Approaching Thirtieth street….

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Clyde gave a skeptical frown as his eyes darted side to side. His party was on guard, but no one seemed to have heard the sound. His mood already sucked. Not everyone showed up: Yuki wanted to keep an eye on Maki, an annoying excuse. Tear, Melody, and Natalia were at the palace. Yusuke went to bed early after a long shift. Sheesh—what a nice way to flip off the team lead.


Clyde flinched—now the noise was starting to get annoying.

Bzzt, bzzzt.

The young man trembled with rage.

"Oka—" his words cut off when he saw the girl standing next to him. She looked at him with innocent purple eyes. Dressed in a green shirt and designer-skirt combo, she was a little shorter than Alice. Black hair split into twin tails, with what appeared to be two strange leaf-like pinkish antennas sticking of her head…And a large tail that vaguely reminded him of a mosquito's abdomen.

"So, let me ask you something," the mosquito girl said, halting the entire party. "How do you like your blood? A little on the salty side or irony?" She took a deep whiff and then made a pleasurable noise to indicate her love for the scent. "I could use a husband but…there's a man hiding in one of these stores—we chased him for about half an hour. His spirit energy is alluring, like delicious nectar. If you help me, I won't signal them." She pointed up and everyone's mouths dropped. There had to be at least one hundred mosquitos in the air, circling, looking right at them. No…those eyes were scoping he and Seth.

Suddenly, she chomped into Clyde's arm. Or at least tried to, but a backhand from Alice sent the pest flying more than ten meters.

"Ah shit, run!" Clyde yelled. The mosquito girls descended by twos. A few of them checked on their friend. Some of them didn't have clothes, laughing wildly, yelling sexual taunts.

[Harumi activated Tier 1 skill: Kitsune's Thunderstorm.]

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[Your party has entered a death sentence!]

Lightning bolts showered in all directions, but the monster girls somehow dodged them. They blurred around in circles.

"It's her, it's her, it's her," several of them song. "She's going to be his bedwarmer."

"Oh, I want to watch, watch, watch, do, watch."

Harumi's face turned blue then red with indignation.

[Harumi activated Tier 1 skill: Kitsune's Thunderstorm.]

"What a fast cooldown," Clyde said.

"I can use it twice before the cooldown," Harumi said.

"I've got your back," Alice said, raising a hand. Everyone else stopped running to fight, but Clyde didn't want to remain in the area longer than necessary.

"There's just too many," he snapped. "Keep moving. Run and gun."

"Shit, can we get away from all of them?" Chika said. "I can only get my knife in so many throats."

[Alice activated Special tier skill: Lightning Storm Annihilation.]

That seemed to do the trick, as MANY were struck, but others still dodged. Clyde analyzed one that fell yards from him.


Mosquito vamp girl- Ie-Ie

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Level: 83

Type: Monster

Work under: Lot City Vampire Clan

Special: Blood drain rap e [not very effective against female foes. Chance to stun at 95% Will take a small amount of blood, but the rap e will restore health. The longer it goes on, the more health restored.]

Weakness: Fire, smoke, holy, purity, angel, radiance.

Resistances: dark, devil, demon, physical.

Secret: likes to give her victims lap dances before draining their blood.


"Seth, start unloading your fire," Clyde said. "Now!"

"Yep, yep!" Seth said.

[Seth activated Honing fire wave.]

That made some of the cloud fly back in the air, but none were hit.

"Stupid fire man," one of them shouted. "Yucky, yucky, fire." She stuck her tongue out at Seth.

As they reached Thirtieth street, they found Toru bursting from a store at a dead sprint, chased by three giggling mosquito girls. One tackled him, another stripped, and he, of course, got mounted, starting the rodeo.

"Goddammit Toru," Seth said, "At least enjoy—I mean, not get caught long enough for us to arrive."

[Yui-Yui used Blood drain rap e.]

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Clyde noticed in horror that her tail sack slowly expanded, indicating its filling of blood. He took aim.

[You activated Spiritual fire.]

The monster girl, engrossed in her glee, didn't even try to dodge. Neither did her friends, watching and cheering, begging to join.

[Seth activated fireball.]

Seth launched two of them, nailing both of his targets. They didn't budge from the attacks, but turned their attention to the party.

"Ooh, look, more men! We don't have to wait."

Abruptly, the mosquito girls simultaneous gasped. They ran into a cluster fuck pile, which confused the hell out of Clyde. Eventually, the monster girls formed ranks, like a military unit. One particular girl with blonde hair instead of black like the others, stood in front, barking orders at them.

[You've gained a Wanted Rep with the Lot City Vampire Clan. Current Wanted level: 5/5. They will kill you.]

"Just…what the hell is going on?" Clyde said.

"Dude, I have no fucking idea," Seth said.

"Toru, get ahold of yourself," Kitome said, voice snappy.

Harumi bathed him in healing magic as the noble dressed.

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"Are you okay?" Chika said.

Toru dusted himself off.

"I will never get vampire fans. Anyway, what the hell's going on now?"

"They're organizing," Alice said. "Easy meat."

"Prepare to give it all you've got," Clyde said.

Someone appeared from nothingness—maybe he Jumped. A young man with white hair and red eyes said a few words to the blonde mosquito girl. He was dressed in unbuttoned shirt and slacks. Something about him gave off an aristocrat vibe. Like Toru in a way.

"Yes sir, Master Alucard, sir!" the mosquito leader yelled, saluting the white-haired young man. Then he turned to Clyde and his party.

"Ah yes, there she is, the girl Hisa described," Alucard said, licking his lips. "And the man she's attached to. Easiest way to turn a new servant is to break the mind first. Kill the attachment."

Everyone gave him skeptical looks, getting in their fighting stances, but the vampire moved in a blur. A blur that was actually a flash step.

"Clyde, look out!" Chika yelled.

What happened next seemed to slow down time in the young man's head—yet it all happened so fast. Chika shoved him out of the way…and a hand plunged right through her stomach. Even Alucard stared in surprise.

The silver-haired girl hit the ground, unmoving, a puddle of blood forming around her. Tears fell from her widened eyes as she stared a thousand yards away.

[Alucard used Iron Reaper Soul Hand.]

[Super-Critical! Chika's HP has dropped to 0.1%]

[Chika has been inflicted with dark blight.]

[Chika is dying…]

[Chika is fading…]

There was silence…

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