House in Lot City…

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Late morning…

Yusuke slid a bookmark between two pages then closed his book. His annoying sister finally left. It took maybe fifteen minutes or so for the rest of his headache to fade away, but he got dressed then looked into the mirror. Something emerged behind him in the form of a girl with glowing purple eyes and hair as dark as midnight. The feeling of fear and ice jolted through his body. He didn't turn around to face her, not like an idiot this time. Her special despair effect made him out to be a coward for two weeks. The reaperess chuckled, perhaps giggled. He felt her arms wrap around him. She even grabbed his manhood.

"Yusuke," she said, voice nearly a whisper, "why do you continue to defy me? Make the pact with me and you will have unimaginable power. Yet…what is this? I sense another woman occupying your thoughts. One who is not of blood. One who is not human. Interesting. You have a thing for mutts and have no idea."

Yusuke gathered his courage—he knew the death goddess wasn't a joke. She used some kind of power that he could barely see before sending him into a realm of unimaginable pain. That wasn't as worse as the times she made him experience enough pleasure to break his mind—force him to always want more. And of course, the one time that they had sex. She started acting as his wife or something, despite having sapped his strength during the act. Possibly his life force.

Worst of all, he had no idea how to get rid of her. He asked a priest once, who couldn't see her—the fraud. After he left, the reaperess…Undine, made him experience raw pain for an hour. Of course, she threatened him, saying that if he ever brought in another "goof," she'd up the time for the pain, bring him all the way to the brink, change it to pleasure then do it all over again. Yusuke was trapped and had no way out.

"I told you, I'm not signing any deal with some devil," he said. "I don't care how many times you torture me."

"I need you to willingly sign it, Yusuke," she said, voice soft, a little above a whisper this time. "And you will. You will need my power and I will indulge in your spirit energy. If we work together—"

"Why do you not find someone else," Yusuke said, putting on his shoes.

"Compatibility is a very rare thing," Undine said. "And you are the first in twelve thousand years. Do not believe for a moment that I am letting you slip away. All you have to do is…" she massaged his manhood. "Accept me."

Yusuke took three breaths then bolted out the door, downstairs, through the living room with his trailing shout being,

"I'm off Dad."

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Then out the door, he went. He could sense the reaperess looking at him through the window. She couldn't leave the house…At least, he thought so. Soon, he'll be into the dorms and away from Undine for good. He hoped. She was the one who forced the Ninja powers down his throat. She stole his first kiss, virginity, and even pretended to be his wife on several occasions. Yusuke wasn't an idiot. That contract meant the end of his freedom, his life, maybe his soul. He thought about asking Clyde to check it out, to see if his Stone aura nonsense would actually do anything. But…he couldn't risk introducing them. What if he attracted her? To say patrols or fights would be awkward was an understatement.



Clyde felt something…It reminded him of how he first met Yuki, the feeling of her massive power vibrating his bones—except on an even bigger scale. When he turned to Alice to inquire about it, she was pale. That's when he knew. The crazy aura outside had to be this Ruri's calling card.

"Alice, who is this Ruri?"

Alice gave him pleading eyes. He fixed her with a stern look, though he considered giving in. The young woman had no idea just how cute she was. Accessing the power was very dangerous, especially since he went full deity, but if things came to that, he'd do it to protect her.

"Ruri is…a childhood friend…no, playmate, though she was more of a bully," Alice said. "Sort of got us sucked into her mischief, terrorized the boys—demon boys included—and us. Even now, I can't shake away the scars. One day, her parents sent her away—to everyone's relief. Hellhounds are cruel. And mature hellhounds rap e men." She gazed at Clyde with glistening pink eyes. "I may not do things the human way…at least I try not to be possessive but…if Ruri touches you, I'll kill her."

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The young man's mouth went agape for a bit. He weighed the options. Letting a monster girl rap e him in front of Alice would shatter his pride. That was if Ruri could somehow best him when he accessed the power. He was sure as shit not going to rely on it. It did weaken significantly against Nezerath Senior after the strain reached a certain degree. Until he gained the appropriate level, the young man would rely on it less. Psssh. If he grew angry, there was just no stopping it. He slightly winced as he remembered the full deity's pain after the strain. That transformation only lasted a minute.

"I know you don't want to see her, but I do intend to take you on a date," Clyde said, causing the half-demoness to blush. "We can't do that while running from some mutt."

"Mutt," Alice said, as if tasting the word then chuckled. "She hated being called that—it set Ruri more than anything. Well, that term angers any hellhound."

"If Toru were here, we could," he stopped, grinning at her glare. Even that was cute. He wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know that heads turned to her when she entered a room. Her first day to the academy said a lot. And she was his. "Fine. Let's just go find her and then you two can catch up." He held up a hand to forestall her. "I won't leave you with her. Just introduce me then forget I'm there."

"Clyde…you're handsome, perhaps eye candy," Alice said then smirked, a promise for later twinkling in those eyes. He looked forward to it. "She may attack. Hellhounds travel in packs—so even if she doesn't do anything, nothing will stop the others fr—"

"I only sense her," Clyde interjected. "No more delays—let's go face your old friend. Worst case scenario, she gets her ass whooped like the other monster girls."

Harumi stifled a laugh. Alice reluctantly stood but seeing her life mate's eyes brought strength to her. Yuki smiled, allowing a little of her purple aura to peek.

Hot springs inn…

Ruri watched one of her hellhound companions rip off the clothing of a man in one swift motion. Unlike her, Ruri's companions didn't go through the reform—they didn't value anyone but themselves. Trying to get a grown woman—an adult pack member to "do the right thing" was suicide.

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Ruri's mother was the most powerful of them all, the current Supreme Alpha, ruler of all packs. She forced her daughter through the reform as an experiment, something to kill boredom. She was also the only one who allowed her life mate free roam.

Many others expressed their concerns about that, but Ruri's father loved her and her mother. He was strong and kind and always took care of the family. The only man to propose to a hellhound and live to tell about it. Ruri sighed.

"Stupid reform," she said. "Because of that, I've become soft. But…Alice would be my friend now…I think. I tamed the urges as much as possible."

The hellhound was now mating with the man, very rough, and gleefully. He didn't seem to mind it—some naïve humans didn't. Not until they realized that they were chosen to be husband. No more old life for him.

The urges were right in the corner of her mind, wrapped in imaginary chains. Her parents called her a unique hellhound due to her features and a steel will. Her magic was strong—she could maintain a human appearance for a very long time—which included hiding her paws and tail, controlling her natural flame, and…the urges.

While most hellhounds had dark skin and hair, she did not. Some of the older women treated her like a child because of her mother's orders. Protect the princess.

Such nonsense—a hellhound needed no protection. They were the embodiment of strength.

Ruri glared at the others, violating men or claiming husbands. It was just not fair. She left the hot springs inn to stock off into the city, muttering to herself. A quick jump and the thought of food brightened her mood.

Abruptly, an active scent licked her nostrils. Alice. She was in the city. She had found her sweet Alice! Ruri squealed in excitement.


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Sazuki finished reviewing the last page of Maki's records then let out a weary breath. Finally finished. The dean wanted to prepare a defense against some detective's accusations. Just why her of all people? Why not have his lawyers handle this? Just because she was the student council president didn't mean she had no life outside of the school.

She dreaded the dean's personal meetings. Each time he got just a little more touchy-feely, even when she was in an icy mood. He often talked about her college education, her scholarship, and how he elevated to her place. In a way, he did help, maybe a lot. A degree from the academy meant access to virtually any career she wanted. Being the number two student sucked, but had its benefits. Chika Tanaka held the throne—a first-year student with more promise than her, a second-year. She dominated each month, each test with scores so high that Sazuki considered giving up on catching her.

She walked over to the window and peered down at the students three stories below. Everyone, coming and going as they pleased—even her fellow student council members.

Suddenly, a thick hand rested on her shoulder, followed by something hard pressing against her bottom. Sazuki nearly jumped out of her skin as she moved away. The dean gestured at her to sit.

"You," she said, ice and venom and lava stirring in her voice, "don't you ever do that again—I will—"

"You will what," the dean interrupted then gestured at her to sit. "Do not ever speak to your dean like that again or I'll expel you."

Sazuki felt her blood freeze. If she got expelled, her life would be ruined. She would be nothing. All of her hard work, her goals, her hopes…dismissible by this man.

"I didn't mean to scare you like that," he said. "You were staring out that window, leaving documents like this out in the open. Carelessness." Sazuki flinched. "You're lucky I came in here, girl, or you'd risk more than expulsion from me. Now, I'm going to give you the biggest job of all time. If you succeed, you'll get the detective out of my hair. I'm so sick of this Maki investigation—if her damn fan club acted on her own, it's on them. I will not dwell on the matter anymore." He rose and walked over to Sazuki. "If you complete this for me, I will have no reason to pester you anymore." He allowed that to soak in. Sazuki grew nervous with him looming over her.

"What…what's the job?" she said. He massaged her shoulders. "Follow and investigate this Clyde. Find out everything you can about him. Do this and I'll leave you alone. Your jobs will become minimum and you'll be able to leave with your fellow students. But if you fail to tell me anything about him, well, let's just say you and I will become really acquainted. We'll be working late nights. Of course, you can just quit—I'm not forcing you to do anything. A simple note on your records and you'll be handed back the life of an average academy student. Then I'll put that Tanaka girl in here at last—"

"I'll do it," Sazuki interjected, holding back rage. Who did this man think he was—making so many threats.

"Good," said the dean then he started for the exit. "If my secretary comes in, tell her that I got some emergency call from my wife."

Sazuki sagged in her chair, letting out the relieved breath. That man made her very uncomfortable, to say the least. Investigate Clyde. Who was that…wait. Harumi's friend. He already denied having anything to do with Maki—so why did the dean want her to…

Sazuki nodded to herself. No point of delaying the inevitable. She'd start investigating the next day.

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