"Mistress Yuki sent me to start teaching," Maki said, face faintly flushed. Clyde studied her, feeling for the connection of the contract. It felt even stronger for some reason.

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"Mistress Yuki?" he gave her a brief suspicious glare. Sure enough, he faintly heard the deep sexual breathing. Saw a faint glint of masochism in her eyes. He dropped the thought. "Never mind. Why now? We'll start tomorrow or something."

"You have a meeting with the vampires tomorrow," Maki said.

"Did you get unpacked?" Clyde said. "Set up your room?"

"Yes," she said. "Then Yuki installed cameras."

Clyde's respect for the demoness continued to rise. He just hoped that she didn't catch more than intended on the cameras. Maki couldn't do anything against the will of the contract, meaning escape, pose a threat to Clyde or anyone else, the necessities. Those restrictions aside, she could pretty much do whatever the fuck she wanted in her own time.


"I insist," Maki said, flushing brightly now. Chika stepped up to her.

"What part of prison sentence do you not understand?" the silver-haired girl said, ice tinging the edges of her voice. "Remember what you've done. You have no right to insist anything from him. Like Alice, I'm on board with sending you to the futas. Now get out of my sight."

The pink yandere aura flowed visibly around Chika—not even Maki could miss it. The purple-haired young woman bowed slightly then scurried off, her last words being,

"Sorry for disturbing you."

Chika turned to him, but her glare immediately softened into lust. Sometimes Clyde wondered if she was secretly some kind of succubus.

"Let's go help the others," he said.

But what happened instead, well: Chika quickly pulled him into an empty room, locked the door, slid the dresser in front of it.

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"Now, no more interruptions," she said as she pulled down his pants. She stripped so fast, Clyde could barely see the clothes in motion before she jumped him.

Sweating and panting, Chika rode vigorously as the duo tried out her "researched position." Clyde's stats made the ordeal no problem. Her warm wet insides bounce and slid, edging them closer to climax every second. Chika's kisses tasted like strawberry—and of course, she stuck her tongue into his mouth. Her soft breasts pressed against him, sliding with the riding.

Clyde laid her down on the mattress in the room and plowed. And plowed. Well, his high endurance had to account for something.

Clyde lightly nibbled at Chika's bottom lip then brought her into a more passionate kiss. She pulled him back toward her when he moved away. Arms holding his back, legs wrapped around him, she let out song after song of ecstasy.

As he indulged, Clyde allowed himself to realize again how much he valued the silver-haired beauty. Of course, every date with her ended up at a hotel, not that he was complaining. He often wondered how his luck held out this long.

Abruptly, Chika squeezed tightly and convulsed as she let out the climatic moan. Clyde plowed seconds more then pulled out, releasing. She didn't make it easy, holding on tight.

"You can cum inside, you know," Chika said as they rested next to each other. She began stroking his horn as if preparing for another round. Clyde knew there was no time—they lost forty-five minutes.

"Are you trying to get pregnant?" he said. She giggled.

"If it's you, I…don't mind," she said. Clyde grunted when she stroked in a way that reminded him of Yuki's touch.

[Ki increased! Vitality is at 1. Speed is at 1. Aura is at 1.]

Her phone rang. Chika answered, but didn't stop stroking.

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"What Mom?"

A response the other end must've angered her because she jerked furiously. Clyde gasped, his breathing deepening. He motioned for her to let up, it was a bit sensitive at the moment, but she ignored him.

"Mom, no, you can't. I won't stand for it. That's exactly why I left—you and Dad are always trying to make decisions for me. I'm my own person…No….He wouldn't...Mom."

Clyde softly squealed when she went hyper-mode on his horn. He caught a glimpse of the fluid that drizzled down her leg then grinned. Fine, two can play the play the phone game, he thought. He tickled Chika to loosen her monstrous grip, pulled back and then REALLY plowed into her. She covered her mouth, letting out a squeak that almost made him release the load right then and there, but his punishment wasn't finished.

He road at maximum smash mode until suddenly Chika's yandere eyes shined. She hung up on her mother to his surprise, and bathed in the ecstasy.

"Yes! More! Make it so I can't live without it."

The duo climaxed simultaneously, Clyde pulling out in time. Chika was all over him when they left the room, cheerfulness making it obvious that something occurred between the two. Despite having her own shower, she still followed him into a random one he selected.

A tease evolved into more until he had her bent over and taking the horn yet again. After another twenty minutes and the panting duo releasing, he decided to call it an evening.

The yandere pinned him to the shower wall.

"I want more."

"You're going to end passing out from dehydration," Clyde said with a laugh, washing himself.

"Fine, but let me wash your back."

And she was there before he blinked, washing with soap and something soft. Oh. Of course. A nice trope.

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"It's about time you've got a properly-sized bathtub," Chika said.

"Properly sized? That thing's huge," Clyde said. "It's like a miniature swimming pool."

"We could…try it out together tonight," she said. "I've got this amazing soa—"

Clyde interrupted her with a soft kiss that she melted into. Despite his raging boner—Chika teased by hugging close, he pursed the shower as normally as possible.

Changed into fresh clothing, the two headed to the large dining hall. It looked almost too fancy to Clyde. It was decked with silver and gold tables and comfortable chairs made out of soft material the young man didn't recognize. The floors shined and the kitchen was much farther away in its separate space. He glimpsed the large monstrosity once before Yuki shooed him out.

He wondered how Harumi managed to convince the demoness to let her in the kitchen. Maybe they had a cookoff? He'd pay to see that—both of them were beasts in the kitchen. Then again, maybe he should work on his own average cooking skills.

[You've unlocked the Cooking System. Passive skill, Cooking is at level 1.]

[Quest: practice your craft. Make a basic-level dish. Accept? Yes or no. Reward: 1 Cooking level increase. 10 cooking points (CKP)]

[To make the best dishes with the desired quality, you'll need a high Cooking level. You can use cooking points to spend in the C-Skill store to give yourself an edge. Your stats: will, luck, composure, paranoia, and speed have met the requirements to unlock the system, but will play a roll in the kitchen. A debuff in those stats could affect the final product, if you even finish your dish.]

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[Practice up until you're ready to challenge either Harumi or Yuki. Defeating them will gain you an admirable achievement.]

[In the meantime, you're able to challenge anyone to a cook-off if you have the cooking points to wager. It will be between you and the opponent to wager anything else.]

[Who knows, maybe you'll need to use cooking skills to gain access to important places. Or woo your next potential wife. So many possibilities, so practice up, maybe attend classes or a specialized school.]

Clyde blinked. Did he just unlock a fucking cooking system? He accepted the quest. Another thing he could work on during some off time. Cooking and crafting. Maybe he'd craft something that could give him an advantage in cooking.

He and Chika chatted for a while until the others began to show up. Alice gracefully took her place next to him, Natalia and Tear following shortly. Melody emerged from her room, bright-eyed and cheerful. Harumi emerged next, removing an apron and taking a seat. Maki and Yuki served them food that looked too perfect. Smelled really damned good—Clyde swallowed to keep from drooling. He patted himself on the back again for letting Yuki take over the food budget. Alice and Tear investigated the Ashfall household in his stead, but they scheduled a trip to Ashen City on Sunday. He'd be doing the jumping. Kitome seemed especially hyped to go when they told her during lunch. She wanted to see the result of their beatdown and even offered to burn down the place. Clyde wished the hothead magical girl was there for dinner. As they dug into the Japanese and Chinese themed meal, Chika's phone rang. She reluctantly answered. After bickering with her mother. Then her next words came in both whining and snapping.

"You want to meet Clyde or you'll force me to marry Akito? Dad and I went over this already—he's not putting me as the face of his company? What? Why are you—Mom, seriously stop. You can't just stop my scholarship—I'm the top student and I worked really hard to get there. Mom. Fine, you can meet him. You don't have to sound excited about it. No, he's not just some bummy college boy—don't insult him. Gah. Fine, I'll give you the address."

Everyone's eyes were wide, staring at Chika when she hung up. She let out a sigh.

"We have a guest coming," she said. "I'm sorry Clyde."

"Don't be—it's not big deal," Clyde said. "I don't mind meeting your mother."

"You may regret those words," Chika said. "And god, she's overly excited. Be prepared to suffocate a little, she's overly touchy-feeling, especially for a potential son-in-law. God, she's going to embarrass me." She took a bite out of a dish Clyde knew was extremely spicy. One tiny whimper later, the silver-haired girl indulged in ice-cold water. She glared at Yuki. The demoness smiled Neko's innocent smile.

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