn't make me look bad by intruding," Tyrone said. "This our showdown, player man."

The two stood fifteen yards apart, decks in hand. A glowing crystal-blue mat with slots for card placement appeared in front of each of the young men, hovering in midair.

"Let's do this," Tyrone said. "Who shall be going first."

A… fairy appeared between the two. She was a woman about eight inches or so tall, with golden butterfly-like wings, dressed in a green tunic. Her blonde hair seemed to shine in the sun.

"Helllooooo everybody, my name is Lily and I'm too cute to contain. I will determine who shall go first." She winked out of existence then appeared on Clyde's shoulder. She whispered. "Hi Stone, it's an honor to meet you. Since it's your very first game, do you want to go first or second."

Clyde took but a moment to regain composure before answering.

[Your heart protection has protected you from Lily's seduction.]

[Uh…Your relationship with Lily has changed from Absolute Neutrality to Sexually interested.]

He spared a glare at the little woman. She smiled innocently, the way Neko did when she was being mischievous. "Had to try—besides which, I can change my size. And besides, everyone in my world dreams of making love to the Stone. There are some who'd like the Viper, not me of course. He drinks too much."

Clyde laughed.

"Let's just get this game started," he said. "I choose to go second."

"Awe, but come on," Lily said. "After the game. You've got to let this fairy fulfill her dreams. And," she lowered her voice, "we don't wear underwear." Clyde gave her a blank stare. "Fine, but I know your presence. And don't like failing seduction." She kissed his nose then blinked out of existence, reappearing a moment later at the center of the field. "Tyrone will be going first! Each card bearer will start with four cards."

Lily flew off to the side, as if not wanting to be in the way of something. Of course… the attackers and events would happen. And that meant taking a hit was going to hurt.

[You've entered a Nonreal game.]

Clyde forced himself not to roll his eyes when Tyrone drew his card a bit too dramatically.

"Alright, let's start the beatdown with Monster Girl Orc." He slammed his card on the mat. A busty girl with pig-like ears, appeared on the field, smiling and waving at…them. At her crowd. She wore a belt-thin—he wasn't sure if it was a shirt, a metal gauntlet on her left hand, and blue mini-skirt.

[Tyrone- Orc. Power: 17, Defense: 12]

"I Activate her effect. Allows a search," Tyrone said. His deck spat a card to him and then shuffled. "I'll call it a turn, let's go."

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"Oooh, I wonder what he has planned," Lily said, flying sporadically around the area. Her eyes turned in Clyde's direction a little too many times. She even wiggled a tongue once.

Clyde drew his card and inspected his hand. Something…was strange. The cards were different. On top of that, he noticed that the Magical Weapon card in hand had a bizarre warning. This card's effects will change at will. "Show me this so-called legendary deck so I can tell Ming it's just more bullshit."

"I can be dramatic too. Let me teach you the Sorcerer's creed. But before I do that, let's activate Amina's Dimension," Clyde said.

[Field Presence: Amina's Dimension.]

The environment shook and soon they found themselves in a giant library. Millions, maybe billions, perhaps even trillions of books were scattered about in many stacks, some on shelves. Tyrone's eyes were wide as he observed the surroundings. A smile briefly, wonder in his eyes.

"Guessing you've never seen this card before," Clyde said. All of Dark's drilling worked, but now he needed results.

"Okay, a weird card, but so what, anyone could have this," Tyrone said. "Show me what you got. I don't buy this legendary figure crap. You're just some arrogant cocky dude."

Clyde grinned. He stood on a giant crimson book with the image of his deck leader on the corner of the cover.

"Summoning Wizard Otus."

A dark-skinned man dressed in a purple robe, hood up, appeared at the center of the field, facing Tyrone with hard glowing red eyes. A faint smoky aura surrounded him.

[Clyde- Otus. Power: 17. Defense: 20]

"When he's summoned, I can add one magical weapon from my deck to my hand, not that I need to use them for this duel. Also." He winked. "If Amina's dimension is in play, destroy one attacker on the field."

Tyrone gasped. The deck spat the weapon card to Clyde.

Otus aimed a hand at the Orc girl. White and black electricity-like magic flowed from his hands and struck his foe. She let out a howl before exploding into dust. Everyone winced.

Tyrone shook his head.

"My baby—I mean, fine whatever."

"Otus, attack directly," Clyde said. He watched as Tyrone braced himself. Then the howling of pain came as the magic struck.

[Tyrone- LF: dropped from 150 to 133.]

[Tyrone's HP dropped to 93%]

"They're not joking," Clyde said softly then spoke aloud to Tyrone. "Why do you guys play this death game?"

"Because the rewards are worth the risk," Tyrone replied without missing a beat. He still panted a little, but otherwise looked fine. The attack left no physical damage on him.

Clyde frowned, but felt no sympathy.

"Your move."

Tyrone drew.

"Let's avenge her. If I have one orc in the graveyard, I can summon High orc as an additional summon."

The monster girl that appeared on the field made Clyde's draw drop. He quickly righted himself. She was a huge-boobed woman with dark skin and silver hair as well as very skimpy black and pink clothing. He figured there were probably blushes all over the faces of the audience, including the indignance of the women.

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[Tyrone- High Orc. Power: 26. Defense: 15.]

"For my normal summon, I'll bring out her."

A lamia, half-snake, half-woman, appeared next to the high orc, smiling shyly at everyone. "High orc's effect allows me to summon my orc back." The high orc made a snapping sound with her fingers. The orc from before returned, smiling, as if she didn't get obliterated moments ago.

[Tyrone- Lamia. Power: 24. Defense: 23]

[Tyrone- Orc. Power: 17, Defense: 12]

"Time for some hurting," Tyrone said. "I knew you weren't anything special. First, Orc's attack increases while High Orc's on the field."

A blue aura gushed around the normal orc. She winked at Clyde.

[Tyrone- Orc. INCREASE. Power: 23, Defense: 12]

"End him! I activate, action card, Monster girl charge. All attacks are doubled. You will also take double damage to the power and defense of your monster when it's destroyed. We're among the champions for a reason."

[Tyrone- Monster girl charge.]

The monster girls rushed Otus. Clyde nodded as he played his instant action card.

"I play action card instant, King's hold. So fuck off."

[Clyde- King's hold.]

"It negates all attacks and ends your turn."

"What?" Tyrone said. "Well, whatever, I have three strong beauties. What can you possibly do? Next turn, I'm ending this and Ming's delusions."

"Next turn, huh?" Clyde shrugged. "No, we're in a hurry, so let's see what I can do."

He drew exactly what he needed. It wasn't the deck leader but an incredible card nonetheless. Perhaps even broken. "Well, I see why this deck is supposedly legendary. Since I control Amina's dimension, this counts as an additional summon. Evoker Luke."

A teen boy who looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old appeared on the field dressed in white and gold wizard robes. Silver light radiated around him.

[Clyde- Evoker Luke. Power: 26. Defense: 17.]

"Also, when I summon Luke this specific way, he destroys all attackers you control then inflicts one hundred life force damage to you."

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"Holy—that's—that's bull…"

Luke actually held up a hand to cut Tyrone off. In an emotionless voice, he said, "perish."

Silver magic rained from the sky like a waterfall. A windstorm burst from nowhere and on its tail, carried the cries of Tyrone's destroyed monsters.


"Whoa! Devastating!" Lily said, but her voice carried as if spoken over a microphone. She giggled.

[Tyrone- LF: dropped from 133 to 33]

[Tyrone's HP dropped to 70%]

He struggled to his feet.


"It's not over yet," Clyde said. "I still haven't summoned. Druid Karla, come on down."

He felt Alice's eye-roll and held in his laugh.

A pretty woman with pale-brown hair emerged, dressed in a light-purple skirt and matching shirt. She carried a large brown spellbook opened on some random page.

[Clyde- Karla. Power: 25. Defense:10.]

"I'll still add one sorcerer's creed card from my deck, but this is pretty much over. I don't know what you were going about legendary figures, but this deck is busted. Attack for game."

"Not so easy, I activate action card instant, Opposing Force." Tyrone laughed. "All attack-position monsters you control are shuffled into the deck. Then you take eighty life force damage. How do you like that? Legendary my ass."

[Tyrone- Opposing Force.]

Clyde shook his head.

"Karla's effect. When my opponent activates a card effect, she can deactivate and destroy it. It's an instant effect, once a turn."

Tyrone's eyes widened.

"That…that's just…ouch."

Karla laughed.


[Clyde- Karla's instant effect.]

"Finish him off. And when you return to your world, tell Amina I said hey."

"Will do, Leader," Karla said. Luke simply shrugged, indifferent. They both aimed their hands at Tyrone and unleashed the pain of magic. He howled then fell to the ground with a grunt.

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[Tyrone's LF has reached 0]

[Tyrone's HP dropped to 51%]

[Quest completed. Reward: 10 free points. Total: 95.]

[Duel completed. Victory!]

"And the winner issssss, Clydey-pudding!" Lily cheered. The young man glared at the fairy.

The dimension vanished. Clyde offered Tyrone a hand and pulled him up when he accepted.

"I stood no chance," Tyrone said with a chuckle. "Whooped me faster than I could summon my deck leader." He nodded. "I've never seen attackers talk, but they interacted with you. Called you, Leader. Any idea?"

"None," Clyde said, feeling uncertain. "Tell this Ming to meet me at the ramen shop, not too far from here with the Omen's sphere. Think it's call Iku's or something. Tomorrow at five. I'll be out of classes by then."

Tyrone nodded.

"That was a lot of fun." He offered a hand, which Clyde accepted for the handshake.

"You took it like an M," Clyde said, initiating a laugh from the other man.

"See you around," Tyrone said then walked off with his friends.

Lily leaped into Clyde's chest.

"Are you free?" she said, giving him a wicked grin.

"Nope, we lost too much time already," Clyde said. Alice plucked the fairy off Clyde and tossed her aside. Lily gave them a pouty smile.

"I'm not giving up," she said then winked. "Until next time, your lovely-lovely host must return to her realm. Keep winning, Clydey. Maybe I'll let you marry me."

She vanished before Alice's retort could reach her.

"Don't come back," Alice said.

Clyde looked at his party.

"Harumi, thanks for calling a cab."

They laughed as she smiled, pocketing her phone.

Yuki pinched Clyde's cheeks.

"Good fight there," she said. "You're the first I've seen in a while to take absolutely no damage."

"You know about that game? Do you play?" Clyde said.

"No," Yuki said. "I know of it, watched a few matches, but it's a no-go for me. Not that I had much of a choice serving shit-fall and all."

"Oh," Clyde said.

A few minutes passed, and the taxi van showed. They piled in for their destination. A house and not an apartment, Clyde thought. Moving on up. He considered owning multiple properties across the world. Maybe one in another world someday…

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