Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde had to put the brakes on an out of control plot from his very own classmate. Compelled by a powerful demon god, Maki caused mayhem for the party and with rare nearly uncontrollable black Ki, almost succeeded in eradicating them all.

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Now that she's under his control, the story continues. Clyde evolves, his friends with him, the romances intensifies.

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The Anime Trope System Volume 4: Love and Evolution. What it Means to be a Leader…

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Friday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

Late afternoon, after classes….

"We really should get back to helping the others," Clyde said. "They'll be back from the next warp at any time."

Chika kept him pinned to the wall, breathing heavily, eyes shining with lust. She tricked him again, with a long and elaborate scheme that he was wary of for about fifteen minutes. From simply exploring the large house with him, to showing him cool features and suggesting where to put items such as the TV. She even shrunk his guard more by stating she was moving in too, claimed her room—wanted to get away from her parents.

And to make sure Clyde couldn't protest, she quoted his old words back to him—that if she was in trouble, she could live with him. The giant house with many rooms left nothing for arguing. Not that he searched for a reason to deny her. She fought with him in many battles, been his close friend since the beginning of his mission, and is simply one of the most fun people to be around. Even for a fucking yandere. If the circumstances didn't turn out the way they were, he would've ended up dating the silver-haired girl.

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Although the relationship they were in now was a bit complicated…. He still didn't admit to his life being a harem, just because he had way more female friends than anything…but the signs were there. Not that he cared about such nontrivial things. As the Stone, amidst the stone-viper games, he had more important matters to worry about—nothing to do with falling into the morals and rights and wrongs of courting multiple women. After all, his system urged him to do so as the main way to unveil god tier skills. But to marry multiple women—Clyde gave himself at least a year to think about it. Assuming he'd need it. Despite everything, he still considered himself human, though he knew the truth.

Holding onto his humanity would prevent him from getting arrogant, treating lives like fodder, and all the other dickhead things deities seemed to do in the myths. Well, they weren't myths in Satovia.

"I read about this awesome technique and we've got to try it," Chika said. Before he could answer, she pulled his pants down and grabbed his jewels.

"Oof!" Clyde flinched. He felt the strength drain from him and even more when Chika stroked his horn. She smiled at him.

"Now you must hold and do me while standing—maybe lean against the wall. The bounce is supposed to—"

The sound of the doorknob turning had the duo scrambling. The young man thanked the stars he changed into sweatpants before they started the move. Trying to tighten a belt while a massive boner was present proved to be quite difficult.

"Isn't this your room?" Clyde whispered.

"No, I think it's—"

Melody strolled in and sat a large bundle of books and magazines on her dresser without looking at the two. She fell back on her soft bed, letting out a cheerful sigh. Then her eyes shot back open, face flushed. Clyde had already received a nice eye full of blue-striped panties.

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"Wha—what are you two doing in here?" She said, hopping to her feet, putting down her skirt.

"Just inspecting the rooms," Chika lied. "We didn't know it was occupied."

Melody let out a breath.

"Well I supposed that's okay," she said. "For a moment there, I thought…. never mind."

"I don't blame you for leaving the palace," Clyde said, driving in the smooth subject change. "A place like that probably makes you feel like a prisoner." He placed a comforting hand her shoulder. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. We fought together and will help each other out in a time of need."

He did not expect her to pull him into a kiss. As if snapping out of a trance, she blushed and buried her face into a pillow.

"Sorry I—I—I don't know what came over me."

Chika sniffed.

"Just be honest with yourself." The silver-haired girl said nothing more. Clyde already knew Melody loved him, though he wasn't sure of his return feelings beyond wanting to protect the redhead. She was certainly beautiful and has changed a lot—a rough start, softened into the sweetest honey. Not Harumi sweet, but close.

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"What was that you wanted to talk to me about?" Clyde said. She always seemed to have important things to tell him. He'd be an idiot to not give her the chance speak.

"I'll tell you alone," Melody said. "Maybe tonight. Alone."

Chika rolled her eyes, but the other woman didn't pay it any mind. Those two would eventually get along… Eventually.

Chika and Harumi got along but didn't interact as much until Yuki's bottle. The same with Alice, although things were still a tad bumpy. The glares they gave each other were much shorter. Sometimes they even smiled.

Clyde nodded. If he wanted to have a strong team, he'd slightly, invisibly, push them past tolerance. Of course, girls naturally went at each other's throats—there was simply no way to prevent that.

"Sure," Clyde said. "Meet me at the back balcony at, let's say ten. Of course, if Alice is there reading or—"

"Life mate stuff, I know," Melody said. "I can spot a girl in love from a mile away."

Clyde chuckled.

"See you at ten."

He bounded for the exit, followed by Chika. And bumped right into Maki.

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