[System crashed.]

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[System crashed.]

[System changed.]

"I'm so sorry…"

He held Chika in his arms, allowing some tears to slip. He fucked up and as a result, got his friend killed. He…no…she couldn't be gone. No… not her. She didn't deserve to die and not like this. She died protecting him…No, she cannot die. No. She cannot die. She cannot die, not like this. She didn't deserve it.

He really did love her. He loved her as much as Alice and she died before he realized it. The reality of this struck the young man.

There will be blood.

There will be pain.

There will be blood.

She didn't go in vain…

She can't go…

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She can't leave…

The world began to shake, and it wept, for what approached should not be. Time and space seemed to stop, combing with the one who involuntary summoned it. Cracks of white and gold ripped through the sky as if matter itself was being torn apart. Winds and energy and essence stormed in a rage. Bloody lightning struck in random places.

Black and red and gold light covered the area briefly, nearly blinding the witnesses as it contracted like a heartbeat, settling to surround the Stone.

The changes happened quickly, but seemed to flow on, at its pace, one with time itself.

The need for sorrow was stashed away, flowing in to replace it with a fury so intense, volcanoes seemed like tamed puddles.

Wings, larger than an angel's, burst from his back, gold with red aura, shredding his shirt into nothingness. Mist oozed from Clyde's mouth, flowing into Chika. Flowing everywhere. His eyes shifted to a glowing gold and red. A brilliant halo of gold and silver hovered just a few inches above his head. Glowing symbols, bright as the sun, words of an unknown language, appeared on his back and chest like tattoos made of the cosmos.

Night became day, with no sun. Thousands upon thousands of glowing spears of light rose from the ground to hover in the air. The lights formed into swords. Then Clyde spoke in a voice that boomed across the universes, shaking the planets, yet there was no force in that voice. No emotion.

"Blood for blood, your soul shall be mine to claim."

He gently sat his sleeping friend on the ground. Unaware of Alice and Harumi's intense healing magic even for a hopeless cause, the god walked at an unhurried pace toward Alucard.

[Unknown form…]

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"Kill him!" Alucard yelled, voice shaking, full of uncertainty. None of the monster girls moved.

[Unstoppable pressure. You have inflicted *bloodstained utter terror* upon the mosquito girls.]

[Unstoppable pressure.]

[Your enemies do not have the power to damage you.]

[Unstoppable pressure.]

"Kill him you idiots!" Alucard yelled as he rapidly backed away.

"Kneel," Clyde said softly. An invisible force seemingly smashed the vampire to his knees.

"KILL HIM!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, but the monster girls instead whimpered, all trembling, rethinking their lives. "I will not die like this!"

"It is wise that you understand, that you will die," the god said.

[Enemy magic negated upon your presence.]

[Unstoppable pressure.]

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Alucard rushed Clyde. Or at least he tried to, but found himself unable to move. The god grabbed one of the strands of sword-shaped lights.

"First, let me return the favor," Clyde said. He simply appeared in front of the vampire, without even giving the slightest hint of teleporting. He stopped his punch short of his face, knowing that the skull would be sent over thirty thousand years back into time. Literally. No easy death would be given to this ant.

Instead, the god shoved his hand through Alucard's stomach, grabbing his heart, but he didn't let him die yet. The vampire screamed, agony bubbling through him, blood pouring from his mouth. "Oh, what was that? You do not like the feeling of my hand squeezing your organs?"

Alucard gurgled, but Clyde blocked his death. "Before I take your soul, let me tell you this. I will be killing your clan. Every last one of them, now. First, you attacked this city for nothing and then sealing the deal was your biggest mistake. Any last words? Oh wait, let me pull my hand from your heart."

Clyde crushed it to goo. With the sword, he lopped off Alucard's head then kicked it in front of the monster girls. They screamed and tried to take off, but it was too late. The sword-shaped lights sprung toward them. Blood rained, screams cried, mercy was refused.

The god addressed his terrified friends without turning to look at them.

"Fear not."

As the swords slaughtered, the place lit up as briefly purple flames sprung into existence. Even Alucard's flame engulfed his body, but the soul…well, the god sent it to a place of the worst torment imaginable.

Clyde stretched his wings and suddenly launched into the air. All of his friends watched in wonder and fear as he took off.


Alice poured everything she had into healing. Harumi was at the half-demoness's side, attempting to stabilize Chika. She just couldn't die—not like this. So much had happened in less than a minute, spiraling her head into a realm of wonder. Her life mate felt…different, vast, impossible. He wasn't the only one changing.

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Harumi's aura warped, though she desperately held it back to focus on healing. Tears fell from her eyes. Alice held onto a brave face, but inside, she felt pain. Chika was like a sister to her. She…didn't want to lose her. Not ever. Not like this.

[Chika's HP: 0.1%]

[Chika fades…]

Again, and again, Alice tried to heal. Yet, nothing. Nothing changed… Chika was gone. She was really gone.

Tears finally did stream from the half-demoness's eyes, rivers of sorrow, endless.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Toru said, his voice holding calm panic. "Will the hospi…" His words cut off as he seemed to compose himself, wiping tears of his own away. He appeared to have known Chika longer than both Alice and her life mate.

Her life mate…. would never be himself again. Maybe he'd get over it—this world would force him to do so, but she'd feel his mourning. They both would.

Harumi abruptly stopped, magic gone, and laid her head on top of Chika's chest to let out a cry. And there she wept. They wept. Seth stared at down, cursing and muttering, wishing that he took the attack instead.

Alice felt hopeless, useless. Something was wrong with her life mate, her human sister passed…and she could do nothing. She let out a loud cry for the first time in her life, a cry for both herself and her life mate.

Then… arms pulled Alice into an embrace. Holding the half-demoness…was her mother.

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