Chika read the long email from her father—he was too good to just use text messaging—and sagged. She wanted to scream, cry, and run away all at the same time. Why was she born in a rich family?

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She read and reread but the words remained the same—those terrible words. Akito and her father meeting up for dinner and marriage discussions. She was expected to be there, to "entertain" Akito and his interests. To see that his businesses expanded to unimaginable levels. He wanted to marry the man into the family.

Chika's frustration had hit the wall. No matter how many times she stood up to her father, he'd come back again with another demand. As if she'd walk because he said so or jump or fall.

She looked at the email again… The strength of the words, the threat to cut off her education funds… removing her from the family. And not even the words of Chika's mom, praising an approval of Clyde, helped.

Chika…didn't want to be a burden to Clyde. While their relationship was unclear, she knew she felt something very strong for him and no email of her father would get in the way of that. Something beyond just her endless lust. Something beyond her fun, the joy of just being around him. Something holding her heart.

Stupid Akito wanted to ruin that. He was a persistent man pretending to be a nice guy, winning her father over with "promise" and expansion of wealth, stocks, and stupid business things. Chika could do all of that in her sleep—she wasn't the top student of one of the most famous and difficult colleges in the world for nothing. Yet, she did not want to succeed her father. And if she did, there was no need to marry someone she didn't want.

A tear finally escaped. Those final words. Until she could make her own way, she'd either be at his mercy or a burden to Clyde.

Chika took a deep breath as the rage within her erupted. No man was going to tell HER what to do. No man would pave her way. No man would have their way with her (except for Clyde) but that was beside the point. She had her own connections too, even some of the overall shares. Fine. If her father wanted to be a snobby asshole, then two could play that game. She grinned. Pulling out her laptop, she dabbled into her father's networks. A private account she once made for simple savings would pull her out of this. She emailed several people who worked behind the scenes and gave them instructions. If her father wanted her gone, then so be it. She'd go, but not without a bang. Oh, did Chika love bangs.

As for money—well, she made plenty killing monsters with Clyde and the others. Until she could establish something even greater than her stupid father, she'd just do that.

Her father was going to be furious. Akito too, maybe even more so, but that creep will never get to touch her.

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She chuckled. Bringing down a CEO dickhead. Or two, since Akito took over for his family.

Chika knew this ordeal wouldn't end so easily, but she'd put up a fight before becoming someone's trophy.

Arcade, Satovia…


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[Quest completed. You have located the whereabouts of Kiko. Reward: a level gain for Ludacris! A level gain for charm. 50,000 EXP, $100,000, and a relationship link to Sazuki and Kiko. You must tell Sazuki everything with Harumi there or have Harumi confess it all. It is recommended to establish a relationship with Sazuki. She carries the gift inside her.]

Clyde continued to gape in confusion. Yuki rushed them to the meeting—he damn near choked on his breakfast—and this turned out to be the meeting place? The arcade. He was supposed to meet with the lower born, maybe even guards. He expected hardened men in suits, that would ignore his questions until dropping the party off to their leader or the next among the vampire hierarchy. He expected hard words then showing the bloodsuckers that he wasn't a pushover. Maybe implanting some fear into them. Violence, fights, plotting, a ploy of words, insults.

So, when Yuki took the party to an arcade, he started to feel rather confused, perhaps disappointed. They were introduced to Kiko and her Mistress, Nina, right then and there, no ceremony, no complicated pissing contests. Just like that.

And to add insult to injury, Nina was a ten-year-old kid (that was probably some ridiculous age) dressed in gothic-style clothing—black dress and umbrella, striped long socks, and the works. White-purple hair and red eyes seemed to top off her look.

Kiko looked slightly younger than her sister, Sazuki, with short black hair and the same grey eyes. Nina was currently playing arcade games while Kiko just stood in silence, cold stare on Harumi.

Harumi met that gaze, though smiling smugly for some reason. Clyde just wanted to know what the fuck…Then Kiko's ice deflated as dove into Harumi for a face-to-breast hug. Kiko's string of words shattered the tension even more.

"Oh, I've missed you so much and these—are you bigger? Do you have a man rubbing them for you? Nice and firm—I'm so jealous."

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Clyde stared at them with wonder. Didn't she attack Airi a year ago or so? She appeared to be a normal girl to him, slender and dressed in casual clothing.

The two hugged and talked for a moment before Nina cleared her throat. Clyde couldn't help but stare blankly at the loli.

"You," she pointed at Clyde. He waited, excepting insults and snobby talk and the works, "are invited to have a private dinner with me. You'll also get the honor of becoming my first husband."

"You see, I told you we should've brought Toru," Clyde said to Alice.

Alice glared at him.

"That was actually my idea. You're the one who—"

Nina cleared her throat.

"It's a joke. I think. Demonesses and their life mates—sheesh. Anyway." She unwrapped a lollipop and stuck it in her mouth. After a long half-minute suck that tested Clyde's patience, the brat spoke again. "Kiko is free to see her family whenever she wants, but unlike you, the ignorant, she is wise. The girl doesn't want to lose control and go all nom-nom on her loved ones. She needs at least another year under my training then she'll be fine. We don't require but a few sips or so of blood. Maybe a gulp every now and then, but our clan does not indulge. Can't say that about the others though." She walked over to Clyde. "Is there anything else you—"

"Kiko, no!"

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Harumi held back the girl from hovering too close to her neck. Nina clapped once which seemed to end whatever trance Kiko was in.

"I'm sorry Harumi," she bowed lowly, tears falling from her eyes. "This is what I've become. That's why I need my clan."

"You see," Nina said. "She's basically a babe. I suggest you inform her sister or keep it secret—I don't care." She started for the door but stopped in front of Yuki. "Old friend, I am happy to see that you are well."

"Likewise," Yuki said, nodding. Without another word, the loli vampire left, followed by Kiko.

"I didn't have to say or do anything," Clyde said. "And she rented out this entire arcade for the day, just to... Never mind. Who's up for playing some games before we go." Clyde turned to Harumi. "We've got some of the hard part done, but now, well, it's best just to meet with Sazuki today. Show off some powers and get her to believe. We'll come with you."

Harumi hugged Clyde.

"Thank you for coming with me," she said. "I'm not sure if I can face her after holding the secret for so long."

"She'll be more relieved to know that her sister is still alive," Clyde said. "Did you get Kiko's number? That was the real plan."

"Sure did," Harumi said, wiping away a tear.

"Good. We've got work to do."

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