Somewhere in Electro Town, Satovia…

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Yusuke sneered at the beaten-up delinquent on the ground. Not that he had any room to talk, he was secretly a rank eight in the area. Ten being the highest, most rotten. One reserved for wimpy schoolyard bullies that were no threat after standing up to them. Well, he was a delinquent by recognition, not that he wanted to be—but standing up to asshole after asshole, never backing down, gaining respect, even with the desire of wanting to be left alone, raised him to a pedestal. He was feared in these parts, his "territory."

He only came to this place to buy video games and electronics. Dumbasses like the one on the ground challenged him every visit. The idiot even wore the bosozoku hairstyle—something from the fifties or so. He believed it to be popular among biker gangs. Pssh, what nonsense.

Yusuke put on his glasses, adjusting them a bit before proceeding into his favorite shop. Not a place one would expect a ninja. As if he cared about being gifted. He liked Clyde, he was an okay guy, but wasted his time with the likes of his bully of a sister. If anything, she needed a territory of her own. Why did he put up with her anyway?

Za-iko's was a large mass of electronics and games, manga and light novels, and even an area with tables for those who indulged in trading card games. The young man once heard of a rumor going around about a magical card game. A childish thing really, not that Yusuke cared about card games anyway. He adjusted his glasses, a little too proud that the new pair arrived that afternoon. His first stop, of course, was the light novel section. The latest version of the Loli Saga had finally hit shelves and there was no way in hell Yusuke would miss it.

"Fuck yeah, last copy," he said as he reached for it at the same time as someone else. A hot petite girl with short white hair, sky-blue eyes, wearing the local school uniform, peered at him. She didn't let go of the book. Yusuke had no intention of giving in—online orders were sold out, paid online readers were slow and clogged, and he came all this way. Twenty-minute crowded train ride.

"Let go please," she said, giving him a cutesy smile with a tiny laugh at the end. If that was supposed to be warming, Yusuke wasn't impressed.

"I clearly had this first," he said. "You can't just grab it afterward to make claims on it."

"Tssk—I had it first. Besides, what would you want with a book like this, pervert."

"It's a well-written book," Yusuke said. "The manga readers are the perverts."

"The light novels have plenty of pictures and really go into details about things," the girl continued. "But…I need to know if she answered the prince. Please let me get this."

"No freaking way," Yusuke said, pulling harder. He and the girl were the same age and probably looked like bickering children. Or idiots. The young man stepped back and on a small ball, losing his footing. Both he and the girl went down in a heap.

"Ugh," he groaned, hand resting on soft bliss. "Ah shit."

"Pervert! You molester, rapist—get off me. You'll set me off—just get off."

"I clearly didn't mean to fall on you," Yusuke said, standing, the girl too. "Some damn idiot left their ball on the floor."

They both still held the book.

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"Listen here, huma—pervert, if you don't want me to press charges for molestation, you'll let go."

"Nope," Yusuke said. "I'd easily win the case then sue the store for pain and damages. Maybe you too."

The girl glared then let out a sigh.

"I'll give you fifty bucks."

"No," Yusuke said. "But the same goes for you. Fifty if you let go."

"Never," she said. "I need this. Ugh, I can't even rip this thing from you without risking the book."

"You rip it from me? I'd like to see you try?" Yusuke said, giving her the delinquent stare. She didn't react. In fact, she gave him a blank stare, as if he were an idiot.

Fuck, that always worked on normal people, he thought.

"Let's flip a coin for it," the girl said.

"So you can cheat," Yusuke said. "Been there, done that."

"Okay, this isn't going to work, what's your name human—boy?"

"Boy? You're no older than me."



"I'm Ruri. Let's make a compromise. I'll let you read first, even pay for the book. Then when you're done, contact me."

"I don't live in the city," Yusuke said.

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"Neither do I, now let's trade numbers hu—Yusuke. I've got one more stop and don't have time to be lollygagging with the likes of you."

"One more stop after coming out here?" Yusuke said.

"Yep. In Lot City." Ruri smiled in reminiscence. "Going to an estate to surprise my childhood friend."

"Ah," Yusuke said after adding the girl's number. He made a mental note not to let Emi discover it. Not that they were dating, but just in case.

Ruri let go of the book and handed Yusuke the money.

"Don't cross my trust—I can sniff you out." She fixed him with one last glare then left, leaving the young man confused. He shrugged, adjusted his glasses, bubbling deep within with excitement. And if any goon showed up, he'd beat them up twice as hard to celebrate his victory. Still…that girl, something about her felt off. She looked as if she struggled with something within… Oh well, not his problem.

Clyde's house. Lot City, Satovia…

Limos and flashy entrances—this began the highlight of the dinner as an incredibly beautiful grey-haired woman walked in. Dressed in expensive clothing, she looked like a mature version of Chika, with a few differences. Unlike her daughter who preferred not to be flashy, the woman's presence demanded attention. Large breasts with fine necklaces daggling over cleavage promised to snatch the eyes of any man in the room. Well, there was a large ring on one of her fingers, which Clyde nicknamed the heartbreaker.

It would've been so… if he currently wasn't suffocating in her breasts. The first thing she asked was, "where is he?" when she entered the house. Her face lit up when she saw Clyde.

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"I can't believe my daughter was hiding such a man from me," she said. Then whispered, "if I weren't married, I'd show you how a real woman takes you to bed." Aloud, she continued with, "and this house, I so approve. Who are you—there's no talk about you in my circle. No way we'd miss something like this. And so modest too, not decorating your yard with hundreds of cars."

She jolted Clyde from side to side like an animal that caught its prey.

"Mom, okay, that's enough, could you please sit down and eat," Chika said.

"I'm not here to eat," She said, then whispered for Clyde's ear, "except…maybe you."

Chika managed to pull Clyde from the breast trap. He nearly fell over,—quickly wiping the nosebleed—gasping for breath.

"You're going to eat," Chika said then pointed at the chair. "Please?"

"We haven't made proper introductions yet," Chika's mother said then muttered lowly, "and believe me, I'd like to…get well acquainted."

Clyde's mind spun for a bit—what game was she playing…were these hints? Wasn't she one of the most powerful women in the city—even more so since Maki's family had been deposed, the Hades too.

"I'm Madrian Tanaka," she said. "I suppose the biggest surprise is that my daughter made so many friends. The family name gets in the way of everything, you see."

"Mom, please," Chika somehow got even redder.

The dinner went on with Madrian asking questions at a million miles per hour. Her daughter attempted to intercept as many as possible, but the young man still had to answer a few. When she asked Clyde to show her around, Chika tagged along. She gave Alice a glance that he couldn't exactly read but seemed to carry a message. Women could tell each other things with just a look and men, well, not so much unless it meant life or death or important things.

That didn't stop her mother from making suggestive comments under her breath where only Clyde could hear. The young man was taken aback, but hid it to the best of his abilities. Maybe this was a test? He wondered how long she would continue to let him pretend to not hear.

When the dinner finally reached its conclusion, Madrian ceased her daughter in a hug. Clyde and the others kept just enough distance to not be rude or ensnared.

Clyde was ensnared anyway—a minute-long sentence pertaining to suffocation and fluffiness. He didn't mind dying a happy man.

An hour after she left, the young man was ready to set up the power core, get barrier points going, then talk to Melody but Tear suddenly leapt from her spot on the recliner.

"That energy…no, it couldn't be," she muttered to herself. She closed her eyes for a bit and when they snapped open, a look of panic touched them but for only a second. "Alice."

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Alice was snuggled against Clyde on the loveseat.

"What? Can't you see I'm in my happy place?" she said.

"You won't believe who's snooping around at the Hades Estates."

Alice looked at her, eyes hard.


"Ruri," Tear replied.

"No," Alice said, her voice sounding close to defeat.

"She hasn't detected you yet, but it's only a matter of time," Tear said.

Natalia shook her head.

"I can't stand that perverted hellhound. And she'll definitely ra pe Clyde, right in front of you. Then—"

Melody had walked in the living room in time to hear, "Ruri." She groaned, apparently hating this person too.

"And if she summons her stupid hellhound friends—" Natalia said.

"Enough talking—finish the wards!" Tear barked. "It takes me nearly all of my power just to keep her from going for us. It's been six years, there's no telling how strong she's gotten now. If I can feel her all the way out here." She looked at Clyde. "Alice, stay by your life mate's side. You too Chika."

Chika eventually came out of her room, curious about all of the ruckus.

"Okay, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Clyde snapped, finally getting a word in. Alice held onto him tight for some reason.

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