"Are you shitting me?" Clyde said to Seth. "You were in a group with three girls and one person in a dark blue hood…" he sighed. "Oh, don't look at me as if I do drugs."

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"Clyde, there were only the three girls in my group," Seth said.

"Well, there are the seven wonders of the academy," Toru said. Clyde shot him a blank stare, his anime trope senses tingling. This cliché was a staple of some slice of life animes. "Among the seven, one of the most famous ones is the invisible girl or ghost girl for some. Some say they spotted her in the exact hood you described, others heard a disembodied voice."

Clyde rolled his eyes.

"We've got no time for fairy tales—let's go."

"Why was she in Seth's group?" Alice said.

Everyone looked at the blond young man. He shrugged.

"Probably random seating," Seth said. "Don't look at me, Clyde is the one who saw the hood."

"Maybe it's one of your brother's minions?" Clyde said. "Watching you, looking for the Omen's sphere."

"No, Julius clearly saw you absorb it, dude—just admit it," Seth said. "You witnessed one of the seven wonders."

"I don't think it's a wonder—you know the shit we've been through," Clyde said. "Everyone keep your guards up and if you see or even sense something off in the school, send a mass text or just get the hell out of there."

Everyone muttered their compliances. Kitome mumbled some curses.

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That evening, after studying, Clyde crafted using materials he found from the Ashfall mansion. He wondered if Tear, Yuki, and Natalia dug out something useful. They had full permission to dive deep into that place until it was selling time. He'd leave that to both Chika and Tear.

He nodded at the items he crafted. What he needed was to find some loot. When was the last time he got the pleasure of digging into a chest—an enemy's dropped loot box. Did this world contain anything else—caches, crates, or boxes that were treated as earnings? Clyde…was at a standstill. Without the demon lord producing enemies, his leveling slowed to a crawl. He received no new items. What if the Viper showed up? Without actively training, Clyde would get his ass handed to him on a platter then shoved down his throat.

[You have crafted a Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon.]

[You have crafted a Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare. A special hammer dedicated to magical blacksmithing. Find yourself a blacksmith and you'll make him or her very happy.]

[You have crafted a somewhat complicated item: Storage ring. Item class: rare. You can store basic attack spells in it. Nice work!]

[You have somehow crafted a somewhat complicated item: Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.]

[You have crafted a complicated item: Howler's Binding collar. Item class: Dark Rare. An evil item used to enslave any beast kin or beast-like enemy. The victim will be compelled to obey you, unable to remove the collar until you dissolve the hold. This does not require your soul signature, just a little magic.]

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Clyde shrugged and placed all of his new items in his inventory. He did his best not to react to the fucking blowup doll. Like, what the fuck? And how? And why in god's name would they watch an enemy use it. What enemy would use it? So many weird questions that he didn't want to answer. If anything, he could have Tear cast an illusion on it… Ugh, that would mean revealing that he made a blowup doll in his free time. How pissed will that make the women? Stomp their pride with plastic. Ha!

Clyde began to think about the loot again. While the Viper did who knows what, he remained in a single city like an obedient little pup. But what if he travelled this world, maybe take down the demon lords, meet new people and make discoveries. He could no longer stay in one place—no enemies were spawning. He'd grow weak. The experience would begin to dull. Well, it wouldn't dull. Not unless the women left. That was as likely as him hitting the lottery on Earth. A happy place—but not enough. Controlling true powers aside.

Clyde nodded to himself. It was time he finally started a journey. Switch from being gifted to adventurer. What about his friends…? They probably had lives they didn't want to give up. Dreams and goals. He couldn't just take that from them. The demon women would probably tag along. He'd ask everyone.

His reason was simple: slay every fucking demon lord out there. Thinking realistically didn't get him anywhere. The demon lord situation really couldn't be ignored, for the sake of the goddamn human race. The demons would **** and eat mankind alive if left unchecked.

Maybe Clyde could spread his influence across the world. Let people know that the Stone will get them back their livelihoods. Their nightlife. Gone will be the day humans have to be extra wary about stepping outside.

A noble thought, but he wasn't a goddamn hero. Nevertheless…it was a better idea than nothing.

[World Objective- Slay the demon lords! You have decided to go on the move, excellent. Took you long enough, desu. Your counterpart has started that some time ago. Defeating a demon lord will prevent the Viper from gaining influence on that city.]

Clyde stiffened. Something that directly affected the Viper? He continued reading, eyes intense.

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[World Objectives are more important than quests—even more important than main story quests. They focus exclusively toward the endgame. World Objectives are rarer than quests, but if one spawn, consider dropping all current tasks to complete it. They typically spawn one at a time.]

[Current World Objective- Slay the demon lords: 2/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.]

Clyde made his decision, firmly this time. He also decided that instead of getting Natalia to teach him to enchant, he'd delegate that job to her. He could see her whining face now.

Preparations for this journey would begin the next day. Then by the end of the week, off they went. Or off he went. It didn't matter.

First thing's first, they'd take care of any threat of Lot City. The vampires. That meant a possible raid on wherever they lived.

Clyde sent out a mass text calling his party to meet with him immediately. It was almost eight. Their usual combat time anyway.

He'd reveal it all—his intentions, plans, and open up for a forum.

As everyone stirred—he could hear them muttering or getting ready in their rooms, Clyde received a text from Toru.

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Toru: there are strange monsters marching in the city. Mosquito girls from the looks of it and they're raping men while sucking blood. And no, I'm not being raped right now, I'm hiding in a store. It's a fucking mess out here dude. Get to thirtieth street asap!

Harumi: wow… you really are a monster girl charm, Toru.

Toru: hey, what can I say. Hurry.

Clyde: ….

[Quest: Meet Toru on Thirtieth street. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

Mosquito girls? What the fuck? Clyde hated the pesky insects. Now they're combined with… He shook his head. The logic of this world shouldn't surprise him anymore.

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