Night at Clyde's house…

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"I'm not complaining," Clyde said, "but you almost toppled us over the edge." Melody was on her knees, face flushed, corner of her eyes glistening with held back tears.

"I'm so sorry," she said then babbled. "I have no idea what I'm doing—I saw it on TV once and Tear told me that men loved it when women surprised them."

"Well, you've got the surprised part right," Clyde said. "Anyway, you've been meaning to talk to me?"

Melody sagged.

"Maybe tomorrow…" She almost ran off but Clyde caught her.


"Tomorrow," she urged. Clyde released her. The trickster's pride got the better of her.

Saturday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

Clyde rolled to the side until his face met softness. He yawned, deciding to just wake up, but not without first snuggling into Alice's chest. She giggled then nibbled his ear. After the awkward fallout with Melody, he simply went back to his room and ended up making love to his life mate. She wanted it four times. It was a miracle the young man didn't get sore. Why did Ki only increase once per day?

[Soul is at 2. Command is at 2. Radiance is at 2.]

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"Let's fool around some more," Alice said. He could still feel her pride at the strength of the ward on the door. "You need your Ki-fill for today."

Clyde's mountain felt like it could be used to hammer nails. The half-demoness smirked.

"Fill me up," she said. "No more pulling out."

"I see someone's trying to get pregnant," Clyde said.

"Tear told me it feels really, really, good when you finish to the very end without any interruption."

"Guess I'll just buy condoms then, which I keep forgetting for some reason."

"No condoms."

Clyde entered her.

"Then I'll have to pull out." He began the gentle thrust, starting the love-dance. "Tear's going to end up filling you with weird ideas."

Alice rolled her eyes but whatever convincing face she tried to make went away at the sound of her moan. Clyde grinned evilly.

"What's that?" He moved faster, plowed harder.

"You—oh!" She dug her nails into his back. "I told you we're life mates. Besides."

She motioned for Clyde to lend her his ear. "I love you."

Clyde gasped—he knew, but hearing it, seemed to strengthen his own feelings. They gazed at each other for just a moment before the young man began the passionate kissing.

"I love you too," he said then chuckled. "Being honest with myself feels damned good."

Alice nearly squealed as she hugged him tightly.

"Say it again," she said. Clyde felt his face heat up.

"I love you, Alice."

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[Alice is now head-over-heels in love with you.]

[You have gained a life-mate barrier for 100% extra HP. Capturing a heart like this so fast has been noted by a someone of higher power. You now have good favor with Cupid, god of love. Don't worry, no one's watching your intimate moments as it is illegal and even impossible. Your own dietic shine blinds anyone who attempts to peek on you uninvited.]

[Remember, you must think of the possible benefits from multiple wives.]

He half-expected to wake up from a dream, but Alice's warmness, the love in her eyes, and the approaching climax was definitely real. Dumb luck occurred when they both released. He intended to kiss her face more and show out. The load landed on the half-demoness's stomach.

"I almost gave you a baby," he said with a relieved chuckle.

Alice simply hugged him tighter as they panted.

"I look forward to it one day," she said, her voice nearly a whisper. "Our cute little baby."

Clyde could not find any reason to ruin the mood with a joke. Alice's cute expression almost made him leap into action to deliver the ray of sunshine earlier than expected. He lightly brushed hair from her face and kissed soft lips.

Alice's face was flushed, kissing him back with more passion. The duo was about to go wild when a knock slashed through the mood like a knife through butter.

"Young master Clyde, Lady Alice, please stop going at it like rabbits and prepare for your meeting with the vampires," Yuki said. "Harumi will be over in less than a half-hour."

Clyde and Alice both stifled laughs as they hurried to handle morning activities.

"Damn— the water's a bit hot, what are you trying to do, boil me?" Clyde said as he joined Alice in the large bathtub. The bubbles smelled of roses. She moved into his lap.

"I've dealt with my fair share of vampires," Alice said. "The nobles can be just as prissy, arrogant, or plotting as demons. They're always plotting. And every girl will try to get you into bed, but I won't be leaving you alone for that. I don't need you becoming a dried-up prune—not especially after…" She squealed, ducked under the water for half a minute then emerged in a spectacular display that led to kissing the young man.

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Clyde melted in the moment.

As they wrapped the bathing up fifteen minutes later, the young man took the time to examine his stats only. He'd look at skills, inventory, and everything else later.

[Level: 65

Type: Main character/ Stone. Mystic.

HP: 100% (+110%)

MP: 100% (+30%)

Ki: 100%

Attack: 110 (+30)

Defense: 112 (+16)

Speed: 134

Luck: 124

Will: 132

Intellect: 136

Form: 1/1.

Special Defense: 116

Paranoia: <varies>

Charisma: 124

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Composure: 122

Evasion: 104

Reputation: level 3- you may be worth listening to.

Endurance: 144

Regeneration: 27.

Haggling: 14.


[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 1.]

[ Strength is at 1. Passion is at 1. Energy is at 1.]

[Soul is at 3. Command is at 3. Radiance is at 3.]

[Ki increased! Vitality is at 1. Speed is at 1. Aura is at 1.]

He'd come up with a guideline to see exactly where they applied, except for obvious things like Speed and Will. Will determined the activation of Heart protection whether on himself or someone else. It was also associated with his will and possibly ability to make decisions. He'd have to figure it the details as soon as possible.

Since there seemed to be no sign of a level cap whatsoever, Clyde had to assume his stats were terribly low.

Battle wasn't the only use for many of them and his numbers would matter to anyone who wasn't OP. He nodded to himself, making yet another silent vow to improve.

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